Peninsula Enterprise, November 15, 1883


reprinted from Pocomoke TimesInfrastructure -- Commercial - Newspapers

C. W. B. Marshall, who is well known in Pocomoke, has assumed the management of the Record and Gazette. Mr. Marshall is one of the best newspaper men in the State, and our contemporary does well in securing his services.


Fields -- Crops - Sweet potatoes : Prices

The sweet potato market seems to have had a very rapid upper tendency of late. By circular received from Hatch & Chandler, New York commission merchants, yesterday, they are quoted at from $2.50 to $2.75 per barrel.


Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcement

The citizens of Messongo, Pocomoke and Saxe's Island are raising funds by private subscription to purchase a boat to be used as a guard boat to prohibit unlawful dredging in Pocomoke Sound.


Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Horse racing

A running race will come off at Pungoteague, on McConnell's track, on Thursday, Nov. 29th, between J. Amber Jarvis' horse, "Buck," and Geo. E. Bull's horse, "Doswell," mile heats, best in three, for a purse of $250.


Moral -- MurderLaborers -- Fisheries

Another trial of Burkeman, the murderer of Capt. Melson, of this county, begins on the 20th inst. at Tappahannock, to which point the case was removed some months ago. It will be remembered that the trial and conviction of Burkeman, of murder in the first degree, has been twice reported through our columns. The witnesses for the Commonwealth from this county leave for Tappahannock on next Monday.


Infrastructure -- Commercial - Newspapers

Numerous complaints having reached us of late of the failure of THE ENTERPRISE to reach its destination on time, we offer in reply the explanation, that the delay was occasioned by unavoidable encroachments made upon our time in setting up our new power press. That excuse, accompanied with the assurance that it will enable us to give them a better paper in the future, we presume, will be satisfactory to our subscribers. We see no reason now why there should be any future delays in its delivery to you with the increased facilities, which our new press gives us, and we shall hope to make it not only a welcome visitor to the 1400 subscribers we now have, but to every family on the Eastern Shore of Va. We are aware of the fact that we have now the largest circulation of any paper in Virginia, outside of the cities, and of course are deeply grateful for such liberal patronage -- but that does not satisfy us. There are still enough families unsupplied with THE ENTERPRISE in Accomac and Northampton to increase our circulation to 2,000 and we shall hope to meet their favor to that extent, by the first of next January.


Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : PricesInfrastructure -- Commercial - Real estateInfrastructure -- Commercial - HotelsInfrastructure -- Public - Government : Life-saving service


Oysters at this point are improving very rapidly. Their market value at this time is 75 cents per bushel.

Capt. James E. Matthews, present occupant of the hotel on Chincoteague, (built by Mr. Joseph J. English) has recently purchased that property at $3,400. The original cost of the building was between $8,000 and $10,000, and being well located for hotel purposes, it sold, we think, at a very great sacrifice. Every one who knows the genial proprietor will congratulate him in having secured so great a bargain.

The new life saving station being erected on Wallop's Beach, under the supervision of Superintendents Miller and Kearney, of New York, will be completed this week, and be ready for occupancy by the first of December.


Fields -- Livestock - Diseases and pests

Marsh Market.

Hog cholera is prevailing to some extent in this locality.


Transportation -- Railroad - ConstructionTransportation -- Railroad - Litigation

Northampton County.

The railroad cases are now being tried on appeal in the circuit court, and the awards made in the lower court, in most instances are being sustained.


Tourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - Hunting : Raccoon and opossumInfrastructure -- Commercial - Commercial constructionMigrationInfrastructure -- Public : Sidewalks, etc.


Coon hunting is a popular diversion with several of our young men at this time.

The old storehouse of Mr. P. A. Leatherbury is being repaired, and will be rented to a Philadelphian.

Some of our young bloods contemplate emigrating to the land "where the orange blossoms grow."

Our town council have ordered that side walks be made, and our town sergeant, Mr. E. T. West, is now giving the laudable undertaking his diligent attention.


Infrastructure -- Commercial - Residential constructionInfrastructure -- Public : Schools


We have had quite a building boom with us in the few months past. Houses are going up on every part of the island. Among the improvements of late, approaching completion, we note the very neat dwelling of Mr. Geo. P. Miles; the enlargement of the residence of Mr. John A. Linton by a two-story building on the upper part of the island, adding greatly to the appearance of that section, and the extension of our schoolhouse.

The Virginia and Maryland Boundary.

Infrastructure -- Public - Government : Maryland-Virginia boundary

A special to the Baltimore Sun, from Crisfield, Md., Nov. 11th says: Capt. Mitchell, commander of the State fishery force, arrived here on the oyster steamer Leila Saturday morning to make arrangements for making the new boundary line between Virginia and Maryland. He was met by the boundary commissioners -- Col. Wm. J. Aydelotte representing Maryland and Mr. Geo. H. Bagwell representing Virginia -- and after a conference it was decided to commence the work on Tuesday, Nov. 20th. Boundary stones of granite, four feet in length, will be placed at Watkin's Point, the southern extremity of Somerset county; Horse Hammock and Sassafras Hammock, on Smith's Island, lying between Tangier Sound and the Chesapeake bay, and at Smith's Point, at the mouth of the Potomac. The Leila will meet the commissioners at Crisfield on the 20th, and the work, which will take several days, will be done under the direction of Lieut. F. V. Abbott, of the engineer corps, United States army, detailed for the purpose by the Secretary of War.


Infrastructure -- Commercial - General Stores

Mercantile Notes.

Mr. Samuel C. and William Turlington opened a new store at Fair Oaks, last week, and are doing a thrifty business.

Mr. E. F. Warren, of this county, and Wm. Davison, of Baltimore, have purchased a building lot of Mr. James Hope, of Pungoteague, and will have a storehouse erected thereon at once, and open a store of general merchandise at that point about the first of January.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
November 15, 1883