Peninsula Enterprise, December 19, 1896
Infrastructure -- Public : Churches
Wattsville M. P. Church will be dedicated Sunday, 27th inst.
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Bayside
Two barrels of fine oysters were recently shipped from Cape Charles to Canton, Ohio, for President elect McKinley.
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcement
A report comes from Tangier Island that Capt. James H. Costin, commander of the State oyster police steamer Accomac, has recently discharged all his crew except the officers.
Transportation -- Water - FreightTransportation -- Railroad - Freightfields -- Crops - Sweet potatoes : Yield
The sweet potato crop on the Eastern Shore this year has been the largest ever known. Nearly a million barrels have been shipped off the peninsula by rail and hundreds of thousands of barrels by steam boats and other sailing crafts.
Infrastructure -- Commercial - Drugstores
Dr. A. D. F. Ewell, now occupies his new drug store at Parksley, one of the handsomest on the peninsula, and has it well filled, not only with drugs, chemicals, perfumery, &c., &c., but with a fine selection of useful and beautiful articles suitable for Xmas presents. Call and see them.
Watermen -- Personal injuryInfrastructure -- Public : Cemeteries
Mr. John F. Riley arrived home on steamer Tangier, last Tuesday, with the body of his son, W. Burns Riley, who was drowned at Chapel Point, Md., on 2d inst. The body was found in twenty yards of Brent's Wharf.
The name of the colored man drowned at Chapel Point was not Wilson Wise as reported in your last issue but Rob Gunter, of this county. His body has been found and interred by the authorities of Charles Co., Md.
Funeral services were held over the remains of W. Burns Riley, at the home of his father, on last Wednesday. The funeral sermon, a very impressive one, was preached by Rev. G. W. Hurtt, pastor of Onancock Baptist Church, to a large and sympathetic audience. The deceased was only 24 years of age and his early death is greatly regretted by his many friends in this community. The remains were interred in the family burying ground.
Infrastructure -- Public : ChurchesProfessionals -- Seafood dealersInfrastructure -- Commercial - Banks
The laying of the corner stone of Union Baptist Church has been postponed until spring.
Mr. J. J. English, commission merchant, Philadelphia, spent several days here this week, buying some of our fat oysters.
Mr. O. D. Collins, one of the stockholders of the Boatsmen Bank spent several days with us this week, "assisting the cashier in balancing the books," and says he is more than pleased with the bank's business.
Sea -- Market huntingTourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - Hunting : Waterfowl and shorebirdTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Horse racingFields -- Livestock - HorsesTourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - Hunting : Rabbit and squirrel
Fair Oaks.
Our village not finished yet. A blacksmith shop is soon to be built.
Mr. A. S. Bull is just home from a gunning trip to Hog Island loaded down with geese, brandt, and other wild fowl.
Mr. O. S. Ames and Bunk Harmon will match their trotters, Nellie Bly and Mollie D., best 3 in 5, Saturday in Christmas for a handsome horse blanket.
A new business started here. Horse clipped smooth and nice for one dollar, by W. M. Turlington and Teagle Bunting, by the aid of a Gillette ball-bearing clipper just received.
One of our boss carpenters laid aside his tools a few days ago for a chase of Brer rabbit. In a three days outing and covering 50 miles he got one old hare -- and that had a wolf in it. He has lent out his gun and is now a retired sportsman.
Transportation -- Road - Shell surfacingInfrastructure -- Public : Sidewalks, etc.Infrastructure -- Commercial - Residential construction
Sergeant Riley is working Main street, fixing sidewalks and reshelling.
Mr. John T. Haley will move into Mr. Walter Lewis' new residence on Kerr street, this week.
Forests -- Forest products - HollyForests -- Forest products - Barrels
One hundred boxes of holly have been shipped from this station to Northern markets.
The new dwelling of Mr. M. W. Bull is receiving the finishing touches and will soon be occupied by him.
Mr. S. H. East has manufactured 50,000 barrels at his establishment here this season. He has been quite busy for some days in supplying them to customers for the shipment of sweets.
The old sycamore tree, that stood in road near the Old Church road, near the site of an old Episcopal Church of nearly a century ago and about the only landmark left to designate it, has been dug up. It measured in circumference, thirteen and a half feet and some four or five persons were engaged two and a half days in the work of uprooting and taking it away.
Transportation -- Road - MaintenanceInfrastructure -- Commercial - Commercial construction
Our road machine is now engaged in making roads in the neighborhood of Woodberry, as this road will not be used much before the spring.
All of our new stores are completed and occupied except James R. Hickman's and carpenters are pushing ahead on that as fast as possible.
Public School Report for November.
Infrastructure -- Public - Government : School administration
Number of schools in operation, 128; visited by Superintendent, 30; pupils enrolled in Pungoteague district, 1,123; Lee, 1,396; Metompkin, 979; Atlantic, 1,191; Island, 415. Total enrollment, 5,104.
Three schools making best average attendance for the month are Keller, Horntown and Parksley, respectively. Teachers will please report promptly at close of each school month and use but one report blank for same. Send reports in large envelopes with stamp enclosed for acknowledgment to District Clerks.
All teachers in arrears for The Virginia School Journal will please forward same to me at once by request of the Editor. All who are not subscribers should be, and can, by special arrangement, get the Journal for one year, and Page's Theory and Practice for one dollar.
J. E. MAPP, Supt. Schools.