Peninsula Enterprise, February 22, 1883
Infrastructure -- Public - Government : Lighthouse service
A petition will be circulated for signatures at an early day, looking to the establishment of a light house at the outer buoy off Onancock bar.
Transportation -- Water - Steamboats
"The Eastern Shore," the new steamer now being built at Wilmington, Del., by the Eastern Shore Steamboat Co., will be launched during this week.
We learn from Dr. West, physician to the pest house, that there are no new cases of small-pox at that institution, and those who are there are improving. In another section of our county, near Locustmount, there is a case of varioloid, the victim being one Geo. Snead, colored, recently from the city. He has been quarantined, and the probabilities are that but few, if any, were inoculated by him.
Moral -- Other violent crimeWomen -- Personal injuryForests -- Forest products - Lumber
Accomac C. H.
Monday was a field day for women beaters. Two of our young bucks of the African 'suasion were before Justice Scarburgh on charge of assaulting and beating their respective mates. Louis Parkes was sent on to answer an indictment at the March term, and George Hatton was bound over to keep the peace for twelve months.
Mr. A. J. Lilliston is busily engaged enlarging the dwelling of Mrs. Susan Fitchett, who proposes soon to open a first-class eating saloon, where all the delicacies of the season can be had, served in the highest style of the culinary art.
Our enterprising townsman, Mr. A. J. Lilliston, whose loss by fire we mentioned last week, has rebuilt his kilndry, and with his usual energy, is pushing ahead. He has lately purchased a team of fine mules, and proposes to make things lively in his lumber work.
Forests -- Sawmills
Zorobabel Mason & Sons are going ahead on their mill, and will soon have it ready for sawing. Two engineers from Baltimore are superintending the work. They will also superintend the improvement of L. D. Lewis & Sons' mill, as soon as they fix Mason & Sons'.
Fields -- FertilizerFields -- Crops - White potatoes : AcreageMoral -- Alcohol
The merchants of our town have received their fertilizers, and are now busily engaged in dealing it out to the farmers. The sales of one firm during last week amounted to $1800, and two other firms perhaps sold as much more.
The farmers of this vicinity are making preparations to plant Irish potatoes on a large scale this season.
Mr. Wm. T. Bundick delivered a temperance lecture at Town Hall last Monday night to a large and appreciative audience. He handled the temperance question like one having authority.
Temperanceville Tidbits.
Fields -- FertilizerMoral -- Firearms
Fish-chum is being largely used here for the early pea crop.
One of our citizens amused himself on Friday by shooting down the streets at houses and stores with his rifle. A little son of T. A. Richards' narrowly escaped being hit, while two or three others heard the music of balls too near for comfort. He took the rag off the rail, literally.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estateFarmers -- Farm size and structure
I offer for sale, privately, my farm situated in Bell's Neck, two miles from Belle Haven, Accomac county, Va. It contains 197 Acres, more or less, and is well adapted to trucking and growth of all the crops usually cultivated by farmers on the Eastern Shore of Virginia.
The land is easily improved, and the resources for manuring purpose are abundant. The pasturage on the premises is good. Oysters, clams, &c, are convenient to it, and its facilities for gunning, fishing, &c., unsurpassed.
Parties wishing to purchase are invited to examine the buildings, wharf, &c.
For terms apply to the undersigned in person or by letter.
H. R. Smith, Belle Haven. Va.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estateFarmers -- Farm size and structure
I offer for sale, by private contract, my valuable farm lying partly in the County of Accomack, but principally in the county of Northampton. It contains 457 Acres of land of fine quality. It is improved by a water grist mill, by dwelling house sufficiently large for a small family and by all necessary outbuildings. It lies upon Matchapungo Creek, within half a mile of Willis' Wharf and H. R. Smith's Wharf, to both of which steamers run from New York during the trucking season. The land is well timbered, and suited to the cultivation all crops raised on the Eastern Shore of Virginia. The oysters and clams in the adjacent creek are of fine quality.
For further particulars, address
Henry E. Dennis,
Belle Haven, Va.,
or Neely & Quinby,
Accomack C. H., Va
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estateFarmers -- Farm size and structureFields -- Livestock - Cattle
I offer for sale, privately, my farm situated on Pocomoke River, 3-4 of a mile from Pitt's wharf, at which point the steamer Tangier touches twice a week for Baltimore and Pocomoke city, the latter place being the terminus of a railroad, from which shipments can be landed in a few hours in many of the northern markets.
The tract of land contains 500 ACRES, more or less, and is well adapted to the growth of all kind of trucks. The facilities for improving the land are unsurpassed, the resources for manuring purposes being almost inexhaustible.
The pasture on the premises is an especially fine one. It will support during winter season 50 cattle or more, and in the summer from 150 to 250, and yields besides from other sources an annual income of from $50 to $100.
The dwelling upon the premises can be made comfortable by a small outlay of money. The farm can be purchased on reasonable terms.
For further particulars, apply to the undersigned in person or by letter.
Jenkin's Bridge.
Accomac Co., Va.
N. B. If a purchaser should desire a larger tract of land, or two or more purchasers should desire to purchase in same locality, I would sell another tract of land of about 300 acres adjoining the tract advertised above.