Peninsula Enterprise, November 21, 1885
Women -- Society
Mrs. Judge Garrison, Mrs. Montcalm Oldham, Mrs. Elizabeth Kelly and Miss Hettie Parramore of Accomac C. H., visited Pocomoke City last Wednesday for purposes of recreation and in pursuit of that most exhilarating pleasure to all ladies -- shopping.
Professionals -- Mariners
Capt. George Dix, a skillful navigator died at his home near Accomac C. H., last Wednesday, in the 71st year of his age. Until the last year or so, his life from early boyhood had been spent "on the seas," excepting an annual visit of a few weeks with relatives at his old home. He was well known in Accomac, and held in high esteem by a large circle of friends.
Infrastructure -- Public - Government : Lighthouse serviceTransportation -- Railroad - Steamboats
The construction of the lighthouse on Killick Shoals, at head of Chincoteague channel is now assured at no distant day. The material for same arrived here from New York on schooner C. J. Hart, commanded by Capt. Smith, last Tuesday, and was landed on the Government wharf. The lighthouse will be a useful and ornamental structure. The query now often propounded is, who will be the keeper?
According to report, the Penna. R.R. Company will, on the 7th of December, place one of their steamers on route between Franklin City and Chincoteague.
A New Steamer.
reprinted from Eastern Shore Herald.Transportation -- Railroad - Steamboats
The Harlan & Hollingsworth Company of Wilmington, has contracted to build for the New York, Philadelphia & Norfolk railroad company, a side wheel steamer 175 feet long, 31 feet beam and 11 feet depth of hole. The new boat will assist the steamer Cape Charles on the bay route from Cape Charles to Norfolk.
A Son of Accomac Heard From.
The following from the News, published at Denver, Colorado, relates to a former citizen of Accomac, and will be read with interest by many friends in his old home. We hope he will not stop in his march "upward" until he is sent to Washington as the Democratic senator of Colorado. "The closing argument in the Haas murder case was made by N. B. Wescott, of Pueblo, who, although a young man, made the greatest address to the jury ever heard in this district. -- Commencing with the evidence introduced he led the jury step by step over the ground, pointing out with clearness and accuracy the manner in which the murderer did his bloody work and then skulked off in the darkness. His speech was so pointed, so terribly realistic and convincing, that Mrs. Haas, who has sat beside her husband during the whole trial, burst into tears several times, and finally was forced to leave the court-room to control her agitation. The speaker was eloquent and logical, and it is safe to say that his address had the effect of delaying the verdict so that up to the present time none has been rendered. Had the case gone to the jury last night directly after Macon's able speech there is hardly a doubt that a verdict of not guilty would have been rendered in a few minutes. As it is there is a probability of a divided jury, in which case the prosecution may consider themselves fortunate, their evidence being of the most suspicious and slimmest character."
Sale of Vessel Property.
Transportation -- Water - Sailboats
At the sale of vessel property at public auction at Onancock, on last Saturday, by the owners and executors of Jno. M. Fosque, George W. Powell and John T. Rogers, the following shows the purchasers and prices realized:
F. M. Boggs was the purchaser of the schooner Neptune, for the sum of $1,900.
Capt. Benjamin F. Crockett bought schooner Keagle for the sum of $1,500.
Walter D. Lewis, the schooner Four Sisters for the sum of $1,200.
The schooner Alice and Anna was withdrawn from sale, after a bid of $2,000 had been made.
The purchasers were those having interest in them, and the prices paid are considered very low.
>County School Report.
Infrastructure -- Public - Government : School administration
The following is an extract from the county superintendent's report for the month ending October 30th, 1885:
Number schools open in county 78.
Number pupils enrolled 1977.
Number in average daily attendance 1427.
Number different schools visited 24.
Owing to many of the schools opening after October 1st, only about 2-3 reported by the 30th.
Moral -- Murder
At 1 o'clock on yesterday the following telegram was received by an official of the county: "A man murdered. Send State's attorney at once."
Mappsburg, Nov. 20, '85.
According to later advices, John R. Sturgis shot G. S. G. Mears, Thursday at his (Sturgis store), inflicting a wound in the breast, considered fatal. We are not in possession of full particulars, but are informed that Sturgis and his victim had been out riding together during the day and on their return, a dispute concerning some fence rails culminated with the result stated.
Racing at Pungoteague.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Horse racing
The trotting race between Lady Bennett and Beryl came off as announced, last Thursday, on McConnell's track, and was largely attended by citizens from almost every part of the Eastern Shore of Va., and from several of the counties in Maryland. The weather was propitious, the track in fine condition and good order prevailed throughout the day.
Lady Bennett was the favorite and even bets on her were freely offered and declined. Several bets were taken however on Beryl vs. Lady Bennett in the ratio of $5, $6, $7 to $10 when offered, and in the aggregate a considerable sum of money changed hands. In the pools disposed of by some Marylanders, Lady Bennett was the favorite at about the same odds.
In the first heat Beryl had the pole but broke when within fifty yards of the stand and was passed by Lady Bennett. Beryl broke again on the third quarter and Lady Bennett increased her lead to ten lengths or more. Lady Bennett on the last quarter skipped but regained her feet without loss. Beryl with a magnificent burst of speed closed the gap and many thought it a dead heat. The judges however, awarded the heat to Bennett. Time 2:37.
In the second heat about half way the first quarter, Lady Bennett who had the pole broke and Beryl passed the quarter pole with a commanding lead. Lady Bennett gradually closed the gap and on the third quarter Beryl made a bad break and Lady Bennett again went to the front and came home an easy winner. -- Time 2:33.
In the third heat after scoring up 3 times the horses were fairly started and Lady Bennett took the lead and kept it with ease, winning the heat and the race. Time 2:36.
Processioners Substituted.
Infrasturcture -- Public - Government : County
At a meeting of the Board of Supervisors held on the 18th inst., the following processioners were substituted in the place of those formerly appointed, who declined or were unable to serve for the reasons stated below:
1. -- John W. Johnson vice Levin Melson, declined.
District No. 2 -- Calvin T. Mears vice Louis J. Ross, declined.
6. -- George A. Edmonds vice Frank Smith, declined.
10. -- William Killman vice Thomas Pitts, Levin J. Melson vice John W. Coard, declined.
11. -- Littleton Boggs vice Alfred Lofland, declined.
13. -- Tully E. Hurst vice E. B. Waples, declined.
14. -- Wm. J. Eichelberger vice John R. Walker, declined.
15. -- Wm. Milliner, James E. Scott, Chas R. Coard vice Jesse Rew, Jas. H. Lewis and Henry J. Lewis, non-residents of district.
16. -- James E. F. Ayres vice Levin R. Ayres, declined.
10. -- Gillet Mason vice Sylvanus W. Russell, non-resident of district.
11. -- Samuel Trade vice Samuel A. Godwin, declined; John Summers and Thorogood Mason, Sr., vice Parker Byrd and John W. Kelly, non-residents of district.
Transportation -- Road - Legislation
No question of more importance could perhaps engage the attention of our next Legislature than that of roads. The public highways indicating as they do to a great extent, the thrift of a people deserve attention at any time, but especially at the present era of Virginia's prosperity, incident to her recent political triumph. The debt question is no longer a disturbing element among our people. The matter of race supremacy is forever settled. Bossism is dead and the corruption incident thereto is numbered among the things that were. The government of the people is in the hands of those who are so identified with every interest of Virginia, that it will not only be their duty, but their pleasure to see that her affairs are fairly and justly administered. Peace and prosperity reigns throughout her borders. The happy era has at length arrived in our history, when freed from party strifes, debt complications or other disturbing elements, we can look forward and legislate for the development of our material prosperity. Could any one thing contribute more to that end than good roads? Considered purely as a question of convenience and economy, among ourselves, in the time and labor saved by good roads, can its advantages be too highly estimated? That however, is the least of the blessings to accrue therefrom. The mineral resources of Virginia need to be developed, her agricultural pursuits need encouragement and stimulation, a market is wanted for our surplus lands, the manufactures in our midst should be extended and others established, and capital and labor from abroad is required to do it. But inducements must be offered to those who would invest their capital. A visitor will naturally be first impressed by the roads. If the avenues leading to her undeveloped wealth are unimproved, emigrants when they come among us will judge the people by the condition of their highways and cast their fortunes in other States. It is a fact which cannot be disputed that strangers have been prejudiced against Virginia because the roads were not as good as elsewhere and it is our duty when they come again to make the way more inviting to them. This, then is one of the most important subjects that can engage the attention of our legislature and it should not adjourn until steps have been taken to remedy the evils of bad roads.