Peninsula Enterprise, April 19, 1884
Transportation -- Railroad - ConstructionFields -- Livestock - HorsesProfessionals -- Commission merchants
Accomac C. H.
Dr. E. W. Goerke, chief engineer of the N. Y., Phila., and Norfolk railroad was in our town yesterday and reports favorable progress on the road.
Mr. Frank D. Parks bought this week, the fine horse of Mr. Wm. B. Coxton, at the price of $375. He was sold to Mr. Coxton some months ago by Mr. M. Oldham, Jr., of our town for $175.
Mr. B. H. Andrews, commission merchant, of New York, visited our office this week, and gives an encouraging report as to the prospect for Irish potatoes. He is of the opinion that they will command a fair price this season, despite the views of other commission merchants to the contrary.
Moral -- AlcoholMoral -- Other violent crime
Our usually quiet community was thrown in a state of excitement last week by the announcement that "Bill" Harrison had shot Ikey Blake an inoffensive old colored man. An investigation of the case showed that Harrison had been on a protracted drunk and on entering Coleborne's bar room where the old negro was, he drew his revolver and deliberately fired, the ball passing thro' Blake's arm and lodging in his coat sleeve. He was placed under arrest, but from the manner in which he carried the constable around from one bar room to another, a casual observer would have supposed that the constable, and not Harrison was the culprit. He soon furnished the bail required by Justice Baker, and has since departed for parts unknown. It would not be a surprise if his bondsmen came to grief. Complaint has also been made to the Justice that while on his debauch he entered the house of Richard Lind and assaulted his wife. It is a notorious fact that disturbances of the peace in this community always go unpunished.
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideInfrastructure -- Public : ChurchesTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - BaseballTransportation -- Railroad - Construction
Oysters are not good this season and the returns are unsatisfactory.
A handsome organ has been placed in the Methodist Protestant church.
A base ball club has recently been organized at this place, and is now ready to accept challenges from other clubs in the county.
It is confidently asserted that the New York, Philadelphia and Norfolk Railroad will tap Chincoteague Bay, at Guy's Point near our village.
Transportation -- Water - Boat building
The large "bug eye" boat being built by Mr. Thos. Scott, at Guilford, at the time of his death, is now the property of, and will be finished by Capt. Jas. S. Lewis.
Transportation -- Water - FreightForests -- SawmillsMoral -- AlcoholProfessionals -- Commission merchants
Capt. S. R. Marshall, sailed for Salisbury, Md., in the schooner Ariel Tuesday, chartered by S. W. Mathews & Co., to transport their mill and machinery, recently purchased near that place, to Pitt's Wharf this county. -- They expect to have their machinery at work in about two weeks.
Easter Saturday was a field day for the tangle leg veterans of this vicinity. The brigade was out in full force and performed the elbow drill with remarkable rapidity and effect. Some of the members retain very marked impressions of the day's festivities. Even their vivandiere escaped only by her agility in dodging swiftly thrown glass tumblers.
Luckily for Pharaoh, commission agents were unknown in his day, or else he would no doubt have enjoyed the pleasure of their acquaintance, when all other plagues had failed to soften his heart. They have appeared this year far in advance of the potato bugs, and are as pertinacious in their attacks as mad bees. The relief for a poor farmer is to promise unreservedly, a consignment.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Commercial construction
The storehouse of Warren & Davison at this place is nearly completed. It is a huge storehouse for a country town, will be well stocked with goods and the members of the firm being active and enterprising, lively mercantile developments are expected.
Transportation -- Railroad - ConstructionFields -- Crops - Other fruit
James W. Broughton has put out over thirty thousand strawberry plants and quite a number of fruit trees. He is preparing for the iron horse, and other farmers will do the right thing if they, too, will only take things by the forelock.
Forests -- Forest products - LumberForests -- Forest products - Stove WoodTransportation -- Road - ConstructionFields -- Crops - Corn
Messrs. S. M. Hancock & Co., have built a temporary road and wharf to a landing in Wallop's Neck, and are selling lots of wood and lumber to the Chincoteague Islanders.
The Industry Down and Quilting Company have bought $1,000 worth of corn for their geese, in Wallop's Neck, since last fall, and now want 300 bushels more. Some of our people think if this thing continues, corn bread will be scarce.
Mr. George S. Miles, who has been engaged in the mercantile business at this point, for the past ten years, is talking about moving to Franklin City, next fall, where it is said the prospect for business is more flattering than here. We regret we have to lose so worthy a citizen.
N. Y., Phila. and Norfolk Railroad.
Transportation -- Railroad - ConstructionTransportation -- Railroad - Corporate
A dispatch to the Baltimore Sun of April 14th states that the New York, Philadelphia and Norfolk Railroad Company will adopt the Pennsylvania Railroad system of government tomorrow. The new road runs from Newtown Junction, Worcester county, Maryland, to Cherrystone, Northampton county, Virginia, at which latter point it will connect with steamers for Norfolk and the South. Three mammoth transport steamers are building to transfer the cars across Chesapeake Bay to Norfolk. As heretofore announced in The Sun, the Eastern Shore Railroad, which runs from Delmar to Crisfield, has been bought by the New York, Philadelphia and Norfolk Company, and is now a part of the road. Princess Anne will be made the junction of the two branches of the new road. Mr. James McConklyn, formerly of the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad, has been appointed Superintendent, and Mr. Clarance C. Waller, assistant. Mr. W. L. Scott is president of the new road, Mr. J. G. Cassett, treasurer, Mr. Wm. H. Taylor, secretary, and Mr. Wm. Carris, auditor. It is expected that the road from Newtown Junction to Cherrystone will be completed in October. Steel rails and the best material are being used in constructing the road. The New York, Philadelphia and Norfolk is an extension of the Pennsylvania system.
Real Estate Transfers.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estateTransportation -- Railroad - Construction
The following transfers of real estate were recorded in the Accomack County Court clerk's office, during the week ending April 16.
Obadiah W. Godwin and wife to New York, Philadelphia and Norfolk railroad Company, route of road; $82.
George W. Barnes and wife to Laura Ewell, wife of Solomon, 25 acres near Masonville; $350.
Solomon J. Lucas and wife to Wm. C. Hart, 4 acres near Muddy Creek; $190.
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Legislation
The oyster law passed by the late Legislature of Maryland places greater restriction upon the taking of oysters. The dredging season is shortened two weeks, beginning now the 1st day of November and ending the 1st day of April, but the tonging season lasts as it has done heretofore from September the 1st to April the 15th. A clause in the law prohibits the taking of oysters even for private use or having them in possession from the 15th of April to the 15th of August, with the proviso that if oysters are caught before the 15th of April they may be disposed of at any time before the 25th. The latter clause of course, prohibits the shipments of oysters to Maryland from other States, during the close season, and still another clause, we are advised, prohibits the shipment of them through the State to other States.
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcement
The Board of Public Works has chosen Capt. R. M. Hudgins of Norfolk commander of the oyster navy. If that officer was necessarily to be chosen from elsewhere than Accomac he might as well be Captain Hudgins as any one else. But we are at a loss to understand why it is that under all circumstances the claims of Accomac are so deliberately set aside. For the office of Register of Land office this county presented a man whose fitness for the place by habit and experience was exceptional, with the result of his flat rejection by the caucus. In this, believing that if it were needed her duty demanded she should yield what she so desired, she acquiesced. Now, presenting a man whose every quality fits him so entirely for the command, whose life, study and experience so adapt him for the work, she is again with deliberate and studied determination thrust aside. Why is this? Since 1865 not one single position in the State offices has been ever given her. True, at one time an Accomac man was given a position but, he was appointed for the reason that he was an old naval officer and was provided for as such, and not because he was an Accomac man, as evidenced by the fact that all the members from this county were pledged to and worked for an Accomac man who was defeated. Accomac has always come to the front with her solid majority, she will do so again and with an increased majority if possible, but -- we will be very sure to carefully remember those who have struck her through two such true and tried and faithful men as John D. Grant and Orris A. Browne.
Fields -- Other machinery
More than half the labor saved in the cultivation of all kinds of trucks.
ELLIOTT'S COMBINED CULTIVATOR and POTATO HILLER works peas, potatoes and all other trucks better and with half the labor of any labor-saving implement now in use.
The undersigned will visit the farmers of the Eastern Shore and give any who wish it an opportunity to try its merits.
DAVID WINDER, Agent, Sturgis P. O., Accomac Co., Va.
Fields -- Fertilizer
Manufactured By
Hoffman's Wharf, Accomac County, Va