Peninsula Enterprise, October 31, 1885
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Newspapers
Mr. Townshend, the editor of the Eastern Virginian, made an effective address at Cashville last Wednesday night. The interest which the gentleman is already showing in our affairs, proves that he proposes to be one of us and is therefore entitled to the liberal patronage of our people.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estate
Mr. E. S. Johnson purchased the restaurant property recently sold at Mappsville for $500.
Infrastructure -- Public - Government : Customs service
Capt. George G. Savage has been appointed collector of customs of Cherrystone. We tip our hat to you captain and offer congratulations.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Horse racing
Mr. Benjamin T. Scott's horse, Signet, won the first race trotted at the State Fair at Richmond in 2:49 1-2.
Professionals -- Dentists
Dr. W. L. Jacobs has returned from the west, and Accomac will be his permanent home in the future. He has located at Locustville but proposes to visit Belle Haven every Saturday, and Mappsville the 1st Monday of every month. As a dentist his reputation is first-class.
Infrasturcture -- Public - Government : County
All persons appointed processioners who do not wish to serve, are requested by Mr. Thomas C. Kellam, chairman of the Board of Supervisors to notify him before the 18th of November, next.
Moral -- Alcohol
A temperance ticket in Accomac has on it as candidates; Rev. J. W. A. Elliott, for Senate, Mr. Geo. W. Mason, for House of Delegates and Mr. E. L. East, Floater for Accomac and Northampton. The temperance cause, of course has the approval of most of our citizens, but no good Democrat will be misled to support a ticket because of its name when no good can be accomplished thereby and when such an evil as Mahoneism confronts us.
Transportation -- Railroad - SteamboatsSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideSea -- Fish factoriesInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential construction
The steamer Widgeon will, according to advices received by us, be soon taken off the line from Franklin City to Chincoteague, and a better steamer will be placed on the route. It is reported also that an extra train is to leave Franklin City at 5 p.m., at an early day.
Our citizens complain of dull times, but it being generally conceded that our oysters are finer than they have been for ten years, better times are expected soon.
Our fish factories have closed, and the owners of them say they have made no money this season.
We have a building boom with us despite the hard times. The Baptist parsonage and the handsome dwelling of Capt. John B. Whealton have been recently completed. Mr. William Davis is having a fine dwelling erected and Captain Wm. Risely and others propose also, soon to make a move in the same direction.
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeedTransportation -- Railroad - Personal injury
The oyster business is dull here and the prospect not flattering. Our oystermen are busy, catching and bringing plants from the lower bays.
William H. Bayly a few days ago had two of his fingers nearly mashed off while coupling cars on D. M & V. R.R.
Religious Notes.
Infrastructure -- Public : Churches
At the revival meeting conducted by Rev. W. C. Vaden at Locustville, recently, there were many converts, and some twenty or more joined the church.
During the meeting at M. P. Church, Leemont, conducted by Rev. H. G. Cowan, twenty persons have joined the church and still the good work continues.
A correspondent writes us, "we have had a fine meeting at Hollies, resulting in 15 or 20 additions. Rev. S. U. Grimsley who did the preaching with great power and effect, has enlisted forever the warmest affections of the whole congregation." Fourteen persons converted at the meeting were baptized at the Warehouse by Rev. J. W. Hundley last Wednesday.
A revival meeting is now in progress at Drummondtown M. E. Church, South under the supervision of Rev. J. W. Carroll, assisted by Revs. W. C. Vaden and C. A. Grice of the Methodist church, Rev. John McNabb of the Episcopalian Church, and Rev. Mr. Chinn Presbyterian. To date there had been 16 converts. Rev. Mr. Carroll authorizes us to announce, that services will be held again at the church on Sunday night, and if the weather is unfavorable on following night.
Races at Pungoteague.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Horse racingInfrastructure -- Commercial - Race tracks
A trotting race will come off on McConnell's track at Pungoteague, on Thursday, November 12th, next, between Beryl, owned by Mr. Avery of Maryland, and Stonewall, which formerly belonged to Mr. Thomas McConnell but is now the property of Walker Bros. The race will be mile heats, best three in five and for a purse of $500.
The forfeit has been put up, and without some mishap the race will come off as advertised.
The McConnell track has been leased by Walker Brothers and other races may be expected soon also.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Newspapers
The Eastern Virginian has changed hands and Mr. Alfred W. Townshend, of Baltimore is now its editor and owner. We welcome Brother Townshend to his new field of labor and beg leave to assure him, that he will always find us ready to extend to him the right hand of fellowship when occasion requires it.
Transportation -- Railroad - Freight
NOTICE TO SHIPPERS. Commencing October 28th, 1885, all shipments of potatoes from stations on our line, consigned to New York, will be delivered to pier 27 on the New York side free of drayage, from Jersey City to New York, which has heretofore been paid by shippers.
This arrangement will give shippers by this line a better delivery in New York than by any of the boat lines.
H. W. Dunne, Supt.
N.Y., P. & N. R.R.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estateMoral -- Alcohol
The undersigned will sell at public auction on the premises, on Saturday, October 17th, 1885, that certain lot situated at Mappsville, Accomac county, Va., belonging to Edward S. Johnson and R. T. Dawson & Co., and at present occupied by Wm. D. Lewis. The lot contains about 1.16 of an acre, and is improved with a two-story house and out buildings. House is now used as a bar room. It has four rooms. The lot is situated on a corner in the village named, and the house is well suited for use as a store. Terms reasonable, and will be made known on day of sale. Sale at 2:30 p. m., and will be made promptly at that hour.
Attorney for R. T. Dawson & Co.
Sept. 18th, 1885.