Peninsula Enterprise, July 5, 1883
reprinted from Pocomoke Record and GazetteTransportation -- Railroad - Construction
The New York, Philadelphia and Norfolk Railroad Company are pushing their line through Dunn swamp.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Fraternal ordersAfrican-Americans -- Society
At Drummondtown, an Odd Fellows Hall was dedicated by our colored brethren, in the presence of a vast assemblage estimated at 2000.
Moral -- Drugs
A child of Lina Custis, colored, living near Drummondtown, was killed last Sunday night by an overdose of laudanum, given it by the mother to make it sleep while she attended church.
Transportation -- Water - Steamboats
The steamer Helen now plies between Eastern Shore and Baltimore which, with the other steamers on that line, furnishes us with daily communication with that city, Sundays excepted. The Helen on her route touches at Tangier Island and Chesconnessix, points not heretofore included in the schedule of E.S.S. Co.
Transportation -- Water - Boat buildingSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : PlantingSea -- Shellfish - Clamming : SeasideTransportation -- Road - Construction
Boat building gives to our place the appearance of prosperity and thrift at present. Besides the smaller craft being constructed, two vessels sloop-rigged, with a carrying capacity of about 350 bushels of oysters, are being built by Mr. Lloyd E. Taylor and Mr. Peter Collins.
There is a truce to hostilities at present between the oyster planters and "clammers" of this village and vicinity. What is to be the outcome of their disputes we do not know, but one thing is certain, that the "muddle" has caused partial stagnation in business, both at this place and Franklin City, and threatens to extend its baneful influence very far beyond the intentions of those originally interested in the controversy. The intervention of the Legislature may be necessary for a proper solution of the troubles.
Your correspondent is informed that the new road in front of Greenbackville, is now to be completed, an order to that effect having been made at the last term of the county court.
Fields -- Crops - White potatoes : Diseases and pestsInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential construction
The potato sprouts in this section are diseased largely and a small crop of potatoes is expected.
Capt. James R. Hickman will have a large and handsome dwelling erected soon at Woodberry, where he proposes to locate permanently after this year.
Infrastructure -- Public : Churches
Conveyance has been made of real estate, selected as a site for the Methodist parsonage at this place, to a trustee of that church, and that step having been taken, insures the erection of a dwelling thereon at an early date.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Residential developmentProfessionals -- Realtors and developersSea -- Fish factoriesSea -- Finfish - Catch : MenhadenInfrastructure -- Commercial - Real estate
Building lots have been staked off by Mr. John T. Powell on Main St., and are posted for sale.
Mr. Thos. F. Floyd has recently laid off roads around his property at this place, with the view of selling it off for building lots whenever there is a demand for it, for that purpose at remunerative prices.
At the factory of Fowler, Foote & Co., the alewife is being caught in small quantities, the capacity of the company for handling them being considered. The catch up to last Saturday night had not exceeded 300,000 in any week.
The deal in real estate in our town last week, consisted of the sales of two acres to Capt. John P. McMath, by Mr. Floyd for $1000, and of a quarter of an acre to Mr. Edward Heath, by Mr. Powell for $100.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Horse racing
To Owners of Fast Horse. S. B. West, Watchmaker and Jeweler, Chincoteague, Va., gives particular attention to the correcting and adjusting of double time -- independent seconds, quarter, split seconds and fly backs.