Peninsula Enterprise, January 19, 1882
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Packing
Messrs. Phillips and Bradford will open a house for pickling oysters at an early date, where, our correspondent failed to state. The sloop Georgeanna left Custis's wharf on last Monday for New Inlet in the interest of the above firm.
Sheep Raising.
Fields -- Livestock - SheepFields -- Livestock - Dog problem
We find from the United States census report of 1880 that Accomac county produced 5,379 fleeces from the sheep raised in 1880. Why this quantity should not be ten timeas as large we fail to see. This is sheep country. Everything indicates that this husbandry might be made to produce even more to our farmers than that of sweet potatoes. The grazing and climate are all that could be desired. One thing, and one thing only is in the way of sheep raising -- the everlasting "yaller dog" is now, has been, and will be an obstacle, until they are thinned out. How this may be done is the problem. Let us hear from our intelligent farmers on the subject.
Election of Railroad Officers.
Transportation -- Railroad - ConstructionTransportation -- Railroad - Corporate
The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Peninsula Railroad Company was held at Accomac C.H., Va., on the 16th of January, 1882. The directors were elected, with Wm. Painter, president, and J. L. Bates, secretary and treasurer. In response to numerous inquiries in reference to the extension of the Railroad from Pocomoke City thro' our Peninsula, while we cannot speak by authority, we are glad to say, that in our opinion the road will be built at an early date. The survey is now nearly completed, and the right of way will soon be perfected, and with these obstacles removed, operations will begin we are convinced, which will remove the doubts of those who have been most persistent in saying that the "railroad would never come."
New Store -- New Goods.
Architecture -- Commercial buildingsProfessionals -- Builders
Messrs. R. W. Summers & Co., of Muddy Creek, Va., have recently returned from the cities with a large and well-assorted stock of goods. Everything usually sold in a country store will be found at their new place of business, and at prices to suit all. Everyone is invited to call, examine their goods, and be convinced. Parties whether wishing to purchase or not, will receive polite attention, goods will be shown them, and no harm will be done if they think they can do better elsewhere. The store house is a large one -- 30x45 feet -- recently built by Mr. C. H Bloxom, and has every convenience for the accomodation of purchasers. The firm has our best wishes for its success.