Peninsula Enterprise, May 15, 1886
Transportation -- Water - Freight
The steamer Maggie of the Eastern Shore Steamboat Company will be placed on the line between Baltimore and Onancock, next Monday, and the freight and passenger facilities between the two points be thereby doubled.
Transportation -- Railroad - Barges and floats
A new barge for the New York, Philadelphia and Norfolk Railroad Company, barge No. 41 arrived in Norfolk this week.
Moral -- Firearms
Mr. Wm. H. Matthews of Parksley station, shot at a crow last Tuesday -- the gun "kicked" him and broke his collar bone.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - General Stores
Mears, James & Mears, have recently remodeled their storehouse near Savageville, with the view of better meeting the demands of their increasing trade, and have it now stocked with a full line of dry goods, notions, groceries &c., just received from the city. Their customers can now find there anything usually kept in a first-class country store, and at prices which will compare favorably with any in the county. You are respectfully invited to call and examine their stock.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Other
President Cleveland was the guest of Hon. W. L. Scott, on his stock farm at Cape Charles City, last Sunday. He returned to Washington on Monday.
Moral -- AlcoholFields -- Crops - Sweet potatoes : Seed and slips
Capt. Dutton, of Portsmouth, delivered a temperance lecture at Oak Grove church on 9th inst., and organized a lodge of Good Templars with more than forty members.
Potato sprouts are being put out by thousands, by our farmers. Mr. E. T. Downing, our potato king already has out over a hundred thousand.
Farmers -- InnovationTransportation -- Railroad - PersonnelInfrastructure -- Commercial - MillineriesWomen -- Work - Outside the home
Mr. Solomon Byrd of this locality, has already realized $75 from his half-acre of radishes of white variety, and will soon plant same half-acre in sweet potatoes. Surely Tom Elliott's diversity of crops has a meaning.
Mr. Fred Boone continues as agent at our [Painter] station, to the gratification of our shippers. Courteous and strictly attentive to his business, he is universally regarded as the right man for the place.
Mrs. O. D. Doughty, will open out a full line of millinery and dress making goods, at Locustmount, next Monday. Her stock of goods in both departments will be complete, tasty, attractive and cheap. She has several competent assistants and can supply the ladies with everything they need on short notice.
Transportation -- Railroad - OtherInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential construction
The fast freight train bound north was delayed by an accident at this station on Wednesday. A piece was blown out of boiler and eccentric rod broken of engine No. 5 and train had to await arrival of another engine from Cape Charles.
Two fine dwellings will be built here this summer.
Northampton County.
Moral -- AlcoholTransportation -- Water - SailboatsWeather -- Other
Eighteen liquor licenses were granted by court last Monday.
Capt. J. T. Spady has sold the schooner Minnie F. Newton to Wm. Richardson.
Married on May 8th, 1886, J. R. Dunton to Miss Sadie C. Burton, both of Northampton.
On Thursday, the 6th inst., a hail storm passed over this county. It struck first in Savage's Neck, 3 miles from Eastville, on the bay side, and passed in a southeast direction across to the seaside, about 3-4 of a mile or 1 mile wide, cutting off the corn, potatoes and all crops. The ground was covered with leaves, pine shatters, &c., several inches deep. The hail was so large that a family near Salem's church had ice cream frozen with some of the hail. Some of the pieces of hail weighed 3 ounces. -- Some persons say it was from 6 to 10 inches deep.
Meeting of Board of Supervisors.
Infrasturcture -- Public - Government : CountyProfessionals -- SurveyorsArchitecture -- Jails
At a meeting of the Board of Supervisors held May 12th, 1886, present, T. C. Kellam, chairman, Dr. T. T. Taylor, W. E. Jacob and D. Frank White. The following accounts were audited and allowed:
H. L. Lilliston, hauling coal, 50 cts.; G. T. Moore, registrar, $3; Joseph W. Mears, J. P., oath to commissioners of election, &c., $1.75; Edw. Drummond, digging grave, $1; John E. Lewis, lighting lamp, &c., 6 months, $12; A. J. Lilliston, coffin, $3.50; H. L. Nock, settling pump in jail, $2.50; Dennis Fletcher, coffin, $4.50; W. T. Core, work in jail, $26.25; D. Savage, hauling coal, and blankets, $6; G. B. Finney, repairing jail walls, $22; D. Savage, W. B. Pitts, W. Joynes, H. C. Ayres, Wm. E. Scott, jurors at coroner's inquest, each $1; T. J. Gunter, summoning jury, &c., $3.20; A. J. Lilliston, lumber and pump bill, $105.21: Levin Lilliston, janitor to the court-house, $2.50.
Ordered, that Frederick Gunter, county surveyor, buy such a record book as his office requires.
Ordered, that John H. Wise, G. Welly Coard and A. J. Lilliston have the jail wall door enlarged to admit a cart, also to put a corrugated iron roof on the inner jail.
Ordered, that T. C. Kellam, D. F. White and G. Welly Coard examine the clerk's office and report at next meeting of Board repairs necessary to be done.
Adjourned to 26th inst.
To the Public.
Moral -- Alcohol
I am informed that it has been reported in different parts of Lee district -- and probably in other sections of the county, that I have said I did not wish any "dry" people or local optionist's patronage at my hotel. This is unqualifiedly false. I did say, the day after the election, that I had been told that certain parties were watching to see if I would violate the law, and that I would severely punish any one I caught spying about me. The result of the late election has been, I believe, to almost ruin the value of the property lately bought by me. To the profit, made by this investment I can only look for the support and education of six children and the care of my wife. That I felt, and still feel a great and grievous wrong was done in thus suddenly depriving me of the only means of support -- in the depreciation of my property -- and the ruin of my hotel business -- was but natural that I should speak bitterly was equally so. But it is not true I uttered the sentiment attributed to me. It is to the public I must look for business -- a public composed of both the contending parties in the election -- and whatever may have been the bitterness of my feeling no man who is willing to treat me as sane can believe I would deliberately cut my own throat by such language. "An enemy hath done this." Whosoever he may be I pity him. Not satisfied with the injury already done me, he seeks to add to it by slander. It is to the public I must look in the end for justice and vindication -- and to that public I appeal -- in the full assurance that it will refuse to yield to the dictator of passion and the voice of slander. Unreservedly denying the charge I leave the matter in the hands of the people.
Accomac C. H., May 10th, 1886.
Professionals -- Commission merchantsTransportation -- Railroad - Rates and fares
I have recently been to New York to look after the interest of farmers as to the charge of cartage, imposed by the commission houses of New York on them. When produce was delivered by N. Y., P. & N. R.R., in Jersey City the charge for cartage was 10 cents per barrel and now that is carried by that company to New York it is 7 1/2 cents per barrel. The produce being sold on pier where it is landed, cartage is an unnecessary charge and takes from our farmers thousands of dollars which rightfully belongs to them. In my immediate vicinity, for instance, there are farmers who ship from 500 to 2,000 barrels of produce yearly, so that it can be readily seen that it makes a difference in their receipts from $50 to $200. Look to your interests farmers and ship to commission merchants, who will sell your produce free of the charge of cartage. Geo. Alison & Co., advertised elsewhere in this paper, make no charge of cartage and their facilities for securing best prices for your produce are unsurpassed.
T.C. KELLAM, Agent
Locustville, May 13, '86.
Farmers -- Farmers' organizationsFarmers -- Innovation
MR. EDITOR --.The article of Mr. T. G. Elliott in your publication of the 8th inst., having come to my notice, I can but speak in the highest terms of his varied efforts to arouse the agricultural population, to their financial as well as social duty. I am a farmer, have always been and all that I possess I have made by farming, and am happy to say that my position in life is one of comfort. Our farmers should be informed that we stand 51 to the 100 of all the inhabitants of this country, and 78 to 100 in Virginia, while our material wealth, is far in excess of these figures. Should we then stand in the back ground? Should we who have had a longer and more varied experience of life not do all in our power to stimulate the rising generation, many of whom must engage in agricultural pursuits to a high sense of their rights and duties? It is really our duty senior fellow farmers, to exhibit the fact that we but live, that those coming after us may live better. Will you not then, one and all enter into a hearty co-operation with Mr. Elliott's ideas and pull to the front the best, the most honorable, and I may say the most independent of all callings, the avocation of farming. Let us then unite all over the Eastern Shore and hold the meeting as suggested, which I feel sure will redound to our best interests.
Craddockville, May 12, '86.
Notice of Dissolution.
Sea -- Fish factories
May 1st, 1886.
The members of the firm of Powell, Morse & Co., having obtained a charter as a Joint Stock Company, under the name of the American Fish Guano Company, the said firm of Powell, Morse & Co., has been dissolved by mutual consent. The business heretofore conducted by the said firm will hereafter be conducted by the American Fish Guano Company.
The business of the late firm will be settled by