Peninsula Enterprise, March 8, 1884


Transportation -- Water - Aids to navigation

A petition from the Board of Trade of Baltimore was presented in the United States Senate Friday, February 29, praying for a lightship off Smith's Island, Cape Charles Shoals. The memorial accompanying the petition states that it is of great importance that a lightship should be located at the point indicated, in such a position as may be deemed advisable by the lighthouse board. There are lightships located at important points north and east, such as Cape May, for example, and it is equally necessary to have one at Cape Charles. The petition was referred to the committee on commerce.


Infrastructure -- Public - Government : School administration

Extract from the report of the county superintendent of schools for the month ending February 29: Number of schools in the county, 77; number graded with more than one teacher, 14; number pupils enrolled, 4,108; number in daily average attendance, 3,096.18; number enrolled to each teacher average, 53.48; number in average daily attendance to each teacher, 40.21; number different schools visited, 20; number warrants issued for pay of teachers, 57; amount of warrants, $1,721.94.


Fields -- Livestock - PoultrySea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : PlantingFields -- Fertilizer


A visit to the "Goosery" of the Industry Down and Quilting Co. of Philadelphia, recently established in Wallop's Neck, enables your correspondent to give to your many readers some information of interest, he believes, relative to the systematic operation of this singular enterprise. He found about two acres of land enclosed by a firmly built plank fence, and nineteen hundred white geese, each trying to make, it appeared, all the noise it could. His attention was next called to the nests, which were all beautifully laid off into sections, with avenues running through parallel with each other. He was informed that eight bushels of shelled corn were given them daily -- about a gill to each goose. The way of feeding so many in order that each should get its share, was a problem next to be solved, but was readily explained by the statement that the geese, at a stated hour were all driven out of the pen, and after the corn is scattered over the feeding ground, again driven back through a board gate.

According to rumor, Mr. James Collins has bought a share of Jack's Cove for $1, and will remove no more of his oysters from that place. If the report be true, he is to be congratulated on his good luck, for in a few years it will be source of great revenue to him.

Mr. James S. Collins requests a denial of the statement made by a correspondent of THE ENTERPRISE "that he was removing his oysters from Jack's Cove because he considered it a natural oyster bed."

Your reporter at Mappsville boasts of the sixty tons of fish guano sold by Mr. Gillespie, agent for Wilcox fertilizers. Another agent, Mr. John D. Parsons, of this place, has sold a larger quantity.


Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcementTransportation -- Water - FreightMoral -- AlcoholLaborers -- FisheriesLaborers -- WagesInfrastructure -- Public : Schools

Marsh Market.

Capt. George Hinman, our oyster inspector, is not having any trouble with the dredgers in Pocomoke Sound at this time. They are aware of the fact that he has a six pound cannon in his possession, and think it advisable to keep out of its way.

The schooner Daniel J. Whealton, Capt. Webster Marshall, sailed from Messongo Creek, on the first instant, for St. Mary's River after a load of oysters.

Uncle Bob Marshall, of Sykes Island, Va., who was put in jail for selling whiskey without license, came home on the 2nd instant as happy as a lark. He feels sure now, that he has many true friends among the professional fraternity in Drummondtown, but hopes that the next time he shall visit them, it will be for a better purpose.

Messrs. Frank Lewis, George P. Miles and Wesley Young, tongers of Sykes' Island, Va., caught and sold in three days recently, $55 worth of oysters.

The public school at Pocomoke, under the efficient management of E. C. Kellam, aided by Miss Fanny Lang, is in a progressive condition. They have one hundred pupils enrolled, and seventy in average daily attendance.

The Railroad.

Transportation -- Railroad - Barges and floatsTransportation -- Railroad - CorporateLaborers -- Railroad

The Harlan & Hollingsworth Company, of Wilmington, have submitted plans and specifications for a steam barge to carry cars to and from Norfolk and Cherrystone. This barge is to be 300 feet long, 60 feet wide, and will carry 24 cars. The trip can be made in about three hours, thus enabling the company with a single barge to handle 96 cars.

To show that this will be the shortest route to the South the company state that they will be able to put passengers at Weldon, North Carolina, by the time they would arrive at Fredericksburg by the other route.

Mr. Cassatt and others interested in the new road were in Norfolk a few days ago making arrangements for a wharf in that city at which to land their boats.

The New York, Philadelphia and Norfolk Company have made an arrangement with the Norfolk and Western Railroad for an interchange of business.

About fifty more laborers came down Wednesday night and were put to work near Drummondtown. -- Times, Pocomoke, Md.

The laborers were "not put to work near Drummondtown" as reported by the Times. A gang of hands, however, is at work grading the road in Accomac near the Maryland line, and we presume, it is composed of the laborers, of which mention is made by the Times.

Real Estate Transfers.

Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estateTransportation -- Railroad - Construction

The following transfers of real estate were recorded in the Accomack County Court clerk's office, during the week ending March 5:

Richard T. Ames & wife to John W. Duncan, 50x50 feet, North street, Onancock; $300.

John W. Gillett, Special Commissioner, to Samuel W. Ames, 1 acre, Heath land, in Pungoteague; $125.

Same to Isaac Phillips and James W. Shields, 1 9-000th acres, Heath land in Pungoteague; $155.

Anne E. Pannell's trustee et al. to N. Y., Phila., and Norfolk R.R. Co., route of road through land at Guilford; $1.

Abel T. Johnson, Special Commissioner, to Charles H. Lewis, real estate on Saxe's Island; $65.

Leander Wilcox and wife, &c., to John S. Doughty, real estate on Chincoteague Island; $200.

John S. Doughty to Leander Wilcox et als., real estate on Chincoteague Island; $200.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
March 8, 1884