Peninsula Enterprise, June 7, 1883
Watermen -- Personal injury
The body of an unknown man neatly dressed, was washed ashore at a point between Nandua and Craddock Creek, on last Saturday, and buried by some of the inhabitants of that vicinity.
Sea -- Fish factoriesSea -- Finfish - Catch : MenhadenInfrastructure -- Commercial - Commercial constructionInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential constructionTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Fraternal ordersFields -- Livestock - Sheep
The fishing season has now commenced, and the factories are resuming operations. The hauls of alewives during the week have been very satisfactory and a prosperous season is anticipated.
J. A. M. Whealton has enlarged his storehouse, and added many improvements for the convenience of his customers.
Mr. Somers Jeffreys is adding improvements to his dwelling, as are also many others, making lively times for carpenters.
The young men of Chincoteague have formed an organization, to be known as the "Led Astray Club," and are making great preparations for a turnout, to attend sheep penning on Assateague, June 6th. The organization will be led by the Chincoteague string band, a full account of which will appear in the next correspondence.
Transportation -- Railroad - CorporateTransportation -- Water - Freight
The Consolidation of the J. and B., B. and F., and Worcester railroads, under the management of the Old Dominion Steamship Company, has at last been consummated, the agreement for consolidation having been ratified by the stockholders at the meeting of the several roads held last week.
The schooner R. B. Leeds, Captain Charles Hammond, of Absecom, N.J., left this point yesterday for Atlantic City, loaded with oysters to be marketed during the summer months.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Grist millsFields -- Canneries Forests -- Barrel factories
Mr. R. H. Pennewell will complete his steam grist mill this week, and thereby contribute greatly to the convenience of the people of this locality, the season being now at hand for the watermills to run dry.
Messrs. Northam & Joynes resumed their canning operations here last Monday.
The Onancock Mill Co. is busily engaged in manufacturing barrels at present.
Infrastructure -- Public : Camp meetingsAfrican-Americans -- ReligionInfrastructure -- Commercial - Real estateInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential constructionInfrastructure -- Public : SchoolsFields -- Livestock - SwineFields -- Crops - Strawberries
Our colored friends will hold a campmeeting, on their old grounds this year.
Mr. Jno. S. Martin has purchased a lot of Mr. Geo. W. Mason, and is having a handsome dwelling erected thereon.
Under a contract with Mr. John L. Ward, a building for public school purposes, will be built here at an early date.
Mr. Jno. W. White is driving an active trade in hogs. He sold largely to a purchaser from Chincoteague this week.
Immediately in this vicinity also, at a place known as Core's rest, the property of Mr. Peter T. East, is being improved by a neat dwelling.
The strawberry crop of Mr. John Window, will net him this season $300, which is considered a very handsome yield for the area planted.
Artificial Oyster Propagation for the Eastern Shore.
reprinted from New York Tribune.Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Other
Professor Ryder of the United States Fish Commission is very hopeful that this season's experiments will prove the feasibility of oyster propagation and cultivation by artificial means. He proposes to continue the work this year at some place in or near Chesapeake bay.
Professor W. K. Brooks of Johns Hopkins University, who is president of the Maryland commission on this subject, recently said: "I discovered five years ago that it is possible to hatch oysters in unlimited numbers from the eggs, and to keep them alive for a few days and for some time after they have developed their shells. If these young oysters could be reared until they are large enough to handle and plant, the supply of oysters would be increased indefinitely. There would be none of the uncertainty which attends fish hatching, for the young oysters would stay where they are put, and would be as tangible as potatoes. The great importance of the subject has led many naturalists to experiment within the last five years, but they have not advanced beyond the point where I left the subject. The difficulty which they have met is due to inability to renew or replace the water without losing the oysters, as they are so small that no method of straining can be employed.
Last winter I designed an apparatus to meet this difficulty, and the Johns Hopkins University paid the expenses. It is a system of inclined troughs with ledges on the bottoms, like those used in gold washing. The young oysters are caught like the gold in the pockets formed by the ledges, while the water flows on. A renewed supply of water is poured into the top of the trough by a steam pump. Young oysters only four days old were put into the apparatus and none of them have escaped, although all the water has been replaced many times.
"These Oysters, which are now nine days old, are still healthful and vigorous, as the experiments are so far successful. The apparatus has completely removed the obstacle which has stopped all investigations up to this time, and it will, therefore, allow me to try other experiments. Thus far the new method is a success, but the oysters have not grown. Out of many hundreds I have found only three which are any larger than they were when they were put into the machine. The weather has been cold and unfavorable and their failure to grow may be due to this, or to a lack of proper food, or to some cause as yet unsuspected. I feel though that I have command of the subject, and can now experiment until I find what is needed."
Freight Rates on Trucks.
Transportation -- Water - Freight
Boston, Mass., May 22, 1883.
When I was in Accomac and Northampton counties some few weeks ago, I had some inquiry as to the rates on potatoes from the Eastern Shore of Virginia, to Boston via Eastern Shore Steamboat Co.'s steamers to Baltimore, then by rail to Boston. There was also some fault found by shippers as to the rates being irregular. On arriving at home I wrote Mr. P. B. Clarke, agent of the Eastern Shore Steamboat Company, 105 South street, Baltimore, Md., and below I will give you a copy of his letter in reply:
BALTIMORE, MAY 25th, 1883.
Chapin Brothers, Boston Mass.
Your inquiry of the 12th inst. just at hand and in reply would say, below please note a list of wharves and rates wherefrom to Boston via all rail. Hungar's and Taylor's, potatoes per barrel 78 cents; Snow Hill, Pocomoke City, Rehoboth and Cedar Hall, potatoes per barrel 75 cents; Shields', Miles', Davis', Concord, Hoffman's, Evans', Boggs', Onancock, Finney's, Parker's, Hunting Creek, Guilford, Shelltown and Pitts' wharves, potatoes per barrel 70 cents. We are aware that there has been some little irregularity of rates during past seasons, and the trouble has been located on the N. Y. & N. E. R. R. However, there is no probability of its recurrence, the attention of the proper authorities having been called to the fact. Wishing you a prosperous season we are, yours respectfully,
P. B. CLARK, Agent
By bringing this to the notice of the potato shippers of Accomac and Northampton counties in your paper, you will greatly oblige.
Forests -- Barrel factories Forests -- SawmillsInfrastructure -- Commercial - Grist mills
Aspen Grove, Accomac Co., Va.
Meal of first-class quality ground every Friday, and all orders not filled on that day will be on the day following.
Barrels manufactured at .25c apiece, and warranted first-class, and the distance of delivery will depend on the quantity ordered.
Barrels failing to give satisfaction will be exchanged.
Transportation -- Water - Freight
The schooner Patterson and Bash, Capt. James Milliner, will ply between Folly Creek and New York during the potato season of this year.
Shipments will be received during every trip at Garrison, Bunting and Coxton's wharves, and notice of the days for loading at the different points will be given through The Enterprise, and otherwise.
Barrels and covers will be furnished to shippers at actual cost
The schooner will be ready to make the first trip by June 10th.