Peninsula Enterprise, October 18, 1883
Fields -- Crops - Sweet potatoes : Prices
Agents of New York commission merchants, now in our county, are paying $1.25 per barrel for sweet potatoes.
Transportation -- Railroad - Construction
Dr. E. W. Goerke, chief engineer of our railroad, returned to Drummondtown last Thursday, after an absence of several weeks.
Professionals -- Merchants
Mr. D. H. Johnson, of Leemont, has returned from the city with a very large and well assorted stock of ready made clothing and is selling them at bottom prices. Everything in the clothing line will be found there at less than city retail rates, and his stock is so large and well selected that it will be impossible for him not to suit you.
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Prices
Accomac C. H.
Oysters of fair quality are selling in our town at 60 cents per bushel.
Infrastructure -- Public : SchoolsTourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - DogsTourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - GuidesInfrastructure -- Public : Churches
The public school building here being too small to accommodate the children of the island, is being enlarged by an addition of 40X20 feet.
John Snead, the pilot of visiting sportsmen to the island, was presented a few days ago by a gentlemen from Jersey, with a fine full bred setter dog.
A movement is on foot to convert the M. E. Church building into a public school house, and, if successful, a larger and handsomer church edifice will be erected by the members of that church, at a more central point on the island.
Sea -- Finfish - Methods : Pound-netFields -- Livestock - Cattle Infrastructure -- Commercial - Commercial constructionTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Fraternal orders
The pound fishing in Northampton has been very poor of late, owing to the warm weather, and in consequence, thereof many Accomackians in search of fish have returned home unsupplied.
Beef of good quality finds a ready market here every Friday and Saturday at remunerative rates.
Mr. R. V. Nottingham has sold his old storehouse and will have a new one erected at an early day, one of the rooms of which will be fitted up and rented to the Masons for holding the meetings of their lodge.
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideFields -- Crops - CornTransportation -- Water - Steamboats
Marsh Market.
The oyster supply on Old Rock, in the upper part of the Pocomoke Sound is being rapidly exhausted.
Some of the farmers in this section are gathering their corn. The crop is a good one and is selling at 60 cents a bushel.
It is rumored that the steamer Tangier will at an early day touch at Hammock wharf on Messongo on her trips to and from Baltimore.
Schooner Disabled.
Infrastructure -- Public - Government : Life-saving serviceTransportation -- Water - StrandingsTransportation -- Water - Freight
The Schooner Harriet Duremas, bound from Folly Creek to New York, with a load of sweet potatoes, was disabled by the breaking of the pintle in her wheel while crossing the Metompkin bar last Saturday, and drifted shore. She was gotten off at high water by the crew of Life saving Station No. 7 (John B. Whealton, captain,) which was signaled for and came promptly to her assistance, but again leaking badly, was run ashore on Brandt hill, in Metompkin bay. The leak being stopped, she floated again and now lies in the "Long Boat." Awaiting orders of her owners, Messrs. Bahrenburgh & Bros. and Capt. Ochre, of New York. According to the latest advices in order to lighten and relieve her from her perilous situation, 250 barrels of her cargo had been thrown overboard.
Real Estate Transfers.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estate
The following are the real estate transfers recorded in the Accomac county clerk's office since our last issue:
John Crockett to John M. Crockett, 1 acre on Tangier Island; $1.
John J. Jones and wife, &c., to Geo. Hall; 15 acres on Piney Island; $160.
David B. Finney to Jno. E. Bradford, house and lot at Locustmount; $400.
John E. Bradford and wife to Gilbert Bell, a piece of land at Locustmount; $400.
Thos. H. Bayly Browne, trustee, &c., to Alsavader Chase, 35 acres near Messongo; $145.
Eldred T. Mears, to Wm. H. A. and John P. L. Hopkins, 180 acres near Hawk's Nest; $4,000.
Geo. W. Powell and wife, &c., to Gilbert Bell, 1120-4860ths of an acre at Powelton; $125.
Farmers -- Tenancy
Wanted -- A good white or colored man with family to carry on my farm at Davis Wharf, for the year 1884, and for a longer time if suitable tenant is secured. Will furnish everything needed except labor. Tenant will be supplied with good lot of fish chum. Apply at once to P. H. Davis, Davis' Wharf, Accomac Co., Va.