Peninsula Enterprise, June 28, 1883
Sea -- Fish factoriesSea -- Finfish - Catch : Menhaden
Alewives in large quantities are being caught for the factory of Powell, Morse & Co., Hoffman's Wharf. The weekly catch is a million or more.
A steamer from New York recently arrived at Thomas's wharf, Northampton county, for a cargo of potatoes.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Baseball
In a game of base ball at Locustville, last Saturday, Robert L. Haley, Esq., of that place had his leg broken, by one of his comrades falling over and stepping upon him.
Meeting of Ex-Confederates.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Veterans
The old Confederates met on Monday and took the first steps toward organization by calling the venerated Louis P. Rogers to the chair. Their roll shows nearly forty members of whom two-thirds were in attendance. A temporary organization was effected by the election of Captain George H. Bagwell as commander. It was determined to meet on the first day of July court at 11 a. m. to perfect organization, and in the meantime all not now enrolled, who desire to become members, are requested to send in their applications to the secretary, Dr. G. T. Scarburgh, giving their full name, rank, company, regiment, brigade, division and corps. All are requested to send the names of men who died from disease or wounds, or who were killed, with the dates and such circumstances as may be useful, attending such case, to the secretary at as early a date as possible. The dead list, by no means complete, already shows over forty-five names, the large majority of whom were either killed or died of wounds. It is to be hoped that a full attendance will be had at the July court that so laudable an undertaking may be thoroughly established at an early date.
The New York Potato Market.
fields -- Crops - White potatoes : Prices
A postal dated June 25, from L. B. Kellam & Co., commission merchants, New York, informed us that the potato market is overstocked. Prime Early Rose are selling at $1.50 to $1.75. He also states that 20,000 barrels had just arrived from Norfolk, and suggests that none but first-class stock be shipped.