Peninsula Enterprise, March 7, 1896
reprinted from Cape Charles Headlight, March 4.Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Packing
The Export Lock Oyster Co., composed of New York and Philadelphia capitalists, principally, was organized here last Friday by proxy, with Capt. O. A. Browne acting as president, and John Goffigan, secretary, which will commence operations in a few days. The object of the company is to export oysters in a manner that will insure their preservation for any length of time.
Forests -- Forest products - Barrels
The barrel bill introduced in the House by our representative, Hon. S. W. Matthews, and which passed that body, was defeated in the Senate.
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Surveying
Dr. George W. LeCato and Hon. James Stubbs were appointed as a committee by the Senate of Virginia to investigate the holdings of William Ellinger, at Fox Island. This committee was appointed in response to a resolution introduced by Dr. LeCato to look into the survey of certain oyster lands held by Ellinger at that place. The committee is to report to the Attorney-General.
Infrastructure -- Public - Government : Taxation
The net aggregate of taxes on deeds, wills, administrations, fines, forfeited recognizance, court seals and suits in Accomac county, from September 1st, 1895, to March 1st, 1896, paid into the State treasury by the clerks of the courts amounted to $1,515.62. Can any other county in the State beat it? We doubt it.
Transportation -- Road - Maintenance
The Pannock road machine, the first one purchased by the county of Accomac, will be sold at public auction at Accomac C. H., on the first day of March court.
Moral -- MurderMental illness
Edward Leatherbury, of Kendall Grove, Northampton, charged with poisoning John Watson, colored, a few weeks ago, was adjudged a lunatic last Saturday, and will be sent to the asylum at Williamsburg.
Transportation -- Road - Maintenance
Mr. F. W. Whitman, of the Maryland Agricultural Co., was in town on Wednesday, and sold the Board of Supervisors two of the Milburn wagons, several scrapes &c., for use with the road machines.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Commercial construction
Rumor has it that Mr. Jack Bloxom, who is now at work on his new building, is to be married in the near future.
Transportation -- Water - Aids to navigationTransportation -- Water - WharvesSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Seaside
The new harbor at Tom's Cove, Assateague Beach, is becoming well known to the coasting trade. During the heavy weather of late the harbor has been full of boats, from 30 to 50, and at night when the lights are up, it looks like a city on the sea. A light is needed to guide them in and out at night.
U. S. Surveyor Bamber, of Philadelphia, has concluded that the Government wharf here is too small and proposes to have the same enlarged. He visited the clerk's office this week to examine titles of lands adjoining same.
The stormy weather of the past few weeks having increased the demand for our oysters, the shipments of late have been large and prices good.
Since the night of February 26th a tent put up near the life saving station on Assateague beach has been occupied by parties who came ashore on that day in six small row boats. Who they are, where bound, no one knows, but the conjecture is, that they are in some way connected with a movement in the interest of the Cuban patriots. There have been several visitors from abroad to them since their arrival here.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estate
Mr. W. H. Bundick has bought the farm of Mr. S. R. Nelson, at Nelsonia. The price paid for same was $4,500.
Transportation -- Road - Shell surfacing
High winds have made our streets very disagreeable by blowing the powdered shells of Main street over the town in clouds.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Fraternal ordersMoral -- Property crime
Several barrels of large oysters, worth $57, on floats ready for shipment were stolen from J. T. Weaver & Bro., last Saturday. Thieves also broke open Messongo steamboat warehouse same night, but got nothing, all goods having been removed from the latter place a few hours before.
A new Rechabite Tent will be organized here soon, composed of some of the best citizens of the place.
Pungoteague Farmers Association.
Farmers -- Farmers' organizations
The members of Pungoteague Farmers Association are requested to meet at Heptasoph Hall on Saturday, March 14th, 2 o'clock p. m. Matters of importance to the institution is the cause of this call. All members are cordially invited to attend.
G. E. WINDER, Secretary, P. F. A.