Peninsula Enterprise, August 24, 1882
Transportation -- Water - Freight
Eleven hundred barrels of sweet potatoes were shipped from Onancock to day.
Infrastructure -- Public : Churches
The Presbyterians have purchased the old church property of the M. E. church south at Onancock.
Transportation -- Railroad - ConstructionTransportation -- Railroad - Litigation
The commissioners appointed to assess the damages to landowners along the proposed route of the Peninsula Railroad have completed their labors, except as to non-resident proprietors. In most instances the nominal sum of one dollar was awarded.
Infrastructure -- Public : ChurchesTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Fraternal orders
The corner stone of a Methodist church will be laid with masonic ceremonies at Woodberry on or about 27th. day of September next.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Boat racing
There will be a picnic and several canoe races at Half Moon Island on Wednesday, 30th inst. The races will be divided into four classes, and all canoes under 30 feet will be admitted. A flag will be given the owner of the fastest canoe. There will be a race also between the "Dolly Varden" and "Jenkins." for a purse of $50. Dinner, supper, ice cream &c. will be served at fair prices. All wishing to attend will be furnished passage free of charge by making application at J. C. Justice & Co's store.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Boat racing
Wednesday and Thursday 6th and 7th of September, 1882. 1st day for bateaux 17 feet and under for a purse of $15, $10 to the first and $5 to the second, three miles to the wind and return. On the same day for skiffs 16 feet and under for a purse of $25, $15 to the first and $10 to the second, three miles to the wind and return. 2nd day, for skiffs 15 1/2 feet and under for a purse of $25, $15 to the first and $10 to the second, three miles to the wind and return. Board per day $1.50 or 50cts. per meal. J. T. Spady Prop.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Fairs
The Fair Grounds will be open for the reception of animals and articles designed for exhibition on Tuesday, August 29th, at 6 o'clock A. M.
Machinery must be entered and on the grounds by 6 o'clock P. M. of August 28th. All other articles must be entered before 12 o'clock M. on the first day of the Exhibition.
Everyone is at liberty to enter any article they desire, free of charge, who will conform to the rules and regulations of the association. Capt. Wm T. R. Bell of North Carolina will deliver an oration on the fair Grounds on Wednesday morning, 30th inst. In the evening of the same day there will be a match game of base ball between the Stars of Onancock and the Metompkin club. Dr. Geo. T. Scarburgh will deliver an oration on Thursday morning of the 30th inst.
The entries made this year are more numerous and superior in quality to what they have been any previous year.
The display of fine colts from Northampton will be an especially attractive feature of the Fair.
Transportation -- Railroad - ConstructionTransportation -- Railroad - LitigationDevelopment -- Boosterism
The commissioners to assess the damages along the line of the Peninsula railroad have finished their work, except in so far as the non-residents are concerned, and the audit is one to give pleasure to every citizen of Accomac. Very soon now we shall, we believe, hear the hum of labor on the road ? the driving of spikes and the whistle of the locomotive of the construction train. To us this will mean business of an extended and varied character so great that our present limited means of carriage will dwarf in view of the manifold increase of production. When the railroad, the great artery of the Peninsula for its trade, shall be completed we may look with absolute certainty to a surer, better and more profitable culture for our lands. That it will come, and that in the near future, is now certain. The backbone of this enterprise is one of money, energy and brains. And from such a combination we look to results almost too great to contemplate. All hail to our enterprise! Already we feel the grasp of the potent power of the hands of Philadelphia, New York and Boston, with whom we hope soon to be in a mere hour's presence.
Infrastructure -- Public - Government : Life-saving service
ONANCOCK, VA., Aug 14, 1882.
Sealed proposals for furnishing the Life-Saving Stations in the Fifth District with the quantities of Wood and Coal set opposite the respective stations will be received at this office until 12 o'clock, noon on Monday, the 28th day of August, 1882.
The Fifth District is divided into five (5) fuel districts, as follows:
1st district, Station No. 1 ? Cape Henlopen, Del., 8 tons coal, 1 cord wood
No. 2 ? Rehobeth City, Del., 8 tons coal, 1 cord wood.
No. 3 ? Indian River, Del., 8 tons coal, 1 cord wood
2d District, Station No. 4 ? Ocean City, Md., 8 tons coal, 1 cord wood.
3d District, Station No. 5 ? Green Run, Md., 8 tons coal, 1 cord wood.
No. 6 ? Pope's Island, Md., 8 tons coal, 1 cord wood.
No. 7 ? Assateague, Va., 8 tons coal, 1 cord wood.
4th District, Station No. 8 ? Cedar Island, Va., 8 tons coal, 1 cord wood.
5th District, Station No. 9 ? Hog Island, Va., 8 tons coal, 1 cord wood.
No. 10 ? Cobb's Island, Va., 8 tons coal, 1 cord wood.
No. 11 ? Smith's Island, Va., 8 tons coal, 1 cord wood.
Parties may bid to furnish the stations in one or more fuel districts, but the bid for each district should be separate.
The Coal to be furnished under the proposals must be the best quality white ash anthracite, stove size; the Wood to be good, merchantable, seasoned pine, first growth, closely corded, and subject to inspection by the Superintendent of the District and the Keepers of the Stations, and to be delivered in the bins of the stations free of extra expense to the Government, by the 25th of September next.
All proposals must be sealed and endorsed "Proposals for Fuel", and addressed to the undersigned.
The right is reserved to reject any or all bids, and to waive defects, if deemed for the interest of the Government.
Superintendent, Life-Saving Stations,
5th District, Onancock, Va.