Peninsula Enterprise, July 19, 1884
Moral -- Other violent crime
Spencer Crippen, negro, was sent to jail last Thursday, by Justice Parsons for an attempt to commit rape on a little daughter, less than twelve years of age, of Mr. James Darby of Atlantic.
Architecture -- Courthouses
We call the attention of our house builders to the proposal for bids for building the new court house. Knowing their pluck, energy and capacity, we hope that some one of them will be found who will bid for the contract. Make your estimates, gentlemen, and send them along.
Moral -- OtherTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Excursions
Mr. G. F. Bunting alias Capt. Brown, who eloped with a girl of sixteen from this vicinity, some weeks ago, according to the last report, had left Chicago for a point further West.
There will be an excursion Wishart's Point to Chincoteague and Franklin City on steamer Widgeon next Tuesday. The steamer leaves at 8 1-2 A. M., of that day and if weather not favorable on that day, then at the same hour on Thursday 24th inst.
Infrastructure -- Public : FencesInfrastructure -- Public - Government : Life-saving serviceInfrastructure -- Public - Government : Lighthouse serviceInfrastructure -- Public : ChurchesMoral -- AlcoholProfessionals -- Teachers
Barbed wire fences are being extensively built on Chincoteague; our merchant, Mr. Kenney, having sold his customers during the spring several thousand pounds of wire.
Mr. Coster of Baltimore, who received the contract to repair the life saving stations, is delivering the lumber preparatory to commencing work.
Our people are much elated at the success of the Hon. Geo. T. Garrison in getting an appropriation for the light and fog signals on Killick Shoals in our bay, a bill for which has been before Congress for several years.
The Methodist protracted meeting being held in the woods, is religiously a success, many penitent and several conversions. Presiding Elder Wilson preached during the week, and created a stir among our rum runners by his scathing denunciation of the traffic. Mr. R. H. Williams, formerly principal of our academy and at present a senior of Wesleyan University of Middletown, Conn., will be the guest of Mr. J. T. Kenney during the coming week.
Transportation -- Water - FreightMoral -- FirearmsTransportation -- Railroad - ConstructionLaborers -- RailroadInfrastructure -- Commercial - HotelsInfrastructure -- Public : Churches
Schooner Havens, commanded by Capt. Alfred Lewis, has gone to North Carolina to load with watermelons for the northern markets.
Johnson's hotel is filled with boarders -- bridge builders on the railroad.
Mr. John Waterhouse, a young man living near Woodberry, accidentally shot himself a few days ago while carelessly handling a pistol. The wound is not considered dangerous.
A picnic for the benefit of Leemont Baptist church, will be held Tuesday in the afternoon at one o'clock, July 29th if fair, if not, on the following day, at Capt. John R. Johnson's wharf, Hunting Creek. Good shade, grassy yard, fine boating and bathing, confectionery, ice cream, supper, &c., will make the place an attractive one to those in attendance. There will be a lecture and speaking at early lamp-light by distinguished speakers. All are invited.
Transportation -- Railroad - ConstructionTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Excursions
Oak Hall.
Many of our farmers are in much trouble caused by the "turning out" of their crops by the Railroad Company. No cattle guards have been put down, and hogs and cattle are at full liberty to run in upon growing crops. Some are very indignant, and threaten to block the track unless something is done.
An excursion to Pocomoke City on the new railroad is contemplated. No doubt many will avail themselves of this opportunity to go to Pocomoke quicker than they ever did before, and also enjoy the jolting of a ride over a new track.
Architecture -- HousesInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential constructionFields -- Livestock - Cattle Watermen -- Personal injury
Mr. George W. Powell is building an addition to his residence, "the Ker Place."
The beef business seems to be a good one in our town. Two firms now and four in the winter exist, and thrive by the sale of it.
Mr. John T. Powell, one of our most enterprising citizens, had a narrow escape from serious injury, while on his way to St. Mary's county, Md., during last week in his schooner. His head was caught by the sail jibing, between the boom and cabin and nearly crushed. At the time it was thought that his jaw was broken. It now turns out that he was badly bruised only, but not seriously hurt, though his escape was a narrow one from death even.
Real Estate Transfers.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estate
The following transfers of real estate &c., were recorded in the Accomack County Court clerk's office, from July 2nd to 16th inclusive:
John Wise, deputy for R. T. Ames, late sheriff to Sally Chandler, 60 acres near Woodberry; $254.25.
Wharton Watson and wife to Onancock Steam Mill Co., one acre at Onancock; $80.
Daniel Whealton and wife and others to John Merritt, acres on Chincoteague Island; $85.
John Bunting and wife to Philip McDaniels, 140x70 yards on Chincoteague Island; $35.
Wm. Fleming and wife to Richard Ames, 12 1-2 acres near Locustville; $150.
David Melson and wife to Mary LeCato, wife of Arthur N., for 1-3 interest in Joshua Turner tract near Hawk's Nest; $1.
Major John Parker and wife to Edward East, 1-4 acre at Onancock; $42.50.
George Powell and wife to Thomas Watson, 26.18 acres woodland near Onancock; $654.50.
Eveline and Sally Hinman to Bettie Bell, wife of Wm., 2-5 interest in realty near Nelsonia.
Wm. Bell and wife to Eveline and Sally Hinman, 1-5 interest in realty near Nelsonia; $125.
Luke Lewis and wife to Edward Derickson, 33 acres on Chincoteague Island; $1,600.
Crab Industry.
Sea -- Shellfish - Crabbing : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Crabbing : Dredging
A few days ago at Crisfield, Md., one man caught 1,000 soft crabs in one day, caught them with a scrape. The usual shipment of soft crabs from Crisfield averages from five to eight thousand dozen per week. And if we put them at 75 cents per dozen we see at once that a handsome revenue is derived from this growing industry, 8,000 dozen at 75 cents per dozen, $1,600. Now this business never could have reached its present development if crabbers had continued to wade around the shores of the creeks and inlets looking for soft crabs. However, this was the first step. As the demand for them far exceeded the supply. Some one fell upon the idea of catching the hard ones and keeping them in ponds until they should shed. In this manner the supply was greatly increased but the demand had increased also. It was found out by some of the oyster men that soft crabs could be taken in deep water and there was a great many in the channel, so the idea of a scrape or dredge fixed to a canoe, somewhat after the manner of dredges for catching oysters occurred to some of the crabbers. The idea was put to practical use, and now every morning at Crisfield you can see fleets of canoes putting out in deep water and throwing over scrapes, and sometimes they make as high as $10 per day. Of course, 1,000 catch was an exception and not likely to happen again. We have been urging some of our Virginia fishermen to take hold of this business. Onancock ought to ship at least 2,000 dozen soft crabs per week, Pungoteague, Nandua, Occohonnock, Chesconnessix, Hunting, Guilford and Hungars creeks, all ought to realize a handsome income from this undeveloped industry. Oystermen, tongers, I mean who have heretofore remained idle during the summer, living on the store laid up in winter, can find in this a more profitable employment than the oyster business. We are glad to see that some of our folks are going into it. Capt. Jim Twyford of Hoffmans Wharf has ordered a scrape and is at work. Capt. E. Evans has ordered three for other parties. These scrapes are made at Crisfield and can be had for $2.60. In no other business can so cheap an outfit produce such an income. The fact is, Mr. Editor there is no need for any of our brain and muscle to go West; our "Eastern Shore" of Virginia to the square mile -- is equal to -- will surpass the gold fields and cattle ranches of the great West.
Architecture -- Courthouses
Proposals will be received up to the 11th day of August, A. D. 1884, by the Board of Supervisors of the county of Accomack, in the State of Virginia, for the erection, at the county seat, of a new Court-House.
The Board will contract with the successful bidder for payment in five equal annual instalments, the last of which will fall due at the expiration of five years from the completion of the work. Said bidder, before beginning said work, will be required to execute bond, with approved security, in the penalty of ten thousand dollars, conditioned for the faithful performance of his contract. Each bidder is required to state, approximately, the time in which he proposes to complete the work.
The right to reject each and all bids is expressly reserved by the Board.
Full information as to plan and working specifications will be furnished on application to Frederick G. Atkinson, architect, 1421 New York avenue, Washington, D. C., or to the undersigned. All bids must be forwarded to
Court-House Committee,
Accomack C. H., Va.
Although the payments will be contracted for by the Board as above stated, we are authorized by responsible citizens of Accomack to assure the contractor that they will cash the several instalments, in advance of their falling due, rebating interest at six per cent., in such proportions of the contract price, and at such intervals in the progress of the work, as is usual in like cases, and as may be agreed upon between them and the contractor.