Peninsula Enterprise, May 8, 1886
Sea -- Fish factories
The firm of Powell, Morse & Co., hereafter will be known as the "American Fish Guano Co." The notice of dissolution which appears in this issue, means only a change of name. The business continues under same management as heretofore.
Moral -- Alcohol
The voters of Pungoteague, Metompkin and Atlantic decide the question of "license or no license" at the polls next Saturday, 15th inst.
Moral -- Alcohol
A grand temperance mass-meeting will be held on Turlington's camp ground in the afternoon of to-day. Mr. Dutton from Portsmouth and other speakers from abroad are expected.
Infrastructure -- Public - Government : Postal service
Contracts for carrying the mails in Accomack have been awarded as follows: Onancock to Chesconnessex, twice a week, V. Borcing, $67; Belle Haven to Shield's Wharf, twice a week, ______, $44; Horntown by Greenbackville to Franklin City, six times a week E. S. Petit, $192; Horntown to New Church, twelve times a week, W. S. Holland, $197; Temperanceville by Atlantic to Wattsville, six times a week, John C. Coard, $145.
Moral -- Alcohol
The decision of Judge Garrison, in the test case made up, to try the rights of parties who had licensed to sell liquor for the ensuing year in Lee District before the election was held in said district and which was carried for no license, was rendered yesterday. The only question which entered into the opinion of his Honor, was whether the licenses granted were contracts, which the commonwealth had made with them. In his opinion, they were not contracts but were police regulations and subject therefore, to be annulled at the pleasure of the State, through its proper authorities. Decisions of the State and United States Courts were read which sustained fully his views. Licenses granted at this term of Court were revoked and orders entered for the return of the money to those, who had obtained them.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Commercial constructionMoral -- Alcohol
Belle Haven.
Mr. A. J. Ward is building an addition to his storehouse and Mr. G. L. Doughty the handsomest portico in our town.
Local option is all the talk now and our people seem to be divided as to the wisdom of the movement. Since Jacob & Doughty closed they seem to have become too "dry" to discuss the matter so much as formerly.
Transportation -- Railroad - Stations and sidingsTransportation -- Water - WrecksForests -- Forest products - BarrelsTransportation -- Railroad - Freight
The fine location of this station is beginning to attract the attention of the traveling public. Tickets sales on last Monday amounted to $27.
Another mail pouch from the steamer Oregon came ashore on Parramore's Beach last week and was forwarded from this place to the postmaster at New York. Some of the letters were in good condition, and marked "per Oregon via Queenstown". Capt. Rich reports that the pouch was found and broken open by two oyster men, who tried to escape with it, but after a chase of two miles dropped it.
McMath Bro. & Co., have just received a car of berry crates and baskets, which they are selling at factory prices.
Transportation -- Water - WrecksProfessionals -- BuildersInfrastructure -- Public - Government : TownSea -- Finfish - Catch : Trout
A portion of a vessel's house, with other wreckage, lately drifted ashore on Cedar Island, supposed to be portions of the Italian baroque wrecked on Winter Quarter Shoals. Capt. W. J. Stiles recently picked up a life preserver bearing the ill-fated Oregon's name, and evidently the property of that steamer. Another mail bag has been reported at sea near Hog Island.
Capt. A. B. LeCato, of the sloop Luce on a late down trip from New York, reports the body of a female floating at sea near N. E. light ship. She was dressed in a dark suit and wore button boots. A strong wind and high sea prevented an effort to secure the body.
The new town hall is nearing completion, under contract with Mr. Levin Hopkins, builder.
Fine trout are captured daily in spite of the late easterly weather and full tides. Our Isaak Walton of the village, Capt. Mason, is consequently happy, and it is needless to say is generally wet.
Northampton County.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estate
Transfers of real estate for April, 1886:
H. Bayly Stewart to J. R. Warrington, 20 acres of land on Nassawadox creek; $300.
Joseph Pearson & ux. to Severn W. Sterling, 4 acres near Wardtown; $175.
Thos. P. and E. W. Custis & ux. & al. to Gordon B. Jones, 3 1-2 acres at Eastville station, $450.
Sally A Fisher's executors to P. Bernard Tankard, 187 acres at Franktown; $3,800.
Horace Francis to Belford Francis near Franktown, 10 acres; $200.
Wm. L. Scott & ux. to J. J. Bunting, lot No. 637 in Cape Charles City; $320.
Robert J. Hallett to Nathan Mears, 13 acres near Capeville; $650.
George T. Roberts & ux to Albert G. Cobb, 85 acres near Cheriton station; $1,500.
John W. Tankard to Comfort Brickhouse, 6 4-10 acres near Exmore station; $189.40.
George T. Taylor & ux. to Benjamin Trower, one acre near Capeville, $30.
Victory of Prohibitionists in Lee District.
Moral -- AlcoholAfrican-Americans -- Race relations
At the election in the District of Lee on last Saturday, the prohibitionists or no license party were the victors by an overwhelming majority, carrying every precinct. Onancock gave 159 votes for license, 340 against; Accomac C. H., 242 votes for license, 266 against; Tangier Island 1 vote for license, 92 against. The total vote was 1,100, with a majority against license of 296. Contrary to general expectation the colored vote was nearly equally divided. The election passed off quietly. At an early hour the license advocates saw that they were the leaders of a "forlorn hope" and virtually surrendered. During the canvass popular excitement ran high, but now all is quiet along the line. Most of the venders of the "ardent" in the district obtained license on the day prior to the election and now await the result of a test case pending before Judge Garrison, which will decide whether or not they can dispense the liquids during another year.
Court Notes.
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcementProfessionals -- DoctorsInfrastructure -- Public - Government : Taxation
The petition of the Attorney for the Commonwealth in the matter of the forfeiture of the schooner "Martha E. Freeman," belonging to Noah E. Sterling of Crisfield, Md., captured when Gilbert Cottman, et als., were arrested for illegal dredging in Tangier sound, March 9th 1886, was argued and decided by the court at this term. The court holding that the vessel being used at time of seizure in dredging for oysters in the waters of this Commonwealth, was forfeited and an order was entered for her sale at public auction.
The treasurer of Accomac county handed to the court for verification, under Act of Assembly known as coupon killer No. 1, coupons tendered by Dr. John J. Wise, in payment of his license as a physician.
Competing With Coast Lines.
Transportation -- Railroad - CorporateTransportation -- Railroad - FreightTransportation -- Railroad - Steamboats
A Philadelphia dispatch says: "The failure of the New York, Philadelphia and Norfolk Railroad Company to make satisfactory traffic arrangements for the Southern coast line trade with the lines centering at Norfolk has led it to adopt new measures to increase its business. A contract will be immediately let for three new steamers for the Pimlico sound and Southern coast trade. These will run in opposition to the coast lines now carrying freight to Baltimore. The freight agent of the road reports that an average of 60 through cars per day are being sent over the line, which number will be greatly increased as soon as the small fruit season opens. The company is constantly stretching out, and apparently will not be satisfied until it controls a through line to the Gulf."
Transportation -- Railroad - Rates and faresFarmers -- Farmers' organizations
MR. EDITOR. -- The use of your columns is again asked, to suggest a matter of vital importance to our farming interests. The purpose of the present article is to propose a plan, by which the agricultural interests of the Eastern Shore may become better known to the officials of our railroad -- that they, in other words may be thrown into such relationship with each other, as to understand each other better and to agree upon such plans as will be of mutual benefit to all concerned. Mr. Dunne, the superintendent of our road and Mr. Cooke its general passenger and freight agent are known to very few of our people and as through them better facilities for freighting our products and of travel are to be secured and through them our wrongs are to be righted, would not a sound policy dictate, that we know them better. The plan, therefore, I would suggest would be to select from the neighborhood of each station on the line of the road representative men, to meet Messrs. Dunne and Cooke and such other officials as these gentlemen may suggest, to have an interchange of ideas, as to all matters of common interest between shipper and carrier. With such an object in view I venture to carry my suggestions so far, as to name at stations, within the range of my acquaintance, the following as proper persons to represent us in such meeting: Exmore -- Wm. J. Mapp, A. J. Ward, James K. Savage; Mappsburg -- Wm. C. Mapp, Geo. A. Edmonds and Wm. E. Jacob; Keller -- Wm. T. Mears, Wm. T. Kilmon and Wm. P. Beach; Melfa -- Thos. L. Trower, Jas. N. Turlington and John E. Harmon; Onley -- Joseph G. Belote, John E. Ames and Thomas C. Kellam. At other points on the road representative men like these should be chosen also and the aid in the matter of Dr. John E. Mapp and Hon. T. T. Wescott, both because of a broader acquaintance with our people and as leaders in our Agricultural Fair, is invoked. The place of meeting and other preliminaries as may be necessary, I would suggest be placed in the hands of the committee named.
The time for sending our products to market is now near at hand and should we not, therefore, at the beginning of the season have such a meeting, that an intelligent understanding may be had with Mr. Cooke as to rates on our varied products, we expect to send by railroad? The rates last year on sweet potatoes to New York was 40 cents per barrel and 60 cents to Boston and other eastern ports, and it is probable that in view of the low prices of last year and the present prospect of low prices this year, a small reduction in the rates could be secured, and thereby many dollars saved to our people. Another matter of importance too, to our people is the time of the arrival of perishable crops in market and in case of said meeting the matter should enter largely into their deliberations. Again, too, at said meeting the people through their delegates could present their grievances over last year's transactions of the railroad, such as the loss of empties, improper and careless handling of trucks &c. These and many other matters could be considered which do not suggest themselves, which while they would redound to the benefit of our people would be of advantage to the railroad authorities also. They are willing, I feel sure to meet us in a proper spirit and to make every concession that we should require of them, but without that meeting we must continue to misunderstand each other to our detriment. By all means let the meeting be held.
Moral -- Alcohol
MR. EDITOR. -- I beg a small space in your columns to say a few words to those who favor as I do the local option movement. I am informed that a combination has been made by the "wets" or whiskey men not to patronize another merchant and myself, who are members of the local option committee. We have not only been informed but the fruits of that combination are being already felt in our business. I appeal therefore to our brothers and sisters who favor local option, if they would have us shut our mouths as some of the merchants have done and if we are to be boycotted by the whiskey men, if you should not patronize us who have given our support to the best cause, which has been presented to our people in my memory, rather than to the merchants who have been afraid to express their views? The ladies cannot vote but they can make their influence felt in helping to "uphold the hands" of those who have given to the local option movement their earnest support. So far as I am concerned I have no regrets for the steps which I have taken in the matter, though I and my children should be sent to the almshouse for supporting the temperance cause, but in a matter of so much importance to you and your children, if we are to be boycotted by those who oppose local option have we not the right to expect the encouragement of those who favor it? I leave the matter with you.
Muddy Creek, Va., May 4, '86.
Moral -- Alcohol
MR. EDITOR. -- Allow me to congratulate you for the disinterested course pursued by your paper in the recent local option campaign. While your columns were open alike to both sides, you refrained from any utterance that could be construed into partiality to either. No editorial appeared in your paper that seemed to make an unkind thrust at anybody or class of men because of their interest in this subject -- no cunning criticism of a cause so dear to the hearts of the great body of our best citizens -- no adroit espousal of the cause of the one party to the detriment of the other. You have won the hearts of our people by allowing fair play to both parties. Long may you wave!
Farmers -- Tenancy
FOR RENT FOR YEAR 1887 -- Several farms, different sizes, convenient to railroad station or steamboat wharf, and having abundance of manure and good buildings.
Upshur B. Quinby.
February 17, 1886.
Fields -- Livestock - Horses
NOTICE -- I intend making my usual trip soon thro' Accomac and Northampton counties for the purpose of handling colts. Anyone desiring my service can see me at Drummondtown April court-day or if I am not there they can leave their order with Mr. Fred. Waddy.
S. J. Betts.