Peninsula Enterprise, August 9, 1883
African-Americans -- ReligionInfrastructure -- Public : Camp meetings
The camp meeting of the colored people commences at Savageville on the 18th inst.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Baseball
The Drummondtown and Pastoria base ball nines had a match game last Saturday, at the latter place, the Drummondtown boys proving the victors by a score of nine to eight.
Infrastructure -- Public - Government : Police
Deputy Sheriff Benj. T. Melson, George F. Parker and convict, Jas. Bayly, went to the penitentiary last Thursday. Melson and Parker returned yesterday -- Bayly remained. Who is responsible for the mistake?
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Excursions
There will be an excursion from Wishart's Point to Ocean City, via Chincoteague and Franklin City, under the supervision of Messrs. G. T. Bunting and E. C. Warner on the 16th inst. The steamer will leave the place designated at 8 A.M. and return at 7 in the afternoon. The fare for a round trip ticket to Ocean City will be 75 cts., to Chincoteague 25 cts. Ice Cream, confectioneries, etc., will be served on steamer at fair rates.
Professionals -- Doctors
Yesterday Wm. West, colored, who lives with Mr. John J. Hopkins at Mount Custis, while on his way to Onancock, and about 1 1-2 miles from here, stopped to eat with one of his party a watermelon. After the repast they got into a playful duello with their knives, when Bill got severely cut on the back of the hand, severing an artery. He bled severely. So much so, that on reaching Dr. Scarburgh's office, he fainted from loss of blood. Proper surgical attention was given him by Dr. Scarburgh, assisted by Dr. Parramore, and he was able to return home after a few hours in good plight.
The Supervisors' Work.
Infrasturcture -- Public - Government : CountyInfrastructure -- Public - Government : TaxationArchitecture -- Courthouses
The Board of Supervisors, at their meeting held at the Court House on the 1st day of August, examined and certified the insolvent list presented by the County Treasurer for the year 1882; settled with the Treasurer for year 1882; audited accounts for supplies to the poor, &c., against the county, and laid the county levy for the ensuing year at 30 cents on the $100 of the assessed value of the real and personal estate of the county. The matter of building a new court house was brought to their attention, and after discussion by various parties in attendance, was dismissed without action thereon. The Board adjourned to meet on the 15th inst.
The Camp-Meeting.
Infrastructure -- Public : Camp meetings
A campmeeting is now being held at Turlington's woods, and no one who has attended can fail to see that the cause for which the encampment was organized is being promoted. To the time of our writing (Tuesday) there have been from 20 to 25 converts, and these results have been accomplished so quietly but so earnestly, that no one can doubt that the heart of the workers is in the cause. The laborers in the vineyard of their Master seem to be indeed faithful and everything was so well arranged in advance by the authorities, that their labors could not but be efficient. The grounds are neat and clean, the tents are larger and not so much crowded together as in previous years, a tabernacle well ventilated, with good seats and having the capacity to accommodate 1500 people or more, takes the place of the pine bower; and the grounds are lighted by eight large lamps instead of the pine knots of other years. Rules for the government of the camp are posted on the grounds, and a vigilant police force has been appointed to look after the evil doers.
It is gratifying however to be able to note in this connection that the order on the grounds has been so good this year, that the necessity for the use of force has not yet arisen.
Numerous visitors are in attendance from abroad. The number of people present last Sunday, was estimated at about 4000, and there has been a daily attendance of 2000 or more.
The services are being conducted by the following ministers:
Rev. C. D. Crawley, Pungoteague.
Rev. R. P. Beadles, Oak Hall.
Rev. L. B. Betty, Norfolk.
Rev. C. C. Wertenbaker, Norfolk.
Rev. J. W. Stiff, Franktown.
Rev. J. W. Hildrup, Eastville.
Rev. W. C. Vaden, Onancock.
Rev. W. P. Wright, Temperanceville.
Rev. Mr. Watson, Smithfield.
Rev. M. Oldham, Temperanceville.
Rev. J. W. Elliott, Locustmount.
About Hard Driving.
Moral -- Other
Editor of The Enterprise:
I am very glad that "Citizen" has called attention to the profanity -- and he might well have added vulgarity -- so common in this town. He is entirely right. Steps to check this ought to be taken -- and there is a proper way to do it. While this subject is being agitated, let me call attention to another, namely: cruelty to animals. Just now we see it more than at any other season of the year publicly. Teams are now driven so severely as to gain everybody's sympathy, in the carriage of produce to steamers and vessels, and we hear on all sides expressions showing this sympathy. Yet, I am compelled by facts, to say that this cruelty is one of every day occurrence. Constantly we find horses driven blind here in every day work. Why is this! Are our horses of a kind to go blind on all occasions? I do not believe it. Can no one be found to take steps to stop this cruelty -- one that the dumb beast cannot complain of! If "Citizen" be a good citizen, I beg him to interfere here. I am assured that if any complaint be entered by "Citizen" or anybody else as to profanity or cruelty to animals, the authorities will act promptly. Let us see who will prefer a complaint.