Peninsula Enterprise, May 17, 1884
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Resorts
Mr. A. H. Hubbard, of Philadelphia, is stopping now at the Powelton Hotel, and finds recreation in fishing and shooting game, which abounds in that section.
Laborers -- FarmLaborers -- Fisheries
We clip the following reply from the Wilmington Every Evening, to an abusive article in the Wilmington Morning News of recent issue:
Editor Every Evening:
An editorial in the Morning News of yesterday morning severely criticises the good people of the eastern counties of Virginia upon the system of farm labor employed in that section, and indeed the article suggests the want of an acquaintance with that highly favored section and the good people resident there. The most profitable products of that portion of our Peninsula are early vegetables and fruits and the growers are unable to compete in wages with the more profitable vocations adopted by the male portion of their laborers. Indeed the waters of the ocean and bay and their tributaries abound in salt water luxuries to such extent that the more robust laborer reaps such rate of compensation as to preclude his employment on the lands. This traffic from the waters has grown so rapidly with the increased facilities of transportation that a small army of laborers find their employment during the larger portion of the year and, per se, the females and children find employment in the crops of the land.
The editor need look no farther than this county to find females and children thus employed. As regards "huts" so emphatically criticised, an intimate acquaintance with eastern Virginia fails to secure these instances of squalid poverty and nowhere on this Peninsula are the laboring classes more content or prosperous. In fact a large (perhaps the greater) portion of the laborers own their piece of land and cultivate it, and can be seen at any time delivering their produce to, and receiving their returns from the steamers that ply these waters, (an enterprise of one of Wilmington's leading firms). If the editor has been shocked by his sensational correspondent let me suggest for him a personal examination of the country he so severely rebukes and he will find there an enterprising, thrifty and cultivated people whose example could be profitably adopted by the people of Delaware, and in his intercourse with them he will find a hospitality unsurpassed if equaled, elsewhere on this Peninsula and business tact and integrity second to no other section. That they in common with this entire Peninsula, need labor, is obvious when it is remembered that their products require more manual force than former system of corn as practiced "fore de wah." Their business connections with all the eastern cities including and beyond New York City and through Baltimore to the great markets of the West gives to these good people an intimate knowledge of how and where to sell to the best advantage and less abuse and a cultivation of their trade might be of infinitely greater benefit to Wilmington.
Middletown, May 9th.
Sea -- Finfish - Catch : Trout
Trout fish never were more plentiful in our waters. It is not an unusual thing for a man with hook and line to catch two bushels in a day.
Moral -- Vandalism
In our last issue we stated in connection with an item in reference to the burning of Capt. John S. Gaskins, that a seine of his and Mr. C. T. Taylor was cut the same night. We are now informed that a pound net and not a seine was destroyed, and that the act was done about a year ago. The correction is made at the request of Mr. Taylor, and in this instance as in all others, we are glad to be corrected, when by accident or otherwise statements are made through our columns which are not accurate.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Commercial constructionInfrastructure -- Commercial - Real estateMoral -- Murder
Accomac C. H.
Work was commenced last Monday by Mr. A. J. Lilliston of our town, on a large furniture store.
Mr. John Neely has sold his farm near our town, containing 180 acres to Mr. Henry Melson of P. for the sum of $8,000.
Hon. John Neely has gone to Tappahannock to assist in the prosecution of Burkman whose trial comes off next Tuesday.
Natural resources -- Conservation - ResourcesSea -- Terrapin
We have noticed for a few years past, that the fish known as "Sheepshead," have been remarkably scarce, and grow more so each year. This being one of the best table fish that inhabit our waters, would it not be in order to suggest to the United States Fish Commission, that in their laudable and successful propagation of the various fish species, that they take the "Sheepshead" into consideration? We would also suggest that an effort be made toward the propagation of the salt-water or diamond back terrapin. These are growing scarcer year by year. On the Jersey coast, where, forty years ago, they were very numerous, now one is seldom seen. At the present rate of extermination, the same will soon be said of our coast. But for the present law of possession, efforts to propagate them could be made in this section.
Forests -- Forest products - BarrelsInfrastructure -- Commercial - Commercial constructionTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Baseball
The Onancock Mill Co., have staves enough prepared to make 10,000 barrels.
Dr. C. L. Harmanson will soon have a handsome office erected on a lot recently purchased of Dr. O. B. Finney.
In a match game of base ball between the Kid Glove and Academy nines last Tuesday the former were the victors by a score of 19 to 14.
Transportation -- Railroad - ConstructionLaborers -- RailroadSea -- Finfish - Catch : TroutInfrastructure -- Commercial - Real estateTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Excursions
Owing to the immense quantity of water in Gum Swamp, near Fisher's Station a large majority of the railroad hands employed there grading, have deserted the camp. Last Monday 30 or more passed through here on their way North swearing that they would not work in such a place. The majority of them were Italians.
Trout are plentiful and selling at ten cents per dozen.
W. L. Nock has purchased of Dr. Broadwater a very desirable lot situated on Railroad avenue, where he contemplates erecting a dwelling of modern style at an early day.
On the completion of the railroad at this point, there will be an excursion to some point above probably to Philadelphia and return, and all those desiring a cheap, pleasant trip will do well to take this in. Parties from points below respectfully invited.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estateTransportation -- Railroad - ConstructionMoral -- Alcohol
Agreements entered of record May 10, 1884, between:
Robert J. Bull, Sophia E. Thomas, Philip Lewis, Cornelius Robinson and others, Scipio Thompson, Martha Stevens, respectively, and the Peninsula Railroad company; William A. Andrews and T. Shadrach Baker respectively, and the N. Y., Phila. & Norfolk Railroad Company.
Transfers of real estate to May 12, 1884:
Indiana Knight to Ibby Jackson, 10 acres near Capeville, consideration $450.
Ibby Jackson to Ewell Warren, 4 acres near Capeville; $190.
Francis Parsons to trustees of Second Presbyterian Church, 3 miles below Capeville; gift.
Court proceedings:
Fifteen liquor licenses granted at April term of court, and ten of same at May term.
The Railroad.
Transportation -- Railroad - Construction
Work is being vigorously pushed at every point on our railroad from Pocomoke City to a few miles of Accomac C. H.. From 300 to 400 men are engaged in grading the road at three or four points between the places designated. The latest information received is to the effect that it will be built and fully equipped as far as our town by the 15th of July. The first train will pass over the bridge at Pocomoke City, early next week.
Real Estate Transfers.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estate
The following transfers of real estate were recorded in the Accomack County Court clerk's office, during the week ending May 14:
George G. Fox and wife to George P. Hargis, 782 square feet at Powelton; $551.
Mary M. Smith and others to Juliet Smith and Sarah C. Kenney, 2 acres and 48-100 perches on Chincoteague Island; $754.80.
Lewis B. Parkes and wife to William Pruitt, 2 acres on Tangier Island; $50.
Catharine P. W. Poulson to Alfred J. Lilliston, 121 98-100 acres near Drummondtown; $1829.70.
Henry Melson (of P.) and wife to Samuel A. Lewis, 108 acres near Drummondtown; $5,440.