Peninsula Enterprise, August 22, 1885
Transportation -- Railroad - FreightTransportation -- Water - Freight
Six thousand barrels of sweet potatoes were sent to the northern markets from the Eastern Shore of Virginia, over the New York, Philadelphia & Norfolk Railroad, last Tuesday. On the same day the steamers of the E.S.S. Co., were laden with our staple products also for the Baltimore market. Since Tuesday at least 5,000 barrels have been shipped daily by rail and steamers.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Boat racing
The skiff "Jno. W. Edmonds", owned by Mr. James K. Harmon won the silver cup in the boat race at Red Hills last Wednesday. Four boats were entered in the race and the winner was shorter by a foot or more than any of the others.
Infrastructure -- Public : Churches
The bush meeting at Ayres chapel, conducted by Rev. C. A. Grice, of M. E. church has been a success. Twelve converts during the meeting, were reported, on Wednesday.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Baseball
The Chincoteague base ball nine will attend our Fair and through our columns challenges any nine in Accomac in a match-game. They will doubtless be willing also to try their skill with the ball and bat in a contest with the "Red Stockings" of Northampton.
Professionals -- Commission merchants
Money has been deposited by the following commission merchants to meet all demands upon them; Olivit Bros., with S. R. Nelson, Nelsonia; S. H. & E. H. Forst, with John E. Bradford, Locustmount, Jno. B. Culpeper, as agent for several firms, "as will be seen by posters" with Mr. Polk Killman, Drummondtown.
Professionals -- Commission merchantsTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - FairsTransportation -- Railroad - Freight
Drummers for potatoes have ceased to operate at this point.
Arrangements are being made by the livery men of this section for conveying all passengers by rail to and from the station to the Fair Grounds.
Tickets will be sold at half rates over New York, Philadelphia and Norfolk railroad during the Agricultural Fair, at all points south of Delmar and north of Norfolk to and from Kellar.
Four hundred and sixty-four barrels of potatoes were shipped from this place last Tuesday.
Postponement of Pitts Trial.
Moral -- Murder
The case of Dr. James D. Pitts, charged with killing Dr. L. T. Walter, was called at Portsmouth last Monday and continued on account of the illness of Mr. Neely until the third Monday in September. Twenty-six witnesses were present from Tangier Island and other points in Accomac at a cost of about $11.20 each. The postponement of the trial costs the State about $300.
A Card.
Professionals -- Commission merchants
NEW YORK, August 17th, 1885.
MR. EDITOR: -- Through some misunderstanding it has been circulated thro' your county, especially among sweet potato shippers, that we have failed and that our checks have gone to protest, etc. We have received a good many communications from our shippers in regard to the matter, and take this method of notifying them that our financial standing is as good as ever it was, and to explain to them why we allowed one check to go to protest. The circumstances are as follows: On July 22nd, we received 10 barrels of potatoes from a certain D. T. Tarr, a resident of Chincoteague Island, Va., and on the 24th of July 4 barrels more. On the same day, (July 24th,) we sent account of sales and check to said D. T. Tarr for the 14 barrels. About the 31st of July, we received a letter from D. T. Tarr stating that he had not received his check for the 10 barrels, and asking for an explanation as he said all other parties had received their money. On the same day we got this letter, the check came back to our bank with D. T. Tarr's and D. J. Whealton's endorsements on it. Naturally supposing something was wrong, we immediately notified the cashier of our bank to refuse payment on said check, which he did, and it was protested as required by law and notice sent to the endorsers. Then we immediately made out separate statements for the two lots of potatoes and sent our check for same to our agents, J. M. Birch & Brothers, relating the circumstances to them and requesting that they see to it that the right parties got paid for their potatoes. We have received a reply from them stating that this had been done and that everything was all straight. Anyone with ordinary reasoning faculties can readily see that payment on this check was refused, not only to protect ourselves against loss, but also the person to whom the money rightfully belonged. We have subsequently learned that there are two D. T. Tarr's on Chincoteague Island -- one Sr., and one Jr.
We would add for the benefit of those wishing to ship to us; that we have agents at different points who have money in hand to cash all checks issued by us. Shippers will please to send invoice of goods, how marked, their full name and postoffice address. As evidence of our financial standing we append the following certificate from D. B. Halstead, President, New York National Bank.
Respectfully, CHILD, TAPPEN & BRO.
New York, Aug. 17, 1885.
"Child, Tappen & Bro., have always kept an excellent account in this bank, never borrowing any money -- always meeting their engagements promptly. We have always found them straight-forward and reliable business men."
D. B. HALSTEAD, Pres't. N.Y., National Exchange Bank.
Transportation -- Road - Maintenance
VIRGINIA: At a meeting of the Board of Supervisors for the county of Accomac, at the Court House thereof, on the 10th of August, A. D. 1885.
Ordered, That sealed bids be received by this Board on Monday, the 24th day of August instant, up to 10 o'clock a.m. of that day, for putting in complete order with "Pennock's" patent road machine, the public road from the northeast boundary line of Lee district near the residence of Levin Melson to the southwest boundary of said district near the residence of Thomas Ayres. The said machine to be furnished by the county and all implements, hands, horses, etc., required to work the same to be furnished by contractor. The lowest responsible bid to do the said work will be accepted by the Board, but the right to reject any and all bids is hereby reserved. And it is further ordered that this order be published for two successive weeks in the local papers of Accomac county.
A Copy,
Test, WM. H. B. CUSTIS,
Clerk of the Board.
Farmers -- Farm size and structure
FOR RENT. The farm at Jolly Neck gate, now occupied by L. T. Marshall. It is a two horse tend, and there are enough shatters, woods dirt and marsh-turf near the place for a potato man. Apply to C. T. Taylor, Jenkins Bridge, Accomac, Va.