Dispatch, July 2, 1870

Summer Resort.

Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Resorts

Cobb's Island continues to roll up its surf and gather in its superb fish, and the sun rises particularly grand the present year because of the ozone in the atmosphere. Of mornings, when the presence of this subtle agent cannot be detected with the naked eye, a glass with julep in it will enable the observer "to see it." The Cobbs are masters of the fishing art, and hold peculiar power over the inhabitants of the deep. These our Cobbs call up at will, and they come, and the satan of the sea (the shark) also. Now, if anybody wants to see many things, and eat voraciously of the saltwater luxuries without being hurt thereby, let him go to Cobb's Island. The surf bathing, under the direction of Dr. Cobb, cannot fail to improve a man who wants improvement. The true policy of summer routinism is to take first the sea-bath, and fish diet to excite the arterial system and enliven the action of the brain. They say, these smart people who have taken men to pieces and put them together again, that fish furnishes food for the brain, which accounts for so many sheepsheads! Thus fortified, away you can go the mountains and finish yourself off. Of all places, for salt-bathing and fishing, commend us to the island of the Cobbs.

July 2, 1870