Peninsula Enterprise, February 7, 1885


reprinted from Eastern Shore Herald.Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcement

Out of the lot of dredgers captured off Gwynn's Island last week for illegal dredging only one belonged to the Eastern Shore of Virginia, and that was the schooner Brambleton, owned by Captain George Evans, of Tangier Island.


Transportation -- Water - WrecksWeather -- Northeast stormsWatermen -- Personal injury

The schooner Wake, owned by Capt. Ben Kelso, went ashore on Allen's marsh on Nandua Creek, during a storm Wednesday, January 28th, and is a total wreck. Nine of the crew swam to the shore, but one of them died from exposure after reaching land. A tenth man, colored, refused to leave the wreck and was lost


Transportation -- Railroad - Stations and sidings

A petition with many signatures is being circulated in the upper part of the county, asking for the establishment of a station by New York, Philadelphia & Norfolk Railroad Co., at Bloxom's Crossing opposite Nelsonia. Many people who live in that belt of country are as thrifty and industrious farmers as in any part of our county, and the railroad authorities cannot afford to refuse their demands for better facilities of transportation.


Moral -- Murder

Asa Sweeden, who was convicted of the murder of Austin Duprey, was carried to the penitentiary by John T. W. Custis, sheriff, last Wednesday.


Moral -- Murder

A new trial has been granted Dr. J. D. Pitts, since the article was put in type, which appears in another column. Judge Henley was of the opinion "that the county court erred in admitting the testimony of the witness, in regard to Pitts exhibiting a pistol while in his office and stating he intended killing "Dr. Tom and two more in a short time," and for that reason granted a new trial.


Infrastructure -- Commercial - General Stores

A new store has been opened at Guilford by Thorogood B. Mason and recently has been stocked with new goods of every kind and description. The gentleman who is the only member of the firm is a young man of energy and thrift and proposes by selling cheap goods to make his place of business an attractive resort. Boots, shoes and ready-made clothing are offered by him at the time on terms so favorable that no one in need of those articles can fail to purchase who will call to see him.


Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : PricesSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : MarketsFields -- Livestock - HorsesWeather -- DroughtsTransportation -- Water - Strandings


Oysters are selling very slow with us and 60 cents only are given for those that find purchasers.

The schooner Hewlett, A. Conover, Captain, sailed from Thomas' Cove S.E. of the light house, January 27th, with a load of oysters for Philadelphia, the first ever shipped from this place.

The drouth last summer and fall killed a great deal of grass, and the beach ponies by reason thereof being deprived of the usual forage, upon which they subsisted, are looking badly.

The sloop Fred dragged her anchor and went ashore in Thomas' Cove during the gale on the 28th ult. She will be floated soon without much damage to her.


Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : DredgingSea -- Finfish - Catch : RockSea -- Finfish - Methods : SeineInfrastructure -- Public : SchoolsFields -- Crops - CornFields -- Crops - Sweet potatoes : Prices

Marsh Market.

Many oystermen have gone from this locality to the Potomac river, for the purpose of dredging.

Fine rock and perch fish were taken lately by a citizen from a seine, in the upper part of Pocomoke sound.

The public school at Pocomoke, under the management of Mr. E. C. Kellam and Miss Fannie Lang, is in progressive condition. There are 95 pupils in attendance.

Sweet potatoes are very scarce in this section, and are selling at 50 cents per bushel; corn is worth three dollars per barrel, and eggs are being sold at thirty cents a dozen.


Weather -- Northeast stormsTransportation -- Water - Strandings


In the gale of last Sunday the schooner Carroll, commanded by Capt. J. Loomes, loaded with oysters from the Rappahannock river to the Maryland Packing Company, of Crisfield, went ashore on Woody Island, near Onancock. She will have to be lightened off. No lives were lost.


Fields -- FertilizerSea -- Fish factoriesMoral -- OtherMoral -- AlcoholInfrastructure -- Public : Churches


Our farmers are buying freely of the fish guano manufactured by Fowler, Foote & Co. If we may judge from farmers' talk, but little of Peruvian guano will be used by them on trucks this season.

That fascinating amusement called "dancing," is now the rage among our country denizens. Scarcely a night passes over without a dance held at some of our farmer's residence. We hear that even the quaint old Methodists have in some instances become contaminated with the fascination to such an extent, that their feet have become unruly, and ceased to listen to that discipline by which they promised to be governed. Our good old Brother Elliot gave our Methodist brethren some sound advice upon the subject a few days ago from the pulpit. His shout in that direction, we thought, was pretty hot, but it appears it did not have the burning effect desired. We would suggest that a wholesome dose of the Methodist church discipline be administered, and we doubt not but it would have a salutary effect upon those whose feet have become troubled with lightness.

Our whiskey merchants are complaining seriously of the dull times.

Our Methodist friends have so far fitted up their new church as to be able to hold service therein. A new bell was placed in the steeple last week, and now our citizens are timely warned of the hour to repair to church for service.

Fast Freight.

reprinted from Norfolk Public Ledger.Transportation -- Railroad - Freight

The N.Y., P. & N. R.R. Company have inaugurated a fast freight line between Norfolk and New York for transportation of perishable articles, by which freight leaving Norfolk in the evening will be delivered in New York the following morning. By this route the growers and dealers in perishable fruits in this section are to all intents and purposes as near New York as those in New Jersey and Long Island.

The Pitts Murder Trial.

reprinted from Baltimore Sun, February 4.Moral -- Murder

The case of the Commonwealth vs. Dr. J. D. Pitts for the murder of Dr. L. T. Walter, was heard before Judge Henley, of the Circuit Court of Elizabeth City county, Va., Friday, on a motion for a new trial. Mr. John Neely appeared for the prisoner and Messrs. John Goode and A. S. Segar for the Commonwealth. On the trial of this cause in the county court last September the prisoner was found guilty of murder in the second degree, and his punishment ascertained at eighteen years in the penitentiary. The motion for a new trial Friday was made on several grounds, the most important of which were the separation of the jury and the misconduct of the sheriff generally. Judge Henley will render his decision today.

Races on McConnell's Track.

Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Horse racing

Two interesting trotting races will come off at Pungoteague, on McConnell's track, on next Thursday, 12th inst. The first race, mile heats, best two in three, will be between Gray Morrell, owned by Fred Waddy, and Edward East's bay mare, for a purse of $200.

The second, mile heats, best two in three, will be between Dr. W. P. Reed's horse (entered by Geo. H. Adair,) and Wm. James' mare, for a purse of $100.

Dinner will be served promptly at 12 o'clock at Winder's hotel. The races will commence at 1 o'clock sharp.

Oak Hall.

Infrastructure -- Public : Churches

MR. EDITOR. -- Your excellent paper is a welcome visitor to my domicile. I like its sentiment and religious tone. -- Eight weeks ago the writer, (a stranger on the Eastern Shore,) reached his elegant parsonage, well equipped from terrace to base. It reflects great credit upon the large hearted christian men and women, who presented this expressive shrine at the foot of the Cross, expressive of their love of Christ and care of the pastorate. My transition has been one of extremes, from the verdant and prolific fields, burdened with golden grain, and shadowed with the sunlit or snow-capped mountains of historic Albemarle to the level lands of Accomac, equidistant between the sea and the bay, from the cold, shrewd and calculation yeomanry of Piedmont to the bosom of the active, generous and religious people of the oyster land. On my arrival I found everything in statu quo, and a heavy pounding greeted us which continued from week to week. Last Monday night a good company of generous souls met to show their pounding love. Although the pastor was passing thro' the initiatory process incident to the climate viz, a deep and stubborn cold and bilious complaint, yet seldom has he been more rejuvenated and recuperated, than he was by the cheerful voices, kind words and christian salutations of his own and Bro. Carroll's dear people. -- How good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity. Everything seems quiet along this line. Deep colds and pneumonia prevail. In the last two months some six or eight persons have departed in peace. Farmers are preparing for the coming spring. Oystermen are at their work, though little rewarded for their toil. They are a whole souled and generous hearted people. -- We have five churches and five live Sabbath schools in this circuit. The many acts and words of kindness received by me and mine extorts the "God bless" upon them all, and by the law of religious reflections constrains us to say, "May God bless pastor, people and editor." So mote it be.


D. M. Wallace, P.C.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
February 7, 1885