Peninsula Enterprise, June 13, 1896
Moral -- Property crime
Sheriff John H. Wise left yesterday for Wilmington, for purpose of bringing back to Accomac for trial, Joseph Bocaly, now in the custody of the authorities of that city. Bocaly is a Frenchman, and while employed as cook on Virginia Oyster Police steamer Accomac, about ten days ago, robbed Captain Costin, in command of the steamer, from $300 to $400 and some valuable papers. When arrested, the most of the money was found on his person and recovered.
Sea -- Shellfish - Crabbing : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Crabbing : Law enforcement
William Moore and Aaron Byrd, non-residents, both colored, were captured by Capt. John R. Thomas, of State schooner Pocomoke, last Wednesday, one mile south of Watkins Point in Pocomoke Sound, for taking crabs with scrapes in Virginia waters. He brought them to jail and placed their boat, a bateau 36 feet long, in care of a guard. George W. Powell, another non-resident, captured on same day by T. R. Stokes, mate of police steamer Accomac, for like offence in Virginia waters, was also sent to our jail Wednesday. The bateau in which he was caught is 22 feet in length.
Sea -- Finfish - Catch : Other fishInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential construction
Capt. W. C. Evans caught ten sheepshead one day last week, the first of the season.
Messrs. J. T. and C. P. Finney are having a fine dwelling erected on the farm lately bought of Mr. William Oliver on Pungoteague Creek.
Fields -- Livestock - SheepInfrastructure -- Public : SchoolsTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - ExcursionsSea -- Finfish - Catch : TroutInfrastructure -- Public : Churches
Sheep-penning holiday this year a big success. Fine day, large gathering and everybody happy. Confectionary sales largest ever known, the receipts at one stand being $125.
Sea-trout are being caught at this time in large quantities by our fishermen.
Commencement of Chincoteague Female Institute came off at town hall on the 4th inst., and the teachers gave an excursion to their school and friends to Wallop's Island on the 9th.
Schooner Maggie E. Davis gave an excursion to Winter Quarter Light last week.
The members of Union Baptist Church now worship in a tabernacle near the Atlantic Hotel built by them since the burning of their church.
Seventeen more of the sanctified band, and the last of them, left here to join the band in North Carolina last week. They sold their oyster boats, houses, &c., at a sacrifice. It is needless to add that we are happy to be rid of them.
Forests -- Barrel factories Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - BicyclingTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Horse racing
New Church.
Mr. Gordon Jones is having a house built here for the cooperage business.
We had some fine "speeding" on our race course here last Saturday. Several new horses expected, to-day, 13th inst., and several interesting trotting matches promised -- also fine bicycling contests. Open to the public.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Baseball
The Bluebells were the victors in the game of base ball, and not the Rosebuds, as appeared in your last issue.
Forests -- Barrel factories Infrastructure -- Commercial - Residential construction
Mr. A. F. Mears has just received a large supply of barrel stock, and will open up his factory at an early day.
Miss Carrie Beloate will have a handsome dwelling built on her premises here at an early day.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Commercial constructionInfrastructure -- Commercial - Insurance companiesInfrastructure -- Commercial - GranariesLumbermen -- Personal injuryTransportation -- Road - Wrecks
George B. McCready has the lumber on the ground to rebuild his blacksmith shop.
Several insurance men have been spending the week in Parksley in the interest of their companies.
D. H. Johnson & Son have a large force of carpenters erecting a large granary to be used as a feed store.
Miss Wyatt, of Gloucester, Va., who has been here on a visit to Miss May Johnson, has returned home.
Mr. H. E. Van Deman has been engaged to lecture before the Fruit Growers' Convention, which meets in Chicago in a few days.
H. P. & J. H. Mason's teamster was seriously hurt Tuesday, near Hunting Creek, where he had been to deliver a load of lumber. His mules ran off with him, throwing him off the wagon, entangling him in the harness and running the wheels over him. Fortunately the team was caught before further damage was done.
By the burning of Johnson's Hall last week the Parksley Baptists lost their bibles, hymn books and church and Sunday school outfit, including between three and four hundred chairs.
Infrastructure -- Utilities - TelephoneInfrastructure -- Public : Cemeteries
The Peninsular Telephone Co., at its last annual meeting, declared a dividend of 12 and a half per cent., besides holding a good reserve in the treasury.
The Cemetery Co., here has improved its grounds by the addition of a new iron fence.
Pungoteague Academy will hold its first commencement next Thursday evening, the 18th, beginning at 7:30, on Mr. G. W. McConnell's lawn, opposite hotel, if pleasant weather, if inclement, it will be at the M. E. Church, South. The same afternoon the ladies of the M. E. Church, South, will hold a lawn party at the same place and furnish refreshments for those that stay for the commencement.
Mill Property Destroyed by Fire.
Forests -- Sawmills
The steam saw-mill of Mr. J. Frank Mason, near Bloxom Station, was destroyed by fire on last Saturday morning. The fire was discovered about 3 o'clock and at that time had made such headway that it was impossible to save the property. It is thought to have been accidental, was worth about $1,200 and had no insurance upon it. The dwelling, stable and barn of Mr. Mason would have been burned also, but for a very strange occurrence, viz: the blowing of the mill whistle. It began about 3 o'clock when the roof of the mill was about to fall in and continued until all the people of the neighborhood were aroused by the noise and attracted to the place. Without the assistance rendered by them the dwelling, &c., could not have been saved from the flames.
Baseball Notes.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Baseball
There will be a game of base-ball at Onancock, Saturday, June 13, 3 p.m., by the Mappsville and Wachapreague nines.
There was a game of base-ball played last Saturday, at Mappsville, between Mappsville nine and Mutton Hunk nine, resulting in a victory in favor of Mutton Hunk; score, 13 to 14. The umpire, by allowing a run to be scored by Mappsville, after the side had been put out, thought it was 14 to 14. Any number of old ball players saw the game, and play in question and can vouch for the correctness of the same.