Peninsula Enterprise, August 18, 1881

Accomac Court House Peninsula Enterprise, August 18, 1881


Fields -- Crops - Sweet potatoes : Pricesfields -- Crops - Sweet potatoes : Yield

Sweet potatoes of very good quality are now being shipped in large quantities, and our farmers are realizing handsome profits from them.


Infrastructure -- Commercial - Commercial construction

The mercantile business in our county is in a prosperous condition at present, if the erection of new storehouses is an evidence of thrift. As models of convenience and architectural beauty, the store houses of Messrs. Powell & Garrison, of Powelton, and Tully W. Parker, Esq., of Onancock, recently built have attracted our attention especially. George W. Oldham & Co., of Temperanceville, also, to meet the demands of an increasing trade, have replaced their old store house with a new one, and L. H. Ames, of Pungoteague, and many other of our merchants, we are informed, intend to enlarge their places of business at an early date.


Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Resorts

It gives us pleasure to note that the attractions of Accomac as a summer resort are beginning to be appreciated. In many parts of our county, those seeking quiet and recreation have found it this summer in the many pleasant homes, located on our water courses. On Tuesday last our attention was called to a charming party of young ladies from Fauquier and Baltimore, at present "rusticating" on the suburbs of the thriving town of Powelton.


Sea -- WreckingTransportation -- Water - Wrecks

The three-masted schooner "Wm. Allen," of Perth Amboy, N.J., which went ashore on the beach near Watchaprigue inlet on the 7th inst., will be a complete wreck, and her cargo entirely lost. The crew are now engaged in wrecking her, and have employed Capt. John Mears to carry sails, spars and rigging to Baltimore.



According to the returns of Commissioners of Revenue to the Clerk's office, the following is the number of births and deaths in the county of Accomac during the year 1880, viz: Births - whites, 425: colored, 232: total 657. Deaths - whites, 168: colored 113: total 281, The above shows a heavy increase of births over deaths and speaks well for the health of our county.


Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Horse racing

Mr. Geo. E. Bull, the owner of "Doswell," who was beaten in a race a few weeks ago by "Blacksmith," gives the challenge through our paper to run any horse, mile heats, on the Eastern Shore of Virginia for a purse of from $250 to $500.


Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Boat racing

Mr. Jas. K. Harmon authorizes us to announce that his skiff, the J. W. Edmonds, 18 feet long, will sail any skiff on the Eastern Shore of Virginia, not more than 19 feet in length for a suitable prize. The attention of his friends of Belle Haven and vicinity is especially invited to this notice.


Moral -- Other violent crimeMoral -- AlcoholInfrastructure -- Public : Camp meetings

Monday was quite a field day in Justice Geo. T. Scarburgh's court, he having tried no less than three warrants on one day. The first case called was that of Thomas Willet, charged with assault on Charles C. H. Wharton, fined $2.50 and costs.

The second case was Isaac Crowson, warrant for wages against Isaac Satchell; warrant dismissed with costs against the complainant.

The third case was Esau Riley, drunk and rioting at Savageville camp; bound in $25.00 for six months, with John Wesley Hurst surety, and to pay costs.


Infrastructure -- Public - Government : School administrationInfrastructure -- Public - Government : Town

At a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the town of Drummondtown on the 13th day of August, Montcalm Oldham, Jr., was unanimously elected a trustee to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of John B. Ailworth, and as secretary of the said board. It was ordered also at said meeting that Thomas Lilliston, acting treasurer of the Board, proceed to collect from the School Trustees of the district of Lee all rents due and in arrear for the Drummondtown school house, and that he also contract with said School Trustees for the rent of said house for the coming scholastic year. Edward J. Young, Montcalm Oldham, Jr., and John W. Gillet were appointed a committee to examine the school house, and report to the Board what necessary repairs can be judiciously made to said house with the means under the control of the Board.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
August 18, 1881