Peninsula Enterprise, June 21, 1883


Infrastructure -- Commercial - Commercial construction

A house is being built by Mr. A. F. Mears on Muddy Creek for the storage of freight and empties.


Infrasturcture -- Public - Government : CountyTransportation -- Road - Shell surfacingTransportation -- Road - MaintenanceTransportation -- Road - Bridges

The Board of Supervisors met at the Court House on the 16th inst., and recommended to the Court Geo. H. Bagwell, present incumbent, as a suitable person to be appointed County Surveyor, and Archibald Annis, present incumbent, as a suitable person to be appointed Superintendent of the Poor, for the respective terms of four years, commencing the 1st day of July next. It disapproved of the appropriation of $500 for shelling and ditching Hunting Creek road, but recommended $150 instead, and approved the rebuilding of the public bridge of Accomac C. H., by W. P. Bell, Surveyor. It levied to the Overseers of the Poor, one year's salary; to licensed Physicians, for services to the Poor, one year's salary; and to the Officers of the Court, one-half year's salary, payable out of 1882 county levy; and directed a warrant for F. M. West, M. D., for $895, theretofore allowed by the Board, payable out of 1883 levy.


Infrastructure -- Public : ChurchesTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Fraternal orders

The corner stone of the M. E. Church, South, will be laid at Pungoteague on the Fourth of July next, with Masonic ceremonies. A full attendance of the brethren of three lodges on the Eastern Shore is not only expected, but distinguished members of the craft from abroad will be present and participate in the exercises of the occasion. Among those who have already accepted invitations to assist in the laying of the corner stone of the church, are Mr. Peyton P. Coles, Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Virginia; Mr. James Capers, an eminent Mason of Richmond, Va., and Rev. George H. Ray. An oration will be delivered by Rev. Mr. Ray in the afternoon, and by other prominent speakers, perhaps, during the day. A musical entertainment will be given at night. Dinner and supper will be served on the occasion at 50 and 25 cents, respectively, and all other refreshments one may desire. A cordial invitation is extended to everybody to be present.


Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : PlantingInfrastructure -- Commercial - Real estateLaborers -- Constructionfields -- Crops - White potatoes : Prices


Capt. Charles E. Babbitt has just completed the purchase and received the deed for a large tract of oyster planting ground on Pope's Island. The ground was purchased of Mr. Peter Watson, and the price paid was $1,000. Capt. Babbitt has some 26,000 bushels of oysters already on the ground.

The mechanics of the island are full of business just now, and in fact there are so many improvements going on in the way of building that carpenters have been imported from Maryland and Delaware. Some thirty are now actively at work on the island.

Truckers are complaining of the low prices of round potatoes as those shipped the past week are bringing very small returns.


Transportation -- Railroad - FreightTransportation -- Water - Wharves


The shipment of potatoes from the public wharf near here to Franklin City, will commence during the week, under the supervision of Capt. James R. Hickman.


Forests -- SawmillsInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential constructionTransportation -- Water - Freight

Muddy Creek.

The steam saw and grist mill of Capt. John Summers & Son, recently established at this point, though running at full speed daily, is hardly able to meet the demands of customers.

A neat and handsome dwelling is being erected near this place, by Capt. Henry T. Davis.

The schooners Vernetta Ann, commanded by Capt. Chase, and the Delmay, commanded by Capt. C. F. Stant, will ply during the potato season between Muddy Creek and Baltimore, the former taking in her first load next Friday and Saturday, the latter on following Monday and Tuesday. Capt. J. L. Byrd, and Mr. A. F. Mears, will act as agents for above transportation lines, and with gentlemen of their activity, and enterprise, connected with the lines, their success is assured.


Infrastructure -- Commercial - Residential constructionInfrastructure -- Commercial - Hotels


Mr. Wm. R. Hallett will soon have a handsome dwelling erected on Main street.

The Grand Central Hotel has 22 permanent boarders besides several commercial tourists at this time.


fields -- Crops - White potatoes : PricesInfrastructure -- Public - Government : Postal serviceTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Horse racing


On account of the extreme low prices of potatoes, shipments from this locality are light at present.

The postoffice at this place, has been removed to the store of L. H. Ames & Sons.

Mr. Geo. E. Winder, the proprietor of our hotel, speaks of offering a premium soon to the fastest horses of any age, best two in three, on McConnell's race course.

The postoffice at Craddockville has been established at last, with Mr. John E. West as postmaster. The mail to that point will be a tri-weekly one, and from this place.

Rice & Holway Speak a Piece.

Transportation -- Water - Freight

BOSTON, June 9th, 1883.


During our annual canvass on the Eastern Shore this spring, many of our old friends and shippers, (particularly in Accomack county) expressed much dissatisfaction at the rates charged on potatoes shipped to Boston via Eastern Shore Steamboat Co., Pennsylvania R.R. and connecting lines.

Through rates were advertised from point of shipment to Boston, and when the business began freight was charged in excess of the advertised rate, much to our annoyance, and to the disgust of all shippers. In the interest of the many shippers whom we represent, and for our own convenience we called on division freight agent, Mr. George Stephens, of the P. W. and B. Railroad in Philadelphia, to arrange for better rates and better service; rates that could be depended upon, and that we could advise our shippers to accept with a guarantee on the part of the Transportation Companies, that such rates should be strictly adhered to.

The following is a copy of the letter received by us from Freight Agent Stephens:



Referring to your inquiry in regard to rate on potatoes from Eastern Shore via E.S.S.B. Co., would name the following rates to Boston from Hunger's and Taylor's wharves, 78 cents per barrel; landings on Pocomoke River above Pitts's wharf, 75 cents per barrel; all other landings on route of E.S.S.B. Co., 70 cents per barrel.

I trust you will have no difficulty this year, and if you do, I will be obliged if you will call my attention to it at once. Yours truly,


By giving this space in your valuable paper, you will confer a favor on those whose interests are best served by the E.S.S.B. Co. and connecting lines.

Truly Yours,


Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
June 21, 1883