Peninsula Enterprise, June 14, 1884


fields -- Crops - White potatoes : Prices

A few barrels of round potatoes about the size of hickory nuts and which seemed to be full grown, were shipped to Baltimore last Monday. They were sold at from two to three dollars per barrel.


Transportation -- Water - Freight

The steamer Patterson and Bash, Captain Jas. Milliner, will receive potatoes for New York at Garrison's and Bunting's wharves next Tuesday, and at Coxton's wharf on the following day.


Transportation -- Railroad - ConstructionLaborers -- Railroad

The New York, Phila. and Norfolk Railroad has now in its employ over one thousand men.


Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Horse racing

Mr. Jas. W. Bell, of Powelton, it is reported, has sold his trotting horse, George Beach for $1,500.


Transportation -- Water - FreightInfrastructure -- Commercial - Real estateForests -- Forest products - Lumber

Muddy Creek.

Our vessels are engaged in "running" pine wood to market at prices owing to the scarcity of freights, never known before.

Isaac Somers has sold his house and lot to Capt. John Somers, for the sum of $250.

A building boom is now fairly under way in this vicinity.


Infrastructure -- Commercial - Commercial construction

Oak Hall.

Dr. W. S. Horsey is erecting a large storehouse in our village, which is to be occupied by Mr. J. F. Snow of Wattsville.

The Railroad.

reprinted from Pocomoke Times, June 7Transportation -- Railroad - Construction

The track layers on the New York, Philadelphia and Norfolk Railroad, were at work Thursday night, and succeeded in laying about one mile of track. The night was almost as bright as day, and much pleasanter than working in the broiling sun. If they continue working on the road both night and day it will not take them a great while to finish it.

They would have been still farther advanced had the men not been taken off the main track to build a side track at this place, extending from the bridge to Second street. This work was necessary in order to have some place to put empty cars. The well and tank will be completed next week,and the station-house is well under way.

Real Estate Transfers.

Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estate

The following transfers of real estate &c., were recorded in the Accomack County Court clerk's office, from May 21st to June 11th.

Parker Lewis to Burwell B. Gladding, 40 acres at Muddy Creek; $100.

Charles H. Lewis and wife to John H. Miles et al., 9 ft. wide by 100 ft. long on Saxe's Island; $12.

Thomas R. Chandler and wife to Geo. T. Turner, 2 acres near Cashville; $75.

Emily H. Rayfield to John Neely, dower interest in 1-2 of Edge Hill near Accomac C. H.; $500.

John Neely and wife Henry Melson, of P., farm known as Edge Hill near Accomac C. H., reserving 8 acres woodland or thereabouts; $7,737.50.

Burwell B. Gladding and wife to Octavus Gladding, 3 1-2 acres on Muddy Creek; $125.

John T. Fletcher to Sally R. Marshall, 2 acres near Marsh Market; $400.

Henry Hall and wife to same, 4 acres near Marsh Market; $180.

Burwell B. Gladding and wife to Octavus and Solomon J. Gladding, 10 acres on Muddy Creek; $95.

John E. Parkes and wife to Travis Parkes et als., 3 1-2 acres on Tangier Island; $100.

Benjamin T. Gunter, special commissioner, to George W. Bishop et als., lots at Franklin City; $574.50.

Who Were They?

Moral -- Other

A plainly clad and homely individual reached here on Monday evening last, in company with a lady of Worcester county. The man was from Onancock, and it was reported on the steamer that he was already a married man, and that he was en route for Crisfield to take unto himself a second wife in the person of the female accompanying him. We don't know whether the report was true or not, but the couple in question visited Rev. W. Wilson, indicating their desire to be married. This report, however, about the man being married reached Mr. Wilson at the same time the couple applied to be married and he declined to perform the service. We did not learn the names of the couple. -- Crisfield Leader.

A married man and a young lady, of fourteen summers, from Atlantic, this county, mysteriously disappeared about the time to which the above query relates, and it has since been currently rumored, that they have taken unto themselves matrimonial vows. It may be therefore, that our erring county man may have wended his footsteps to the Shell city, and that the Leader's and our "gay Lothario" may be one and the same.

Our Oyster Navy.

Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcement

MR. EDITOR: Your editorial on the oyster navy in your issue of last week pleased me very much. I was especially tickled at the thrusts at the Democratic members of the board of public works. If strong circumstantial evidence be worth a penny, we have in the attitude of that Board the farcical picture of a dog being wagged by a tail that does not belong to him.

But, we have also a picture too serious for laughter. It is the sheer waste of the people's money in building a steamer entirely useless, and the prospective utter failure of the work intended by the act creating the oyster police force to be done. Sir Joseph Porter, K.C.B. who was so badly beaten by Admiral Skaggs and so laughed to scorn by the doughty maidens of the Dancing Molly, has grand ideas on the subject of the steam Corvette carrying two guns (Krupp's best rifled, we suppose), now being built at Norfolk, at an expense within $5,100 of the $30,000 granted by the Legislature for the purpose of building the entire fleet. Out of this sum it was also intended that not only the three sloops-of-war were to be built, or bought, but the equipment and running expenses of the entire fleet was to come. It is true a further sum of $45,000 was provided by the act -- "if collected." As this steam Corvette is to draw seven and a half feet of water she will in all probability go high and dry, if she ever attempts to follow the light draft crafts of Admiral Skaggs. -- She can enter none of our creeks -- but few on the bay. The steamers of the E. S. Steamboat Co., carrying from 2,000 to 3,500 barrels, draw only five feet of water, and are forced to watch the channel ways on that. The evident intention of the law was to build a fleet able to float easily in shallow waters, and by cutting out or running down marauding craft protect the oyster interest. It certainly never contemplated the building of sea-going ships upon the Robesonian and Chandlerian systems: to brag on, to spend on, to yacht on. Whatever else than these, this Corvette of Sir Joseph Porter, and the other lords of the admiralty, was intended for the wronged taxpayers who have to put up their hard earnings to pay the fiddler for this folly dance will for ever be puzzled to imagine. The old Tredegar, costing but little over one fifth the building of the marine incongruity now on the ways, accomplished more, with no gun, than Sir Joseph Porter with his two costly armadas; no war was indulged in, and during the greater part of her service no cannon was aboard to bring to with shot and shell the gleeful maidens of the Dancing Molly. This work could not possibly have been done by a boat drawing seven and a half feet of water, no matter if she had been armed with the choicest armament of the navies of the world. And let it not be forgotten that the three steamers composing the old fleet, costing one-fifth less than Sir Joseph and his admiralty board pay for this steamer Corvette of seven and a half feet draft, left to their credit in the treasury the neat little sum of $200,000. This fleet was built by Auditor Taylor; and though he possessed no technical knowledge of naval affairs, he had the good sense to employ those who did, and thereby made his business undertaking a success. A boat for the oyster service ought to draw less than five feet of water, and there can be no possible reason why it should not be so built. To build useless is to build unwisely, to build unwisely is a waste, an extravagance and a folly the lords of admiralty should be held to strict account for.

Virginia needs no Tallapoosa. This great expenditure for so little to show is open to question. The Democrats have claimed to be earnestly in favor of economy -- the representatives of that party on the board of public works do not sustain that claim. The people will naturally ask why. That there is division between the two Democrats of that board, and that in consequence of that division the Republican governor cuts out the work in spite of the fact of the two Democratic members and has it done to suit his views, is very plainly, very sadly, and very seriously true. It is therefore no longer strange that districts whose heavy majorities crushed Mahoneism are rudely thrust aside to give honors to districts whose majorities are small, or none at all. In the struggle between the game cocks the wily crow carries off the corn. If these gentlemen wish to see Democratic unanimity, for the good of the party, let them come "over the bay," and we will show them a county with sixteen voting precincts everyone giving a clear Democratic majority -- and two of the number Guilford and Saxes' Island, deeply interested in this business, give an unanimous Democratic vote; the former 264, the later 59. That is the showing Mahone has here, and with all the power of his federal patronage in the county wielded to the utmost and with most careful tending, he cannot alter it. We insist, with emphasis, that this oyster law shall be executed within the appropriation. It is a most important point with us in the future; to rearrange and put this interest upon an enlightened business basis. If it is run in debt it will be the fault of the board of public works, while we, whose great interests are at stake, must suffer the consequences of their fault. If through their fault failure comes by debt, or otherwise, the Legislature will scarcely be inclined to vote more money, for the Western members do not in the least understand this oyster question, though they have a keen eye for a balance sheet. If these gentlemen can't agree not to disagree let them take the advice given by the old man to his son, "Shoot Luke, or give up the gun," or in plainer language, if you intend, because like spoiled children you will pout at each other, to let the Republican governor "run the machine" and dictate its action give place to Democrats having less personality and more heartily the interests of the party in view.

Finally, gentlemen, quit wasting the people's money in building ocean steamers to navigate half "fadom" waters.


Accomac, June 12, 1884.

P.S. A friend suggests that the whole difficulty of the size of the Corvette may be overcome by an edict requiring the "Pirates" not to venture in waters less than eight feet deep. No doubt Admiral Skaggs will enforce it and thus save to the State the services of the Corvette (costing only $24,000).

N.B. I certainly hope I shall not be considered as "too previous" in urging that the Corvette shall be called THE BIG FRONT DOOR. It is so suggestive. If this is negatived then I suggest o.o.


Transportation -- Water - Wharves

MR. EDITOR: Capt. P. H. Davis has made valuable improvements at his wharf. Last winter he erected a large, convenient and very neat store-room, which is occupied by T. M. West, the popular steamboat agent at that point. Capt. Davis has extended his wharf fifty feet, when completed it will be the most substantial as well as the largest wharf on Occohonnock Creek. This improvement was badly needed, and it will no doubt increase the business importance of the place. We commend the enterprise of Capt. Davis. The more convenient and roomy a wharf is, the more it will be patronized. Capt. Davis is abreast with the times, and no doubt sees the importance of offering unsurpassed facilities to shippers over his wharf. His enterprise we are sure will be appreciated by farmers on that side of the creek. The increased value of the property around the neighborhood on account of such improvements is not to be forgotten. He not only benefits himself, but he benefits all his neighbors in a very material way. If I were looking for land to buy, one of the first things I should inquire about would be the distance from the point of shipment and the facilities at that point for shipping.

Davis's Wharf.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
June 14, 1884