Peninsula Enterprise, December 25, 1886
Infrastructure -- Public : Churches
The new Methodist Episcopal Church near Pittsville, this county, will be formally opened for religious services, Sabbath, January 2nd, 1887. Preaching at 10 a. m., 2:30 p. m. and at 7 o'clock at night. Rev. C. A. Grice will preach the opening sermon. Other ministers have been invited, and it is expected that the services will be continued during the following week.
Sea -- WreckingTourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - Hunting : Waterfowl and shorebirdTransportation -- Railroad - FreightSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideTransportation -- Water - Boat buildingInfrastructure -- Public - Government : Lighthouse serviceInfrastructure -- Public : ChurchesMigrationMoral -- Alcohol
The schooner C. E. Babbitt, which has the owner's name, now in our port, will soon be ready again for service. -- She is by far the largest, handsomest and most valuable vessel ever seen in our waters, and speaks volumes of praise for the enterprise and pluck of her owner. She was stranded on our shores some months ago and shortly after was buried in 14 feet of sand. In that condition Capt. Babbitt purchased her and at an expense of $5,000 has restored her to the splendid boat she once was, and is worth three times the money she has cost him. She is 93 feet long on deck, 24 feet beam, and 11 feet depth of hole.
Wild fowl are plentiful with us. On Tuesday, Mr. D. Fluharty of Baltimore, in four hours bagged 84 red heads and black ducks.
From 500 to 600 barrels of oysters were shipped from here on Monday by steamer Widgeon -- the largest shipment made from here in one day in many years, if not ever before.
A steam yacht now being built a few miles above this place for New York sportsmen, is nearly completed and is expected shortly in our port.
Rigging, cabin furniture, &c., of the schooner Mary A. Bartle, was sold in front of Atlantic, on 15th inst., for $383.38 -- and of schooner Vanoverd (wrecked on Metompkin beach,) on 18th inst., for $240.88.
The sound of the bell at Killick Shoals was not improved by the "tinkering" it received at the hands of the U. S. Engineer who was here recently to inspect and remedy its defects.
The Baptist Church, which has been closed for repairs for several weeks will be re-opened during Christmas. It has been papered, painted and enlarged by change in vestibule. It is now one of the neatest and handsomest churches on Eastern Shore.
Capt. M. B. Lawrence of the ship-wrecked schooner Bartle, has concluded to locate here and engage in business. -- He proposes to repair his misfortunes on the high seas, it is said, by selling fancy cigars and tobacco -- which being interpreted by some to mean "old red eye," has created quite a commotion among the local option brethren.
Infrastructure -- Public : Churches
Were received in the M. P. Church, at this place, on last Sunday, two persons as members on probation and twenty-three persons were at the same time received as full members. The ordinance of baptism, was administered to the probationary members prior to their admission in the church to full membership.
Infrastructure -- Public : ChurchesInfrastructure -- Public - Government : Postal serviceTransportation -- Road - OtherTourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - Dogs
New Church.
Steps are being taken for the removal of the Baptist church, a mile distant to our town -- at least the matter is being agitated and is meeting with favorable consideration.
A site has been secured here by Rev. A. D. Davis for a new M. E. Church. It is to be erected early next year and will be one of the largest and handsomest church edifices on the Eastern Shore.
Mr. L. F. Marshall, proprietor of the Marshall hotel, is now the contractor for conveying the mail from Horntown to Franklin City. He runs in connection therewith a stage with ample passenger accommodations. Fare from New Church to Franklin, over the route is only 75 cents.
A Mr. Martin, of Wilmington, Del., now stopping at our station, has 15 dogs which are being "trained" by him and will be for sale when their education is completed. One of them cost him $300 and presume he will soon have all the dog knowledge necessary, to secure a diploma. Lovers of dogs among our local sports, of course, will bid lively for the ownership of so valuable a "purp."
Farmers -- Farmers' organizations
MR. EDITOR -- In your issue of December the 18th, there is a communication from Lee Trucker on trucking and fruit growing. The writer starts out by asserting that "as trucking and fruit growing are destined to be the great interests of Accomac in the future, a combination of those engaged in these pursuits is necessary to secure the best advantages as to freight, &c." Now it is the opinion of the present writer, that if the low prices that we have received the past season for our trucks, and the high prices we have had to pay for getting our produce to market are to be continued, it will not be the principal business of the county for the future. For it is very evident that our crops have been marketed this season at a loss. A great many of our potatoes have not more than paid for the digging and delivering. I agree with the writer that it is necessary that the farmers should unite and organize for their protection and I would suggest that every farmer who feels an interest in the matter should in their social and business intercourse within the next two weeks, talk this matter over and prepare the minds of the farmers generally for the effort that it is necessary that we should make to protect our interests. I also would suggest that each district have its local organization, as it is impossible to get the whole county together, and we could call a general meeting of the whole county at a proper time to act in concert.
The New York, Philadelphia and Norfolk Railroad Co.
Transportation -- Railroad - Corporate
The annual meeting of the stockholders of this company will be held at the office of the company in Drummondtown, Accomac county, Virginia, on Monday, the 17th day of January, 1887, at ten o'clock. a. m.