Peninsula Enterprise, April 5, 1884
Forests -- SawmillsForests -- Forest products - Other
Messrs. J. T. Ackley & Son, enterprising saw-mill men at Guilford, have enlarged their business, and are now manufacturing laths by the thousand.
Forests -- SawmillsLumbermen -- Personal injury
At Jones' saw-mill, near Wardtown, a colored man had his thigh ripped open on Friday of last week, and on the following day Mr. Richards, an employee of the mill, had his thumb nearly cut off, by a saw.
Weather -- Northeast stormsTransportation -- Water - Wrecks
During the gale last Saturday night, the lines of five barges parted which a tug-boat had in tow, bound from Baltimore to Norfolk, and they drifted ashore on the shoals at the mouth of Occahonnock Creek. Two of them, valued at about $2000 each, have since broken into and are a total loss. On Sunday, the crew and several women on board were taken off the barges by Capt. Wm. Kellam, of the schooner Croswell, and carried to his home.
Weather -- Northeast stormsTransportation -- Water - Strandings
A special to the Baltimore Sun says on Monday the schooner Thos. M. Somers went ashore on Pungoteague bar, with loss of rudder and other damage. She was got off on Tuesday and towed into Pungoteague Creek. The schooners Wake and Chas. Swerer, while trying to get into Pungoteague Creek, carried away their jibs.
Infrastructure -- Public - Government : School administration
The following is an extract from the report of the county superintendent, Mr. James C. Weaver, for the month ending March 31st, 1884: Number schools in operation during the month, 77; number graded of more than one teacher, 14; number pupils enrolled, 3,936; number in daily average attendance, 2,751; number different schools visited, 24; number tax receivable issued, 79; amount of warrants, $2,336.57.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Commercial construction
Accomac C. H.
Work was commenced last Monday on the new storehouse of Mr. Wm. C. Hall of our town, to be occupied by Mr. Wm. B. Wilkins.
Transportation -- Railroad - SteamboatsInfrastructure -- Public - Government : Life-saving serviceTransportation -- Railroad - Construction
Rumor says that Mr. D. J. Whealton has rented his wharf to the Penn. R.R. Co., who will put a steamer on our bay on the completion of the branch road from New Church to Bloodgoods. It will be a disaster to Chincoteague when the "Old Dominion" is driven to take off the steamer Widgeon, thus, placing travel and freight at the mercy of the Penn R.R. Co.
Orders have been issued to erect a boat house midway between Pope's Island and Assateague stations at which surf boat and equipments will be stored to be used in case of emergency.
Moral -- VigilantismInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential constructionWeather -- Northeast storms
Leemont is in great need at this time of a Vigilance Committee to take care of the hen roosts, dairies and woodpiles.
New dwellings will be erected shortly on Hunting Creek by Captain Thomas Fitzgerald and Mr. John Barnes of James.
The little schooner, John Willie of Guilford, left the Potomac for home last Saturday and not having arrived yet, fears are entertained for the safety of the boat and her crew.
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : PlantingInfrastructure -- Commercial - Grist millsFields -- Crops - Sweet potatoes : Seed and slipsInfrastructure -- Public - Government : Postal service
Chief Inspector Nock has been taking evidence this week, regarding oyster ground now claimed and held by J. H. Arbuckle. Judging from the evidence in the case, Mr. Arbuckle is holding a considerable quantity of ground, which he is not entitled to, and cannot hold according to law.
Several new buildings will be erected here this year.
Our enterprising mill man H. Dennis has one of the most complete flour mills on the Shore.
There will be a large crop of sweet potatoes raised here this year, judging from the large amount of potato seeds bedded.
Our popular and obliging P. M., T. A. Richards, has recently enlarged his postoffice building and fitted it up in an elegant style with glass boxes. This is becoming quite an important office, there having been 118 letters registered during the past quarter ending March 31st.