Norfolk Landmark, September 24, 1874
Norfolk Landmark, September 24, 1874
The Railroad Vote in Northampton
Transportation -- Railroad - Construction
Eastville, Northampton Co., Va., September 19, 1874
For the benefit of your Eastern Shore readers, in your city and vicinity, I herewith enclose to you a correct statement of the result of the election held in this county on Saturday, the 19th instant, to take the sentiment of the registered voters in reference to the donation of $10,000 to pay the right of way for the railroad passing through the county. The total number of registered voters is 1,782, white and colored, requiring three-fifths of the registered real estate voters to carry the question in the affirmative
The result as per returns received at the clerk's office of the county from the different voting precincts, and certified to by the commissioners, is as follows:
For | Against | Capeville | 194 | 15 | Bay View | 177 | 3 | Eastville | 280 | 4 | Johnstontown | 187 | 7 | Franktown | 149 | 0 | Wardtown | 97 | 0 | Total | 1,014 | 35 |
In the aggregate there were 227 real estate holders voting in the affirmative, and 17 voting against the measure, thus giving a majority of 210 real estate holders upon the three-fifth principle, and a majority of 979 of the entire vote for the measure. Our people are delighted with the result, and now we want to hear the whistle blow to put down brakes, and cry out, "All aboard!"