Peninsula Enterprise, June 6, 1896


reprinted from Worcester Enterprise.Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Horse racing

Corbett, by Walker's Morrell, dam by Sherman Morgan, raised on the Eastern Shore of Virginia, trotted three successive heats at Pimlico on Wednesday, May 27th in 2.15 and a quarter. This is an excellent showing for any horse this early in the season.


fields -- Crops - White potatoes : Yield

The crop of Irish potatoes on the Eastern Shore this year will be a short one. The tops are looking well but many of them have no potatoes at the bottom. The shortage will not be as large, however, as first reported.


Infrastructure -- Public : Fences

The vote on the fence question in Eastville district in the recent election, was 525 for, 62 against -- in Franktown district, was 378 for, 77 against fence.


Transportation -- Water - Steamboats

Robert Stevenson, of Messongo Va., employed on the steamer Bertie E. Tull, came very near being crushed to death Saturday afternoon at Snow Hill by getting one of his feet caught in the machinery and having it horribly mashed. Captain Downing saw the unfortunate man being slowly wound into the big wheels and ordered the boat stopped, which was barely done in time to save him from a horrifying death.


Infrastructure -- Public : Fire companies

Another fire, the third in Accomac in less than two months, and the most destructive of all, is reported in our columns this week. Sympathy for the sufferers is universal, not only here, but off the shore and telegrams and letters to that effect are being received by every mail. The people of Parksley and vicinity did all in their power to save the property of the sufferers, and to them as well as those abroad, thanks are extended through our columns by request.


Moral -- Property crime

The dwelling of Mr. J. W. Colona, agent at Tasley Station, was broken open and entered by thieves Wednesday night. They got into the house through a window and left without being heard by Mr. Colona and wife who were asleep in the upper part of the dwelling, taking away with them only a basket of eggs, butter knife and tin cup. They wanted money, it is thought, and did not care to be burdened with anything of less value, and evidently were not tramps as they declined to take away with them a ham which was in the dining room.


Forests -- SawmillsSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : PlantingLaborers -- FisheriesFields -- Crops - Corn


Capt. Elzey Evans is putting up steam saw mill on his farm at Evans Wharf.

Mr. J. G. Hudson, of the firm of Scarborough & Hudson, oyster planters, went to Pocomoke a few days ago to employ hands to handle their large stock of oysters.

Capt. John W. Crockett has purchased of Mr. I. W. Bagwell, bugeye John T. White.

Capt. Duncan, of Tilghman's, Md., delivered schooner load of corn to our farmers last week.


Fields -- Crops - StrawberriesInfrastructure -- Commercial - MillineriesWomen -- Work - Outside the home


The strawberry crop was very short in this section, but good prices were realized for them.

A promising Eagle colt owned by L. T. Ross and the gray mare Mattie, owned by W. S. Nock, will trot mile heats, best 2 in 3 on Hallwood race track, Saturday 13th.

J. A. Hall is now making ready to build quite a nice house on Main street for millinery and dressmaking establishment, to be occupied by a lady from Pungoteague.


Infrastructure -- Commercial - Race tracks

New Church.

The berry season is about over and our farmers, we understand, have done very well.

The race course here has recently been reconstructed and put in first-class order, and is now in shape for fast trotting and bicycling. Trotting every Saturday afternoon. All cordially invited to attend.


Forests -- Barrel factories Forests -- Forest products - StavesInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential developmentInfrastructure -- Commercial - Rental housingTransportation -- Water - FreightInfrastructure -- Public : Churches


Schooner Four sisters, Capt. William Walker, landed here this week with load of barrel staves for Onancock Barrel Co.

Capt. John Kelso is completing three tenant houses on Lake St.

The Presbyterian congregation will occupy their new church on Sunday evening next.

Schooners Alice & Anna and Mary Emma have just landed 500 tons coal for Hopkins & Bro.


Fields -- Crops - HaySea -- Shellfish - Crabbing : Bayside


Our farmers have been busy this week curing and housing their hay crop, and report it as being very short.

Soft crabs have been selling quite low in the markets, and in consequence of that, our people have been feasting of late on them.

A new Crab Company has been formed on Hunting Creek, which makes three from that point.

Accomac Club Regatta.

Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Boat racingTourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - Lodges

The regatta of this year, which came off according to announcement, under the auspices of the Accomac Club on the 2d inst., will long be remembered by all who participated as one of the most interesting occasions of a lifetime. The day was a model one and the weather could not have been finer. The gathering was large and especially interesting and attractive because of the goodly number of ladies in attendance. The races were well contested and heartily enjoyed. The music, furnished by the Cashville Cornet Band, was very fine and everybody was not only pleased with it, but with the members of the band, who so agreeably dispensed it.

The clubmen seemed to be happy and their untiring efforts to please and graceful courtesies to their guests delighted everybody. The day was passed in fact without an occurrence of any kind to mar its pleasures.

The club was incorporated January 12th, 1887, its first president being Benjamin W. West, now deceased. The secretary and treasurer from the organization to the present time has been Abel Crook. It was organized as a gentleman's fishing and shooting club to afford its members, who are residents of New York and Brooklyn, an occasional outing. Owing to their visits and liberal expenditures of money, many of the residents of the Eastern Shore have been much benefitted. The apprehension that once existed that the club would be undesirable on the ground that its members might deprive the residents of their customary shooting and fishing has long since been allayed, and the club members are known as warm friends and welcome guests among us.

The annual regatta furnishes one of the most attractive holidays of the year and it is looked for with the greatest interest. Formerly the sixteen foot batteau was hardly known among us, but its adoption for the use of the club has made it the favorite. The valuable prizes annually given have created rivalry and enthusiasm which has led to great improvements in our batteaux and skiffs. These contests are open to residents of the Eastern Shore. The club furnishes the prizes and the entertainment. The ladies have the exclusive use of the club house on these occasions and partake of a bountiful collation furnished for them specially, while the gentlemen are furnished with a more substantial feast in the boat house.

In the first race for batteaux fifteen feet and under, the first prize was a complete set of silver knives, forks and spoons, presented by Mr. Ladew, won by Birdie, of Wachapreague, James H. Stevens owner, Levin T. Richardson captain. The second prize was a leather travelling bag, presented by Mr. Abraham, won by Eliza Fosque, of Wachapreague, Thomas Fosque owner, Charles Burton captain.

In the second race of batteaux sixteen feet and under, the first prize was a Wheeler & Wilson No. 9 sewing machine, presented by Mr. Hoyt, won by Josephine, of Cobb's Island, Joe Tatum owner, William Bloxom captain. The second prize was a parlor clock, presented by Mr. Brixey, won by Sweetheart, of Wachapreague, George W. Phillips owner, Chip Johnson captain. The third prize was a pair of gum boots, presented by the Club, won by Margaretta, Henry Scarborough owner, Charles Burton captain.

In the third race for skiffs and batteaux eighteen feet and under, the first prize was a silver tea set (four pieces), presented by Mr. Fairchild, won by D. J. Whealton, of Chincoteague, S. J. Mumford owner, David Steelman captain. The second prize was a brass banquet lamp with silk shade, presented by Mr. Lovell, won by Helen, A. J. McMath owner, William S. Bundick captain.

The following members were present: Samuel L. Storer, president; A. J. Crook, secretary; John W. Jacobus, marshal; W. R. Brixey, captain; P. Kelly, surgeon; F. H. Lovell, purser; S. Giglio, commissary, honorary member; A. B. Rogers, officer of the day, honorary member; Samuel Crook, recorder, honorary member; Richard D. Brixey, coxswain, honorary member.

The prizes were presented by the secretary in a complimentary and felicitous manner, which was responded to by Hon. Thomas M. Scott in a graceful and eloquent address, appropriate to the occasion.

The Club membership is limited to thirty-five. In response to a request, the secretary has furnished us with a complete list of the members, namely: Henry H. Adams, Abraham Abraham, Joseph C. Baldwin, William R. Brixey, Charles A. Bryan, Abel Crook, N. H. Clements, J. G. Dettmer, Frank W. Duryea, Louis T. Duryea, Adfur Eddy, Samuel W. Fairchild, Edward J. Greacen, John L. Hill, William C. Horn, Edward C. Hoyt, William E. Horwill, J. W. Jacobus, P. Kelly, Frank H. Lovell, E. R. Ladew, Gen. J. V. Meserole, Abraham Onderdonk, Frank H. Page, John G. Prague, Herbert M. Rogers, W. R. Seloyer, G. M. Spier, Henry Spratley, Samuel L. Storer, William A. Stuart, Nathan Straus, Horace P. Whitney, Charles W. Wheeler, New York; Dr. J. G. Ryerson, New Jersey.

The committee in charge of the regatta were as follows: President Stover, Secretary Crook and Messrs. Jacobus and Lovell. Entertainment committee: Messrs. Kelly, Brixey and Giglio.

Special Mention.

President Stover is the Adonis of the club, and paid especial attention to the comfort of the ladies.

Secretary Crook was omnipresent and kept the boys talking in the most amusing manner.

Commissary Giglio kept the punch bowl cool and proved most attractive to some of the invited guests.

Surgeon Kelly set no bones but operated on the spigot of the beer barrels, quenching the thirst of all who needed the services of a samaritan.

Marshal Jacobus fraternized with the band and stimulated them to their best performances.

Captain Brixey whistled for wind and insisted on fair play without fear of favor.

Purser Lovell shed light on all and wished everyone could win a prize as they deserved.

Messrs. Rogers, Samuel Crook and Richard D. Brixey looked after the candy and assisted sweetly that the pretty girls should not be neglected.

Steward Scarborough was the chowder dispenser while his amiable wife almost killed herself in her attention to the ladies who honored the club with their presence.

Commodore Eddy was unfortunately absent, due to temporary illness. We all missed his genial countenance and trust next year will see him at his post among us.

Messrs. W. A. Stuart, L. T. Duryea and H. M. Rogers were compelled to return home before the regatta much to the regret of all.

Destructive Fire at Parksley.

Infrastructure -- Public : Fire companies

The Most of the Business Houses Destroyed -- Loss About $55,000 -- Small Insurance.

The greater part of the business houses of the thriving town of Parksley was destroyed by fire last Wednesday afternoon. The fire started in the barrel factory of L. F. Hinman on the north side of Bennett street about 3:30 o'clock and in less than an hour the whole block on Dunne Avenue to Cooke street, except the hardware and building material store of E. T. Parks & Co., was in ashes.

The losses heavy as they are, would have been greater but for the hard work done to check its progress. Mr. John D. Johnson and others fought the fire on the roof of his livery stable when it was no longer safe to continue the fight on the ground and saved it -- and the three stores on the south side of Bennett street were only saved by the bucket brigade which kept the houses wet.

The fire was due to the carelessness of a cooper in Hinman's barrel factory and could have been extinguished if he had been in the factory at the time it started.

The losses are estimated as follows:

Pate & Mason, storehouse $3,000, merchandise $22,500; insurance $9.500.

Dr. A. D. F. Ewell, drugstore, $1,000, drugs $1,500, furniture $500; no insurance.

James R. Hickman, storehouse, two warehouses and merchandise, $4,000; no insurance.

D. H. Johnson, storehouse, barber shop, shoe shop, granary, $5,000; insurance, $1.500.

D. H. Johnson & Son, flour and feed, $1500; no insurance.

L. F. Hinman, storehouse, barrel factory, merchandise, $4,000; insurance, $1,000.

Mrs. Lewis & Pate, millinery store and stock, $2,200; insurance, $650 -- Mrs. Lewis, furniture, $400; no insurance.

A. J. McCready, undertaker shop, $300; no insurance.

J. W. Bonnewell, carpenter tools, &c., $100; no insurance.

J. B. McCready, blacksmith shop, $200; no insurance.

I. T. Johnson, house $50; no insurance.

John D. Johnson, damage to livery stables, &c., $200; insured.

C. C. Dix, storehouse, $800; no insurance.

T. H. Mears, groceries, $600; insurance, $300.

Mrs. Nettie Mears, barrel factory, 9,000 barrels and barrel material, $3,650; insurance, $600.

S. T. Jones, storehouse, $1,200; insurance, $800.

J. W. Willet, groceries, $250; no insurance.

Charles L. Byrd, house, $50; no insurance.

John T. Scott, shoemaker tools and material, $50; no insurance.

Baseball Notes.

Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Baseball

The match game between Fair Oaks and Tasley nines, last Saturday, resulted in favor of Tasley, by a score of 28 to 5.

The Rosebuds were victors over the Bluebells in a contest at the Margaret Academy grounds last Monday, by a score of 16 to 12.

A fine game was played on Saturday between Mappsville and Mutting Hunk nines on the latter's grounds, near Gargatha, in which the former were winners, by a score of 2 to 5. These nines will cross bats again today, Saturday, on the grounds at Mappsville.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
June 6, 1896