Peninsula Enterprise, March 15, 1884


Sea -- Finfish - Catch : Shad and herring

Fresh herring were sold in the streets of Eastville, last Monday, at 25 cents a dozen.


Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Baseball

A base ball nine has been organized at Onancock. Its members are anxious to show their prowess in the national game, and invite a challenge.


Fields -- Crops - Other vegetables

The peanut crop is engaging the attention of some of the farmers of Northampton this year. On a farm of Dr. John T. Wilkins, near Bridgetown, it is reported 100 bushels will be planted, and that while others will not plant so largely, many will to some extent.


Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Fraternal orders

The Northampton Masons will occupy their handsome new lodge room at Eastville, on April 24. The brethren of sister Lodges on the Eastern Shore will be invited to the entertainment to be given by them appropriate to the occasion.


Transportation -- Water - WrecksInfrastructure -- Public - Government : Life-saving service

The schooner Samuel Fish, 213 tons burden, Capt. J. S. Teel, bound from New London, Conn., to Pocosin River, Va., stranded on inner Carter's bar, near Hog Island, Va., during the northwesterly gale of February 29. The vessel was loaded with hay and valued at $10,000. She was boarded by Cobb's Island and Smith's Island life-saving crews in a few minutes after stranding, and the crew and all the valuables were saved. The vessel is a total loss.


Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Horse racing

Mr. A. Parker, proprietor of the Peninsula House, Salisbury, Md., in a card published in the Times, of last week, challenges Revel R. Sturgis, of Pungoteague, Va., to a trotting match, between his mare Maria Bell and a Wicomico horse he will name, for from $100 to $500, best 3 in 5 mile heats, on Salisbury track, during the month of May. In the same card also, Mr. Duffield Savage, of Onancock, is challenged to match his Rat Tail with the Wicomico horse, on the same terms.


Infrastructure -- Public - Government : School administration

Dr. John E. Mapp, Jno. D. Grant, and Solomon T. Johnson have been appointed School Commissioners for the county of Accomac by the Legislature. The duties imposed upon them by the appointment are to supervise the schools in the county, and to remove and appoint school trustees.


Transportation -- Railroad - Corporate

Accomac C. H.

A meeting of the stockholders of the N. Y., Phila. and Norfolk R.R. Co. was held at this place last Monday, according to appointment.


Infrastructure -- Commercial - Hotels

Belle Haven.

The bar room of the Bell Haven Hotel, A. W. Kellam, proprietor, has been remodeled, handsomely painted, and newly furnished, and to say that it is now "as bright as a new pin," is only faint praise.


Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : PackingTransportation -- Water - SailboatsInfrastructure -- Commercial - Insurance companies


Capt. John W. Ketcham, formerly of Long Island, is doing a thriving mercantile business near this point. He is also engaged in canning oysters, clams, etc. By fair dealing, strict attention to business, and liberality to benevolent purposes, he has won the respect of the entire community.

Mr. Washington Hunt has sold the schooner "Maggie J." to Capt. Lawson Rooks.

W. L. Cowardin, president, and Capt. G. G. Savage, agent of the Virginia Fire and Marine Insurance Company, were at this place last week, and paid the insurance on the store-houses and goods, of Alex L. Goffigon, of Capeville, and of Thomas C. Roberts, of Wehoga, recently destroyed by accidental fire.


Moral -- AlcoholInfrastructure -- Commercial - Race tracks


Mr. Smith Stringer has moved to this place, and now "vends the ardent" at the old stand of Mr. E. D. Hinman.

The race course laid off by turfsmen, Messrs. A. T. James and John T. Bull, will be opened for the training of the "swifters" in this locality, during the Spring.


Fields -- FertilizerProfessionals -- MerchantsTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - LecturesFields -- Crops - White potatoes : Acreage


Mr. A. F. Mears, of Muddy Creek, blends business with philanthropy. He has furnished promiscuously to our small farmers tons of fertilizers "on time." Some one has very unkindly suggested that the next thing in order for him to do, would be to hire a livery stable, and run for the office of constable, at the Spring election. We fancy, however, that Albert knows what he is about.

The Rev. Montcalm Oldham read a lecture upon "Evolution," last Sunday night, in the school-house at Temperanceville, in which it is said he took very strong grounds against that doctrine. It is to be greatly deplored that the chief expounder of that system had not lived until now, that he might realize how fallacious the theory was upon which he spent so many years of study and research in natural history.

The strange admixture of fact and fiction, (mostly fiction) that appeared in your columns, last week, under the caption of "Mappsville Items." is to say the least of it, annoying to our citizens, while a little flattery is taken very kindly by them, and occasionally a harmless joke. Yet they do decidedly protest against being exhibited before your readers as the "greatest fools on earth," by making (as your correspondent avers) preparations to plant round potatoes upon a more gigantic scale, than was ever known before, especially when they remember last year's meagre returns, and the very discouraging aspect of the market at this time. From the best information attainable, there will be planted not more than half as many round potatoes this season as last. From almost every farmer is heard the cry, that round potatoes, as a revenue crop, are "played out," and are devoting their attention almost exclusively to corn and sweet potatoes.

The Railroad.

Transportation -- Railroad - ConstructionTransportation -- Railroad - CorporateTransportation -- Railroad - Barges and floatsLaborers -- Railroad

A special to the Baltimore Sun, from Princess Anne, Md., under date of 11th inst, says: The stockholders of the Eastern Shore Railroad at their annual meeting here to-day unanimously recommended the consolidation of the road with the New York, Philadelphia and Norfolk Railroad, the new peninsula road which is expected to be in operation by the Summer.

The whole line of the Somerset and Worcester Road and the Eastern Shore Road as far as Peninsula Junction has been relaid with Pennsylvania regulation steel rails, and four hundred men are employed in relaying the road and bridging the Pocomoke River. The steamers connecting the terminus of the road near Cherrystone with Norfolk, it is said, will carry twenty-four loaded cars, and will cost about $400,000.

Real Estate Transfers.

Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estateTransportation -- Railroad - Construction

The following transfers of real estate were recorded in the Accomack County Court clerk's office, during the week ending March 13.

Upshur B. Quinby and wife to John M. Fosque, Jr., et als., trustees, .561 acres at Onancock, Methodist Church lot; $450.

Frank T. Gibbs and wife, &c., to James E. Boggs, 50 acres near Cashville; $500.

Same to Calvin S. Boggs, 175 acres near Cashville, $2,500.

George H. Thomas, trustee, to Sophie E. Thomas, one undivided seventh of the tract known as "Melville," near Belle Haven; $200.

Benj. T. Gunter et als., special commissioners, to Wm. R. Lewis, 4 acres on Hunting Creek; $160.

Same to George W. Barnes, 3 acres of woodland on Hunting Creek; $210.

James F. Hope and wife to Wm. E. Davison and Edmond F. Warren, 34 1-2 x 76 1-2 feet in Pungoteague; $190.

Elizabeth A. Riley to Frances Ann Mears et als, grantor's interest in 104 acres on Chesconnessex Creek; $25 annually.

Wm. M. Riley and wife to John F. Riley, grantors' interest in 104 acres on Chesconnessex Creek: $800.

James T. Rew and wife, James A. Hall and wife, and Caroline F. Matthews to New York, Phila. & Norfolk R.R. Co., route of road through lands of the grantors; $1 each.

Robert Phillips and wife, to Littleton Sample, 1 acre near Pennyville; $25.

Edmund U. Potter, trustee, to Geo. E. Bull, a part of the Smith land and a tract of 25 acres, both near Craddockville and formerly owned by Benjamin F. Bull.

John W. Gillet, special commissioner, to Alice M. Lytle, Lot No. 4 of Heath land in Pungoteague, $100.

Wm. Henry Davis and wife to Major J. Parker, 8 acres near Accomac C. H.; $300.

The following transfers were recorded in the clerk's office of Northampton county, since Feb. 27th:

T. C. Walston, special commissioner, to Wm. T. Johnson, land of O. R. Johnson deceased: $1,700.

John H. Coree and wife to Wm. H. Brickhouse, 26 acres, known as the Yateman lot, near Hadlock; $450.

John E. Johnson and wife to Arthur S. Roberts, 15 acres near Marionville; $530.

Thos. E. Brickhouse to George Nottingham, 4 acres near Bayview; $200.

Ella S. Whitehead to Wm. T. Fitchett, Jr., her interest in land of Dennard Fitchett's estate near Capeville; $2,000.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
March 15, 1884