Peninsula Enterprise, August 22, 1896
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Legislation
The committee appointed by our last Legislature to investigate the holdings of William Ellinger in the water area around Fox Island met at Accomac C. H., last Monday and adjourned on Thursday. All of the members of the committee, viz: Senators Stubbs and LeCato and Delegates Booker and Hathaway were present. Dr. John W. Bowdoin, fish commissioner, Mr. Ellinger and other witnesses were examined. The committee will meet again at Cape Charles Friday, and prepare their report, showing the result of their investigations, and the conclusion arrived at by them. The committee gave no intimation what their report will be, but the evidence submitted justifies the assertion, that it will be unfavorable to the claim of Mr. Ellinger.
Farmers -- Farmers' organizations
The farmers of Metompkin district met at Parksley last Saturday, after the adjournment of "The Truckers Association of the Eastern Shore of Virginia," and elected Mr. Charles L. Byrd director for said district.
Farmers -- Farmers' organizations
The Board of Directors of the "Truckers Association of the Eastern Shore of Virginia." will meet at "The Eastern Shore Agricultural Fair," at 12 o'clock, next Tuesday, August 25th.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - FairsTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Excursions
The N. Y., P. & N. R. R. will run a special train from Pocomoke City and intermediate stations to Keller on the 25th, 26th, 27th, and 28th of August, and also run a special train from Keller to Cape Charles as heretofore, to accommodate their patrons of the Eastern Shore, who will attend the Accomack Fair.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Baseball
The Salisbury and Norfolk teams will play a match game of base ball, at Cape Charles Fair grounds Wednesday, September 2.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Horse racing
The first day of the Eastern Shore Agricultural Fair, this year, will be one of the most interesting. In the trials of speed on that day, Ham Disston, Basil, Gray Eagle and Bursar, will come together as competitors for one of the purses.
Transportation -- Railroad - SteamboatsForests -- SawmillsInfrastructure -- Public : ChurchesTransportation -- Water - FreightMoral -- Other violent crime
Improvements to steamer Chincoteague have greatly increased her speed. She now makes the trip across the bay in 30 minutes instead of 50 minutes.
N. H. Gordy & Co. have received and are having put up a steam saw mill. This makes two established here in less than 90 days.
A big revival is now is progress at our M. P. Church, H. E. Bennington, pastor. There were twenty converts last Monday night and over sixty in the last few days.
The Kickapoo Medicine Co., arrived here on the schooner Edwards from Wachapreague last Sunday. A party of fifty persons accompanied them and spent the day with us.
Schooner J. R. Moffitt arrived this week from Philadelphia with cargo of coal; schooners Thomas Thomas, Emma, Robinson and Susan Jane from New York with cargoes of bricks; schooner J. R. Elliott from New York with ice and schooner Medora Francis from Norfolk with building material.
Capt. William C. Bunting, of steamer Absecom, went ashore at Cape Charles on the night of the 14th inst. to mail a letter, and on returning to the boat was shot by some person unknown to him. He was taken to the hospital in Norfolk for treatment. The wound is in the nose and not a dangerous one. The news when received here caused a great excitement as Captain Bunting is very popular with our people and gives employment to a great number of them.
Infrastructure -- Public : Camp meetingsSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : PlantingSea -- Shellfish - Crabbing : BaysideProfessionals -- Seafood dealers
Hunting Creek.
The gasoline steamer is now making two trips weekly from this point, carrying away full loads of potatoes and bringing back full loads of goods. She was the first to reduce freight and our people appreciate it.
Our people are attending the camp at Parksley this week en masse. Many families have deserted their homes and are tenting on the camp ground.
Some of our people, who have recently planted shells, report a fine "strike," and others who have had them planted longer will reap a rich harvest this fall -- which seems to say to every oysterman, "go thou and do likewise."
Our crabbers have has a good season and thereby relieved in great measure from the failure in oyster business last winter.
Mr. Jones, of Stockton, Md., was here this week to look after the oyster prospects for the fall and winter.
Laborers -- ForestForests -- Barrel factories Laborers -- StrikesInfrastructure -- Commercial - Commercial constructionInfrastructure -- Public - Government : TownInfrastructure -- Commercial - Insurance companiesTransportation -- Railroad - Wrecks
A reduction in cooper's wages caused a strike among them a few days ago at this place. A return to the old wages ended the difficulty and all is serene again.
Mr. J. R. Hickman will have a frame building erected, for a storehouse, on the east of his lot on Bennett street, and a brick building for a storehouse on the west end. The foundation for the former is now being laid.
Some of our people are talking of having the town incorporated. An officer is needed, they think, to put a check upon the cyclonic disturbances, that occasionally overturns outhouses, fastens tinpans to cow's tails and that otherwise annoy us.
Our brick block is beginning to put on a business like appearance, and our citizens point to it with pride.
A couple of freight cars jumped the track at Parksley on Tuesday, but were gotten back without difficulty. The accident was due to break in coupling.
All the insurance companies in which Pate & Mason had policies have paid in full.
Infrastructure -- Public : SchoolsTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Boat racing
Miss E. L. Boggs has been engaged as music and art instructor of the Pungoteague Academy for next session. The school opens September 7.
In the boat race, that came off at Cedar View, last Wednesday, Mr. J. L. Warren's batteau captured first prize in its class, and Capt. William Kellam's canoe the first prize in that class. In the canoe race a Western Shore boat started but was so badly disappointed that it kept on across and did not return from the stake boat.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Excursions
The naptha schooner Annie E. Edwards, Capt. Braiser, took an excursion from this place to Chincoteague last Saturday. She has since loaded with sweets for Providence.
Truckers Association of the Eastern Shore of Virginia.
Farmers -- Farmers' organizations
A large meeting of the farmers of the Eastern Shore was held at Parksley, last Saturday. Interesting addresses were made on the occasion by Capt. O. A. Browne, Judge B. T. Gunter, Dr. Charles Smith, Dr. George W. LeCato and others. Meetings will be held to day, (Saturday), in each magisterial district on the Eastern Shore for the purpose of electing a director for each district, at following places: Chincoteague Island, Temperanceville, Parksley, Onley, Keller, Franktown, Bridgetown and Cape Charles.
Rules adopted by the "Truckers Association of the Eastern Shore of Virginia" are given below:
The object of the association is to promote the welfare of the farmers by co-operating, establishing rules and regulations for marketing crops, and by other means that may be agreed upon by the members.
The name of this organization shall be, "The Truckers Association of the Eastern Shore of Va."
Sec. 1 -- All persons engaged in farming shall be eligible to membership. Colored people will have their separate organization in each Magisterial District, and make their wants known to the Board of Directors, to be hereinafter provided for, through their secretary in writing. Membership fee 25 cents.
Sec. 2 -- All members shall be governed by the rules established for the association, and for failure shall forfeit all rights and privileges.
Sec. 1 -- The members shall at once in their respective Magisterial Districts proceed to organize and elect one person to preside over and direct the affairs of the Magisterial District, who shall be known as director; and they shall also elect a secretary.
Sec. 2 -- The director of each Magisterial District shall be a member of the Board of Directors of the "Truckers Association of the Eastern Shore of Va.," which shall organize as soon as three Magisterial Districts have elected its director. They shall elect a secretary and treasurer.
Sec. 3 -- The stated annual meeting of the members of the association shall be held at Cape Charles, on the third Monday in January of each and every year, for the general transaction of the business of the association; and the members shall elect a presiding officer from their number; at which time the Board of Directors shall submit a report of their proceedings for the previous year, and a statement of the condition of the association.
Sec. 4 -- The Board of Directors may call a special meeting of the members at any time, provided a majority of said Board be in favor thereof.
Sec. 5 -- Notices of the special and annual meetings of the members shall be sent to the secretary of each Magisterial District organization, at least thirty days before the time of meeting.
The Board of Directors of the association shall consist of eight members, who, shall be elected by the members of their local organizations; as soon as elected shall hold a meeting and elect from their number a president and vice-president, and shall elect a secretary and general manager, and treasurer, from the members, to hold office until the regular annual elections, or until their successors are elected.
The directors may elect or appoint such agents or employees as in their judgement may be deemed necessary to transact the business of the association; paying such officers and employees out of the funds in the hands of the treasurer.
The Board of Directors shall have the power to fill vacancies that may occur, and, for sufficient cause, remove the officers or employees of their appointment and appoint their successors.
It shall be the duty of the Board of Directors to appoint at every railroad station, and every steamboat wharf, or other shipping point, one person, with such help as may be needed, to inspect all potatoes belonging to the members of this association to be sent to market; to see that none but good marketable stock is shipped, in suitable packages; and to pay such inspector such compensation as may be agreed upon.
It shall be the duty of the inspectors, to examine every barrel brought to the station belonging to members of the association, and those that contain first-class stock, of uniform size, (barrel not faced with good potatoes and with indifferent ones in other parts of the barrel) to mark the same with a stamp, to be provided by the Board of Directors, first, or second class, as the case may be; and that culls under no condition to be shipped. Barrels shall be of the uniform size, and those of less measure shall be rejected.
Every member will be allowed to ship his potatoes to whoever he may see fit, provided the commission merchant will pay to the treasurer of this association, and at the end of each month, three per cent. of the gross sales from said shipment, to provide a fund to pay the expenses of the inspectors, etc.
It shall be the duty of the inspector to keep a record book in which shall be written the date of inspection, the names of the person or persons from whom he has inspected produce, and to whom they were consigned; and the facts shall be reported to the secretary daily.
It shall be the duty of the secretary of the Board of Directors to keep correct and full minutes of the proceedings of the members of the association and of the Board of Directors; and report all information as to shipments received by him from the inspector, to the treasurer, attest all bills for salary, or other expenses, and all orders drawn on the treasury, for payment or appropriation of money ordered by the Board of Directors; and shall notify the directors of all stated and special meetings of the Board.
He shall receive all money paid into the association, pay the same over to the treasurer and take his receipt therefor. He shall keep all the accounts and all necessary books and papers of this association, excepting those in charge of the treasurer, and shall deliver the same, at the end of his term to his successor in office, within two weeks after the election of such officers.
He shall be prepared at all meetings of the Board of Directors to give correct information on the financial and other conditions of the association, and shall perform all other duties required of him by the Board of Directors.
The treasurer shall receive all money as soon as paid into the association, and give his receipt for the same to the secretary and pay all orders of the Board of Directors signed by the president and attested by the secretary.
He shall keep a correct account of all money received and paid out, in a book provided for that purpose, which shall at all times be subject to the inspection of the Board of Directors.
He shall make a report of the transaction of the money, as well as the actual state of the finances of the association at each regular meeting.
He shall give satisfactory security for the safe performance of his duties, in such amount as the Board of Directors may require.
The general manager shall have charge of all inspectors and shall direct their movement, appoint and remove them.
No contract shall be made except upon approval by the Board of Directors.
He shall perform such special duties as may be assigned him by the Board of Directors.
It shall be his duty to exercise a general supervision over all the business of the association not delegated to other officers by the rules now in force. He shall make settlements with the inspectors and employees, and pass on the accounts subject to the approval of the Board of Directors.
It shall be his duty to visit any or all parts of the Eastern Shore, as often as the Board of Directors may deem in necessary, to protect the interests of the association, the necessary expenses of such visit to be paid out of the funds.
If any commission merchant shall decline or fail to pay to the secretary of the association the three per cent. heretofore provided for, then it shall be the duty of the secretary to inform all inspectors of this fact.
No member of this association shall be allowed to consign his produce to any commission merchant who shall refuse to pay the said three per cent., and if any member violate this article, he shall at once be debarred from the privileges of this association.
The Advantage of Inspection.
Fields -- Crops - Sweet potatoes : Quality controlfields -- Crops - White potatoes : Quality control
The plan to organize the farmers which you will publish is of the utmost importance. It provides for a director from each magisterial district.
The people should be careful and thoughtful in the selection to secure a man of business qualification. For while it may appear that the only duty for the Board of Directors is to inspect potatoes -- there is beyond this a vast amount of complicated work to be systemized, and it cannot be done except by business talent strongly backed by the farmers.
In this letter, I want to show the advantage of inspection, (and this will be fraught with difficulties)and will do so by showing how it will work. If a farmer has made 300 barrels of potatoes, from the present outlook he will not receive more than 30 cents for them the season through (and they may pay nothing) and his income will be $90. If inspection will cause 50 barrels to be rejected, the price of the remaining 250 barrels will certainly advance 10 cents, and this will give him $100, save the hauling of and have 50 barrels to make pork. If the inspector goes further and rejects 50 barrels more, and only 200 barrels are shipped -- this would again advance the price, because of better stock and less crops on the market, and would give 20 cents additional, which would make the crop bring $120, and have 100 barrels to feed to hogs, cattle and horses, and that much hauling saved. I hope I have made this point clear, so that anyone may see the advantage of it. To put it in force every farmer must himself accept, and rigidly aid the inspector to enforce the rule of inspection, not for one shipment, nor for one week, nor one month, but for the whole season straight through.
When inspection is fully adopted the problems of "distributing the crops" and "holding the market," will have to be dealt with to further advance the price, and these will bring forward many difficult plans and details to be considered and overcome. We have started to better our condition, we are on the right road, and must stick to it and not be led off.
Respectfully, ORRIS A. BROWNE.
Farmers -- Farmers' organizations
An organization was effected at a meeting of farmers at Parksley, last Saturday, under the name of "The Truckers Association of Eastern Shore of Virginia," and rules were adopted for the government of the same. The association so far, of course, has an existence only a little beyond a name; what the developments will be later and how far they will meet the wants of the people and be conducive to their welfare remains to be seen. Of one thing, however, we are convinced, that a step has been taken in the right direction and our needs demand that we follow along the lines mapped out until experience and observation points out to us something better. Results accruing to the farmers who are members of the association are likely to be disappointing at first because they will be apt to expect too much, but it is to be hoped, that enough of them will be found to "stick" to the organization to give it a fair trial. Potatoes properly culled, inspected, marked and vouched for as No. 1 can not but inspire confidence eventually in the purchasers of them, which will open other markets to us and give us better prices. But that is very far from being the only advantage to be gained by organization and acting in concert. There is strength in union which will enable our farmers to put themselves in a position to demand their rights -- to place a value upon their potatoes -- and to hold them until they can realize at least a reasonable profit for their labors. If our farmers will organize and stand by their organization and pull together many other advantages doubtless can be derived from an organization, which we do not now foresee, such as limiting the supply to the demand for them, curtailing the expenses of making them and substituting other crops for them which will pay us better. "Times are now hard," especially to our farmers, but the cloud which overhangs them is like every other one -- it has a silver lining. Already they have led to a reduction of freight rates along all lines leading from us, and we doubt not that our necessities will cause us to go forward and avail ourselves of advantages which may be presented to us instead of drifting along as we have been for years waiting for something to turn up.
Margaret Academy.
Infrastructure -- Public : Schools
A first-class school for both sexes. Full corps of experienced and skillful teachers in all the departments. The location is the most beautiful on the Eastern Shore of Virginia. Grounds cover fourteen acres of high undulating land. Library of twenty-five hundred standard volumes, including encyclopedias, dictionaries, and other standards works, of reference and literature, open to pupils of the school. Pupils boarding in the school required to study two hours every night under supervision of the teachers. One hundred and twenty pupils last session.
Catalogues containing full information sent free to any address.
FRANK P. BRENT, Onancock, Va.