Peninsula Enterprise, September 20, 1883
Fields -- Crops - Sweet potatoes : Prices
By advices received from Hatch & Chandler, commission merchants, N.Y., under date 17th September, sweet potatoes are quoted at $3.50 per barrel. The decline in prices of $4.00 and $4.25 of last week was due to large shipments of sweets on Saturday and Monday.
Sea -- Fish factoriesSea -- Finfish - Catch : Menhaden
Continuous northeast winds of late have interfered seriously with the catch of alewives. One of the factories at Chincoteague was last week closed for the season.
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : LegislationSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : PricesLaborers -- FisheriesLaborers -- Wages
The oyster business at Messongo, is active. The bivalve sells readily at from 25 to 50 cents per bushel, and the catch is such as to enable a tonger to make $5 to $6 a day. The boom in the business is attributed by our informant, to the passage of the law prohibiting dredging. According to the advices received by us, the tonger is making more money there this year in a week, than he could have made in a month, in any other year during the last ten years.
Professionals -- Dentists
Dr. Louis Harmanson has had a handsome suite of rooms fitted up for an office, over Hallet's store at Onancock, and will remove to it this week.
Dr. J. W. Fields, who left this county in 1873 and has since been a resident of Missouri, returned to his old home at Horntown this week, and will make it for the future, we are informed, his permanent home.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estateInfrastructure -- Public - Government : Town
Accomac C. H.
Mr. Samuel T. Ross, agent for Miss Rebecca Kennard, sold during this week to Mr. W. C. Hall, less than a 1-4 acre of land, in our town, with improvements thereon, valued at about $300, for the sum of $825.
The capital stock necessary for the erection of a town hall in Drummondtown has been subscribed, and work will be begun on it as soon as a site for it is selected. An effort will be made, we are informed, to secure the grounds belonging to the county, opposite the court house, for that purpose. The erection of a handsome hall at that point could in no way conflict with the interests of the county, and, we presume, the consent of the county authorities, if asked, would not be withheld.
A Man Drowned.
Watermen -- Personal injury
The following communication was received by mail yesterday. The party drowned was from this county, we presume, else it would not have been sent to us for publication:
DEAR SIR -- Will you be so kind as to publish the following in your paper. On the 12th inst., James Harmon, in a tussle with one of my crew, both fell into Coan River, and Jim was drowned. The accident happened, it is supposed, about 10 P. M., and while I was asleep. Only three were on deck at the time, and the third one could only save one of those who fell overboard. Jim's body was recovered yesterday, the 16th, and buried.
Capt. schooner "E. L. Thomas."
September 17th, 1883.
Real Estate Transfers.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estate
The following real estate transfers were recorded in the county clerk's office during the week ending September 18th, 1883:
Henry S. Hurley to John H. Martin, for $1600, 175 acres near Messongo bridge; Outten & Nock land.
Walter D. Lewis and wife to Robert T. Lewis, for $1200, one-fourth of an acre of land at Onancock, at the intersection of King and West streets.
Major Parker and wife, &c., to Edmund Topping, for $60, one-half acre of land at Onancock.
Fields -- Fertilizer
For Sale -- Green and Dry Fish Scrap, at Metompkin Inlet and the Folly, at usual prices.
O. A Browne.