Public Ledger, October 25, 1880

Marine Disaster.

The vessel reported in Saturday's issue as being ashore near Hog Island, proved to be the Italian bark Giam Battista Primo, Capt. C. Daginino, bound from Genoa to Baltimore in ballast. She was driven ashore Friday morning, and went to pieces in a short while. The life saving crew in the neighborhood were unable to render any assistance, so we are informed. The Captain and crew reached land, without, however, being able to save anything except the clothes which they had on. Captain Daginino had five hundred dollars in gold in a small box, which he was unable to save, owing to the fact that he had to swim for his life.

The schooner Joseph Allen, of the Baker Wrecking Company, which was despatched Saturday to the scene of the wreck, returned to this city last night; bringing the Captain and crew of eleven men, of the wrecked bark.

Public Ledger
October 25, 1880