Norfolk Landmark, August 2, 1877
Fair and Feast at Cherrystone.
Infrastructure -- Public : ChurchesTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Fairs
We again call attention to the fair and feast at Cherrystone on Friday, the 3rd inst., for the benefit of the new Baptist church in Eastville. To give the citizens of Norfolk, Portsmouth, and vicinity an opportunity to attend, the steamer N. P. Banks will leave the company's wharf at 6, Portsmouth at 6:30 and the Boston steamers' wharf at 6:45 a.m. Returning she will leave Cherrystone at 4 p.m. No one should fail to enjoy this delightful trip.
Hot for Cobb's Island.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Resorts
Owing to the rain and strong northeast winds, the steamer John Sylvester did not make her excursion to Cobb's Island yesterday. She went as far as Old Point, and then returned to the city. If the weather is favorable she will make the trip to day, leaving Campbell's wharf at 6, Portsmouth at 6:15 and Chamberlaine's wharf at 6:30 a.m., returning to-night. No one wishing to enjoy the numerous attractions of this island in the ocean should fail to go.