Norfolk Virginian, December 13, 1883


Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcementSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Poaching

Accomac C. H., December 7

On yesterday Captain George W. Hindman, agent and inspector for Pocomoke Sound, summoned a posse of twenty-five men to arrest oyster dredgers in his district. He had warned them on the day before, but they continued at work, and on Island Rock, off Doe Creek, he found six vessels depredating. There were five Baltimore vessels and one Virginian. As he approached the crews of the former opened up with rifles, which Captain Hindman promptly returned. He succeeded in capturing the schooners T. B. Hamilton, owned on Tangier Island, and the George W. Cook of Baltimore. The captain of the latter ran his vessel ashore on the north end of Watt's Island, where he and his cook escaped in the yawl boat. There were twelve men taken, and they are now lodged in jail. . . . This is the result of private efforts to protect the oyster-beds. The force is paid by individual subscription. Our people are deeply interested in this work, which should be done by the State.

Norfolk Virginian
December 13, 1883