Peninsula Enterprise, July 26, 1884


Sea -- Shellfish - Clamming : SeasideSea -- Shellfish - Clamming : Prices

Clams are selling at Franklin City at seventy-five cents a thousand.


Fields -- Crops - Sweet potatoes : Prices

The sweet potatoes shipped to Baltimore, last week, by Messrs. Wm. and Thos. A. Coxton and J. E. Scott, sold for $10 per barrel. A barrel shipped by Caleb Turlington, colored, earlier in the week, sold for $13.


Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Excursions

A delightful excursion under the supervision of Messrs. E. C. Warner, Thos. G. Nock and T. F. Marshall, was made on steamer Widgeon, last Tuesday, from Wishart's Point, to Franklin City and Chincoteague. The thanks of the party consisting of about eighty persons, are due to the gentlemen to whom they are indebted for the pleasures of the occasion.


Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Boat racing

Several boat races and the most interesting of the season, will come off at Taylor's Wharf, Northampton county, on the 7th day of August. A race between the skiffs Sue M. Fosque and Granger, for a purse of $50, will be the event of the day, but other races are expected also, and among them will be a race open to all boats under eighteen feet for a purse of $15.


Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Horse racing

It is now very certain that a race between Morrell and Grey Morgan will come off in September. The owners of each seem to be anxious for the race as will be seen by the challenge made thro' our columns of this issue. The gentlemen mean business no one will doubt when each gives a challenge on the same day without the knowledge of the other. The little difference of time and forfeit, we imagine can be easily arranged.


Transportation -- Railroad - ConstructionForests -- Forest products - Rail tiesLaborers -- Railroad

A band of Italians cutting railroad ties in the vicinity of Temperanceville, last Saturday, claiming that they had been defrauded of their wages, chased a Mr. Fickes, the boss of the gang and a Mr. Graver, the clerk of Mr. Schlosser, the contractor, to the residence of Mr. F. J. Hancock, placed guards around it and threatened summary vengeance unless they were paid in full. They would probably have carried their threat into execution had their prisoners not have escaped through the back door of the dwelling, while they were parleying with Mr. Hancock, who was seeking to notify the authorities. The mob was promptly dispersed by Justice Parsons and Constable Gladding as soon as they were informed of the matter. It is claimed by their boss, that the money they asserted was due to them, had been applied to defray their traveling expenses to the county.


Transportation -- Railroad - Construction

The track has been laid to a point six miles from the Court House, and the construction train now runs daily between that place and Pocomoke City.


Fields -- Livestock - Horses

"The annual horse penning" on Chincoteague and Assateague take place this year on the 13th and 14th of August.


Transportation -- Railroad - ConstructionInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential developmentInfrastructure -- Commercial - Commercial developmentTransportation -- Railroad - Stations and sidingsFields -- Crops - Other fruitInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential constructionProfessionals -- Builders

New Church.

The railroad strikes no village so advantageously as it does New Church. The limits of our town, it is confidently expected, will soon be extended to the station, only a few hundred yards distant. Already there is an active demand for lots near the station.

Work will be begun, says the contractor, next week on the station to be erected at this point. It is to be a building of considerable size, and the upper rooms are to be rented to employees of the railroad.

Zimmerman's fruit evaporator sold by Marshall & Co., will pay as an investment anyone having a moderate quantity of fruit. Two barrels can be dried in it in a day, and it will be brighter and sweeter than it can be done in any other way.

On the site of the old dwelling occupied by Mr. Littleton Corbin, and burned a few weeks ago, a handsome two story building has recently been erected by Mr. Wm. H. Marshall.

The dwelling of Mr. Wm. H. Marshall is being enlarged and repaired under the supervision of Mr. John W. H. Nock.

Real Estate Transfers.

Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estateTransportation -- Railroad - Construction

The following transfers of real estate &c., were recorded in the Accomack County Clerk's office, during the week ending July 23rd:

Isaiah W. Bagwell and wife to N. Y. Phila. and Norfolk Railroad Company, 2,255x66 feet near Accomac C. H., $175.

John P. L. Hopkins and others to same, 2,255x66 feet near Beloate railroad station.

John Brittingham and wife to same, 3.92 acres near State line of Va., and Md.; $1.

George W. Beloate and wife to same, 3.52 acres at Beloate's railroad station; $1.

Abel T. Johnson, special commissioner, to Henry Conklin. _____ acres on Chincoteague Island; $81.

Elizabeth A. Parker to Wm. C. West, 10,007 acres cleared and 13.851 acres of woodsland near Chesconnessex, $600.

Henry C. Walker and wife, &c., to Annie R. Winder, 21x32 feet, in Pungoteague; $250.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
July 26, 1884