Peninsula Enterprise, January 18, 1896


Fields -- Fertilizer

The value of salt as a fertilizer is well known to all the farmers of the Eastern Shore and that which produces best results, of course, is always wanted. The Retsof Salt Co., through our columns to day offer an article which has been tested and found to be superior to any salt as a fertilizer. Call on their agents and secure pamphlets, containing testimonials &c.


Infrastructure -- Public : Fences

The bill introduced in our Legislature "to allow the voters of Northampton to vote on a fence law" has been dismissed.


Transportation -- Railroad - Corporate

The New York, Philadelphia and Norfolk Railroad has applied for authority to extend its line into Portsmouth.


Farmers -- Other

Hundreds of tons of fertilizers are being put out for a share of the round potato crop in Northampton this year. The farmer gives one-third of the crop and delivers it in barrels at his expense.


Infrastructure -- Commercial - Banks

The bank of Mr. L. E. Mumford, of Cape Charles, opened for business this week.


Mental illnessMoral -- Alcohol

Henry Fatherly, a farmer of Northampton, was found dead in the barn at his home near Franktown on Thursday of last week with a bullet hole in his head. He had shot himself the day previous while crazed by strong drink.


Moral -- Alcohol

The following has been sent to us for publication: "All persons having local option petitions are respectfully requested to send them to John W. Guy, Bridgetown, Va., on Monday, 20th inst., The Judge requires each petition to be certified to, by parties getting them up."


Infrastructure -- Commercial - Commercial construction


Capt. R. J. Trader, of Cattail, and Miss Martha Smith, of Hallwood, were united in matrimony at the groom's residence on the 9th inst. Their friends showed their appreciation of and respect for him and his handsome bride by assembling at their home at night and giving them an old fashioned serenade. Quite a lot of fire works, tar barrels and powder were burned in their honor on the occasion.

Mr. J. W. Hart completed and moved into his new storehouse some days ago. He left Saturday night for Pocomoke City and will, according to rumor, bring home a brand new wife to clerk for him on his return.

A petition has been circulated through this section of late by Capt. A. Chase, praying the county judge to give us a chance to vote down the serpent called strong drink. The Captain was the right man to circulate such a paper. Everybody in the community signed it.


Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideSea -- WreckingInfrastructure -- Public : TownsTransportation -- Water - FreightInfrastructure -- Public - Government : Life-saving service


Since the breaking up of the ice, oysters have been shipped from here in large quantities, and fair prices have been realized for same.

The Merritt Coast & Wrecking Co., of New York, will have its headquarters here during the winter. One of its steam tugs, commanded by Capt. A. Brown LeCato, a former countyman, has already arrived.

The meeting held in our Town Hall last week, looking to the incorporation of the town, was postponed to next Wednesday.

Schooner Palestine, loaded this week with oysters for Norfolk, and schooner Thomas Thomas with oysters for Fair Haven, Conn.

Capt. J. T. Tracy, of Assateague Life Saving Station, one of the most popular and efficient men in the service has recently resigned on account of physical disability to the regret of all of our citizens. For twenty-one years he has been one of the best officers on the Atlantic coast.

W. J. Matthews has sold his home up the Island and bought of Thomas W. Russell the house and lot owned formerly by J. W. Jones.

A large feed and general provision store will be started here soon by Mr. Luke Lewis and Mr. Disharoon, of Salisbury, Md., which will add largely to the business interests of this place.


Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Dredging

Marsh Market.

The oystermen are getting ready to go to Pocomoke to engage in dredging as soon as the weather permits.


Fields -- Livestock - Dog problemInfrastructure -- Commercial - Banks


Constable Kellam has been in pursuit of the dogs, upon which the taxes have not been paid, this week. His work in that line had not been a success according to the latest accounts.

At the meeting of stockholders of First National Bank of Onancock, held Tuesday, January 14th, the following directors were elected for ensuing year: John P. L. Hopkins, F. T. Boggs, H. F. Powell, F. D. Parkes, A. G. Kelly, J. R. Hickman, R. L. Hopkins, W. R. Lewis, H. B. Wilcox, J. T. Finney, C. P. Finney, Dr. John W. Kellam.


Forests -- Forest products - Walnut logsTransportation -- Railroad - MaintenanceInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential constructionFields -- Livestock - Horses


Parties from Maryland have been in this neighborhood of late for the purpose of buying the walnut trees around the farm houses for shipment, they say, to Baltimore, thence across the ocean. They found one on the premise of Captain Rogers 17 feet in circumference.

Section Boss Pickle discovered a split rail on the track a few days ago, and a serious accident was possibly thereby averted.

Mr. Oscar Kelly and wife occupied their new home near Onley last week.

A horse, for which Dr. John W. Kellam paid recently $192, broke his leg last week.


Infrastructure -- Utilities - Ice


Plenty of ice, but not much of it harvested in this neighborhood.


Infrastructure -- Commercial - Residential development


Our town is still growing and will soon be visible to passengers on the railroad. Mr. J. H. Jones, who has purchased a tract of land between, has kindly given the wood to the citizens of this town who should first plant "stakes for a claim," and the rush for the California gold mines in '49, or of later date for Oklahoma was a tame thing compared to it.

Tidewater Members of the Legislature Discuss Fish and Oysters.

Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Legislation

There was a well attended conference in Richmond Friday evening of last week of the Tidewater members of the Legislature on the subject of oyster legislation proposed to be enacted at this session. There was considerable discussion, but no definite action was taken. The subject chiefly considered was the resolutions which were recently adopted by the Virginia League of Oystermen. President Conner, of Norfolk, the head of that organization, was present as its representative. Mr. Hathaway, of Lancaster, suggested the idea of placing the rental on Chesapeake bottom lands at 25 cents per acre, instead of the present price of one dollar. This seemed to meet with some favor, but it was not acted on. Senator LeCato, of Accomac, it is understood, has pretty well determined upon a substitute which he will offer for Mr. Mason's fish commission bill. This substitute contemplates placing the shells, as well as other fishing interests, under the supervision of the fish commissioner. Dr. LeCato proposes to create a fish commission, who are ready to receive only their travelling and other expenses while attending meetings of the board.

Local Option Resolutions.

Moral -- Alcohol

To the members of Red Bank Baptist Church, your committee on local option begs leave to submit the following preamble and resolutions:

Whereas, Believing that alcoholism is a great social and moral plague, more deadly than contagious diseases, and more difficult to deal with, that its ravages are felt in all classes of society, that it is the ruin of health, of society, of nations, and that it blocks the progress of the christian religion; therefore be it resolved,

1st, That we charge to alcoholism more than one-half of the occupants of our prisons, hospitals and lunatic asylums.

2d, That it is dangerous to society.

3d, That the license system is simply speculating on vice, on the ruin of wealth, health, talent and morals, and that such speculation is nowise justifiable and should not be tolerated under any condition.

4th, That every portion of the community has a duty to perform in this matter, and that it requires the combined effort of all to successfully fight the existing evil.

5th, that we believe it the God given privilege and bounden duty of every Christian to work and vote for no license in the coming local option contest.


Adopted January 12th, 1896.

P. H. PERNELL, Moderator.



Infrasturcture -- Public - Government : County

The useless expenditure of money every five years in processioning the lands in the State of Virginia is being discussed in many sections of our county at this time, and is well worth the attention of our Legislature. The expense incurred by the county of Accomac last year for that purpose being about $3,000, and in the State being in the aggregate, perhaps, a hundred thousand dollars or more, it has occurred to many of our citizens, that if the necessity for processioning ever existed, it has passed away. Lines now for the most part being so well defined and so well known to contiguous owner, that a dispute about them being the exception rather than the rule, we can see no reason, why it should longer cumber our statute book, to be resurrected every five years to the detriment of the tax payers. Retrenchment in the expenses of the State being demanded at this time, because of a lack of revenues to meets its obligations, a lopping off of foolish expenses is certainly wiser than hunting up other subjects for taxation. The matter is surely worthy the consideration of our legislators and is commended especially to the members representing this county.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
January 18, 1896