Peninsula Enterprise, March 8, 1883
Forests -- Sawmills
A huge boiler from Girdle Tree Hill, Md., passed through our town last Tuesday for Mr. Frank Smith, of Chapelville, in this county, who purposes establishing shortly a saw and planing mill near that place.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Horse racing
In the races at Pungoteague on last Saturday the stakes were drawn after the horses had trotted four times. The horse of Mr. M. R. Bulman won the first heat, the second and third were dead heats, and the fourth was won by the horse of Mr. James W. Bell. The best time made was 3:03.
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcement
The following captures were made by Cameron & Co., in their war-like expedition to Accomac; schooners, Noble Grand, Capt. John W. Sparrow; Cornelius Vanderbilt, Capt. Egbert G. Evans; Rough and Ready, Capt. W. J. Killman; Wm. S. Rogers, Capt. Edward J. Corbin and Mary Wesley, Capt. John W. Dies, and all were released next morning except Capt. Dies.
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcement
Capt. W. P. M. Kellam will leave home this morning and proceed to Matthews C. H. via Norfolk, for the purpose of attending to the case of the Commonwealth vs. Capt. John W. Dies. It will be remembered that Capt. Dies and his crew were arrested on last Thursday morning by Governor Cameron, and carried to Matthews Co., and delivered to the authorities. It is not known here what the charges are against Capt. Dies, but supposed to be for violating the oyster law.
DiseaseInfrastructure -- Commercial - Real estateForests -- SawmillsProfessionals -- Builders
Lights o'Leemont.
Mr. J. C. Justice, of Hunting Creek, is quite ill from vaccination made more than two months ago.
Mr. Levin T. Crowson has purchased a lot in our town of Mr. E. T. Parks, with the view of building there on and making it his home.
Under the skillful hands of T. Eslie Coard, a new building has been recently erected at the saw mill of Messrs. Levin D. Lewis & Sons, and a planing and grist mill are now in successful operation at that place.
Infrastructure -- Public : ChurchesInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential constructionTransportation -- Water - SailboatsInfrastructure -- Commercial - Real estate
Onancock On-Dits.
There are more Sunday Schools in Onancock than in any other town on the Peninsula.
Capt. E. B. Waples will have a handsome dwelling erected at the old homestead on Deep Creek in the Spring.
The schooner Carman has been sold by Mr. John T. Powell to Messrs. Walter D. Lewis and Smith and Frank Walter at the price of $1750.
The commercial travelers have over run our town of late. Twelve of the craft from Baltimore were entertained one evening during this week at the Grand Central Hotel.
Capt. John Kelso has purchased of Messrs. Hopkins & Bro., 4 acres of land on Kerr st., at $500 per acre with the view of building thereon and making it his home in the future.
A Graded School.
Infrastructure -- Public : Schools
The movement on foot to establish a graded school at Drummondtown is a well-timed one. Located as we are in the richest district in the county (as the commissioner will tell you) surely we should have equal educational advantages with other localities. Indeed, our necessities demand it, and of this fact any one of the patrons of the school would be convinced if he would enter the school house, especially if he should do so on a damp, disagreeable day, and see the 60 or 70 pupils crowded together there in one room, he could but exclaim, "I treat my cattle better than my children," and as to my flowers they are much more tenderly cared for. And he could but think how easily this could be obviated if he would deprive himself of some needless and even injurious luxury, such as tobacco, &c. During the session now in operation, about 95 pupils have been enrolled, and doubtless, if there had been three rooms or two at least, the number would have reached 125, as several would not patronize the school on account of the crowd in one room and the confusion produced by having two classes reciting at the same time. Though the number of small children predominates, I think there is material, and some very good material, too, for a graded school, and there seems to be a desire for one amongst the friends and patrons. The building now used will seat comfortably about 40 or 45 scholars. It is needless for me to describe the exterior, but a stranger would scarcely imagine it to be a seat of learning; the interior presents a little more attractive appearance, having recently been repaired. As to the situation of the school building, I think there is none superior to it that could be procured in the village, and there is also a large open space attached to it for a playground. All we need in fact is an additional school room. The county superintendent has promised us a graded school if we provide a building suitable for that purpose. Will our people, appreciating the necessity for it, respond to the appeal made and see that it is erected at once.
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcement
His Excellency the Governor of Virginia commanding the squadron in search of illegal dredgers visited Accomac on last Thursday. Pungoteague Creek was the scene of the exploits of the toe-nail governor in our section, and the capture of five vessels wind bound, whose destination was meant to be the Potomac, was the reward of the doughty commander-in-chief of the army and navy. The "catch," consisting of five vessels and their crew of forty men, were released next morning -- except Capt. Dies --detained under some imaginary charge, the "haul" in other respects being considered an unprofitable one. And thus ended the great expedition, heralded with so much pomp and bravado some days ago, the meanderings of the gubernatorial fleet over the Chesapeake being productive of as little results.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estateFields -- Livestock - Cattle
I offer for sale at a fair price ONE THOUSAND ACRES OF MARSH LAND, situated on Pocomoke, between the mainland and Saxes Island. The pasturage on the above tract of land is sufficient to support 1000 cattle or more during many months of the year. The tract of land offered for sale embraces a large area of woodland and arable land also of good quality. For further particulars address
A. S. Matthews,
Temperanceville, Va.