Peninsula Enterprise, July 19, 1883
Susie Kellam, a colored woman, died near Craddockville, this county, on the 15th inst., aged 102 years.
Moral -- MurderLaborers -- Fisheries
Frank Burkeman, the murderer of Capt. Melson, this county, and recently convicted of murder in King George county, Va., has been granted a new trial. This will be his fourth trial, and it looks now as if the gallows would be cheated by the extreme leniency of the Court.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Boat racingTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Fairs
A water party will come off on Saxe's Island next Tuesday. Refreshments will be furnished in abundance at moderate rates, and boat racing is to enter largely into the amusements of the day. A flag will be given to the owner of the fastest boat. The exercises of the occasion will be otherwise varied by a race to catch a greased pig.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Commercial constructionMental illness
Accomac C. H.
The handsome law office recently erected by Messrs. Fletcher & Parramore, on Main street of our town, will be occupied by them next week.
Major Rayfield, Esq., arrived in our town last night from the asylum, entirely free from all mental and bodily ailments. We rejoice with his friends at the happy termination of his troubles.
fields -- Crops - White potatoes : YieldTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Resorts
Mr. James McD. Carrington of Washington, passed through our town last Friday en route to Cobb's Island.
Our harvest is about over, and according to reports made, the yield was a good one.
Transportation -- Water - Freightfields -- Crops - White potatoes : PricesInfrastructure -- Public : Churches
A steamer now plies regularly between New York and Thomas' Wharf, a point near here, and will continue to make weekly trips until the potato season is over.
Many of the farmers in this locality are sick with what is known as the "Irish potato fever," a disease incident to the low price of that esculent this season.
The first church built on Hog Island was dedicated last Sunday a week ago by Rev. Mr. Pullen, the pastor, and other Methodist divines. Regular services at this point at present are due to the exertions of a lady of Baltimore, who contributed largely of her means and solicited subscriptions from friends to meet the expenses incurred in the erection of the church in which they are held.
Transportation -- Road - MaintenanceInfrastructure -- Public : Sidewalks, etc.fields -- Crops - White potatoes : PricesInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential constructionInfrastructure -- Public : Churches
Our new Town Council are taking steps towards widening and otherwise improving the streets and sidewalks of our town.
Farmers of this locality have shipped nearly all their Irish potatoes, and if the saying be true "that man wants but little here below;" they should be happy with their returns.
Capt. John Kelso is having a dwelling erected on the premises purchased in our town some weeks ago.
A Presbyterian Church was organized here last Sunday, and an able sermon delivered by Rev. Mr. Smith of that church, from Fredericksburg, Va.
At the court of Mayor Taylor, held last Saturday, two persons were tried (the only case on the docket) for fighting in the limits of the corporation, and were fined respectively $1 and $10. In default of payment of the latter fine the defendant was lodged in Fort Crippen. Prison bars do not avail, however, when they confine a Boss, as in this instance, and he escaped during the night.
Moral -- AlcoholInfrastructure -- Public : Camp meetingsTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Horse racing
Messrs. Wescott & Hope disclaim the intention of starting a saloon in connection with their business at this place, as heretofore announced through your columns.
The camp-meeting with us this year promises to be a huge affair, if we may judge from the extent of the preparations being made for it. A tabernacle 70x80 feet has already been erected for the comfort of the worshipers.
Running races, mile heats, best two in three, open to the horses of Accomac and Northampton, will come off at this place, on McConnell's track, on Thursday the 6th day of September next, for a purse of $150. To the fastest horse will be given $75, second $50, third $25. All entries must be made before the 15th day of August, and the entrance fee (15 per cent.) must be paid to Mr. Geo. E. Winder before that day.
Camp-meeting in August.
Infrastructure -- Public : Camp meetings
The camp-meeting on Turlington's grounds in the Pungoteague circuit, commences on Thursday the 2nd day of August, and through us tent-holders are requested to begin the erection of their tents in time to be completed by the evening of that day. The first services at the camp will be held at night on the day designated, and if possible it is desired that the camp be not disturbed thereafter by the noise incident to tent building and the like.
The Graded School Assured.
Infrastructure -- Public : Schools
The Trustees of Drummondtown and the Board of School Trustees of Lee District have entered into an agreement whereby the latter have the privilege, and are going to erect, connected with the present school-house of said town, an additional building for free school purposes, to be a two-story, with two rooms, which with the old room will give three rooms for school purposes. The graded school is now a matter of certainty, and we congratulate the Trustees of this District upon this effort in behalf of education in the right direction. -- Such an institution in a community having so many children as ours will prove a great blessing.
fields -- Crops - White potatoes : Quality control
The comments so frequently made by us, upon the failure of our farmers to cull their potatoes and otherwise prepare them properly for market, have been so much disregarded this season that we had almost concluded to give the matter no further attention. Reports which have reached us, however, of late from the very best commission men in cities to which our largest shipments are made show up the folly of our people in such glaring colors "in the preparation of their stuff for market," that we are constrained to bring the matter again to their attention. The extent of that folly can be inferred from the following clipping from one of those reports.
The Eastern shore potatoes are running very poor, small and not well sorted. Some lots are shipped just as they came out of the ground, all sizes from the size of a marble up to fair cooking stock. This stuff is very hard to sell at any price.
Reports similar to this have been received by us from almost every shipping point and the natural consequence of such preparation of stuff for market is that the Eastern shore potatoes are graded lower in market than any other potatoes. Properly prepared we are informed that our potatoes are as good as any sent to market, and that being the case is it not time that our people began to use the care necessary to prevent the depreciation in their value?
Especially is that care necessary when the market is as much depressed as it is this year. The expenses on a worthless barrel of potatoes being as large as one of superior quality, and in many instances barely enough being realized to pay them, it occurs to us that the most thoughtless would be taught to keep their worthless stuff at home. Aside, too, from the loss entailed upon us in a financial point of view, the opinion is current abroad that dishonest motives prompt us in the preparation of our stuff for market. In that opinion we cannot, of course concur, but that opinion nevertheless prevails to some extent, and this, taken in connection with the loss to us in returns, should stimulate us to guard against improper [illegible].
Farmers -- Farm size and structureAfrican-Americans -- Work - Agriculture
WANTED FOR 1884. -- The subscriber would like to make an arrangement with a good live colored man with a small family to till his farm on a share. The farm contains about 60 acres, laid off in thirds, with a small tenant house and lot additional of about 10 acres, and has an abundance of wood's manure and shatters. It is situated within 2 1-2 miles of a steamboat wharf, from which point freight on potatoes to New York is 40 cents per barrel, and is in a quarter of a mile of the proposed railroad and probable depot. To the right kind of a tenant good and permanent arrangements will be made -- will furnish fertilizer and other supplies if desired. Apply at once to
Temperanceville, Va.
June 8th, 1883.