Peninsula Enterprise, August 17, 1895


Infrastructure -- Public : Camp meetings

The Parksley camp meeting commenced yesterday, with 32 tents on the grounds, and boarding tent and confectionary privileges under good management. The best preachers of the Wilmington Conference and also of other denominations are expected during the meeting. The pastor in charge through us extends a cordial invitation to everyone.


Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Fairs

Balloon ascensions with four or more parachute drops will be among the attraction of the Eastern Shore Agricultural Fair this year. This will be one of the attraction of the first day.


Infrastructure -- Public : Churches

During the revival at Leatherbury chapel, between 20 and 30 persons professed faith in Christ.


Moral -- Property crime

Paul Pannell, colored, was lodged in jail last Saturday charged with "raising" the amount of an order given by Albert F. Mears of Parksley.


Infrastructure -- Commercial - Residential constructionProfessionals -- Builders

Mr. J. O. Taylor, of Accomac C. H., has been awarded the contract over all competitors for doing the tin work on dwelling of Mr. T. C. Kellam, Onancock, now in course of erection.


Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Excursions

A special train will run from Keller, South, on the 2d and 3d day of the Eastern Shore Agricultural Fair. Excursion rates will be given by the N. Y., P. & N. R. R. Co., at every point along the line. Schedule of rates will be given next week.


Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estate

The estate of Thomas E. Brickhouse, deceased, sold at public auction, at Eastville, last Monday, by W. H. Wilson, special commissioner, was bid off as follows. Farms containing 250 and 59 acres to Edward Brickhouse, of Norfolk, at $4,900 and $1,475, respectively; lot of 3 acres to J. T. White, $200; timber land, 43 acres to Peter Bender, $875; lot to Alice Nottingham, $125.



Belle Haven.

Gately, the 8 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Tawes, of Baltimore, accidentally fell from Shields Wharf on last Saturday morning and was drowned. Mrs. Tawes with her five children was spending the summer at Shields Wharf. His mother missed him and supposed he had gone with other boys to church, but on their return learned he had not been with them. Then search began and his body was found in water about 18 inches deep. The remains were interred on Monday afternoon on the Shields farm. The whole community join in sympathy for the bereaved mother.


Infrastructure -- Public - Government : Life-saving serviceTransportation -- Water - FreightInfrastructure -- Utilities - IceInfrastructure -- Commercial - MillineriesWomen -- Work - Outside the homeTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Boat racingTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Fraternal orders


Another barber shop is to be opened here by C. Mayo, of Philadelphia. This makes the 5th, and all occupied by 12 barbers.

Capt. James Taylor has been awarded the contract to supply the Life Saving Station with coal and wood from Ocean City to Metompkin, and a like contract has been awarded to James Lilliston to supply the balance of the stations in the district and to supply all of stations in district also with corn and hay.

Thirty-six "fresh air children" arrived here last Saturday from Baltimore.

Schooner Thomas Thomas arrived here this week with cargo of bricks for W. N. Conant, and Schooner Elliott with cargo of ice for Whealton & Co.

M. J. Hudson, Jr., has rented his store and dwelling here to four young ladies, who will open up a millinery, notion and dressmaking establishment.

In the races here on Wednesday, the skiff, J. W. Edmonds, owned by James K. Harmon, won the first prize a gold watch, bateau D. T. Whealton, owned by S. J. Mumford, Jr., won second prize.

Mr. W. N. Conant has been awarded the contract to remodel and rebuild the Red Men's hall, at $1,340. It is to be a three story building with mansard roof, the lower room to be occupied by sailmakers, second story by secret orders, third story to be reserved for public entertainments.


Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - ExcursionsInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential constructionTransportation -- Road - Maintenance


A dozen couples or more of our young people had a delightful trip to the club house on Wallops Island, Life Saving Station and camp-meeting at Red Hills last week. They are indebted to Capt. Henry C. Conway, of Franklin City, for the pleasure they afforded, who not only took them on his schooner, but kindly furnished ice cream and other refreshments during the journey. You correspondent in behalf of the party takes this method of extending thanks to the gallant captain.

Mrs. Mattie Berry is having a handsome dwelling erected on her building lot on Main St.

Our streets have been recently improved by road machine, under the supervision of Mr. James H. Tindall.


Transportation -- Water - Boat buildingWatermen -- Personal injury

Marsh Market.

Mr. J. A. Hall is having his sloop rebuilt, and Mr. H. E. Drummond is having a fine boat built for the oyster trade.

Mr. John Knight has finished and moved into his new dwelling, and Mr. John Hall is erecting a neat dwelling near Mr. W. J. Hall's store.

On Monday last, while Capt. Charles Godwin and others were engaged in prying up a boat, the skid slipped and fell on the leg of his little son Charlie, and mashed it very badly.


Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Baseball


The Salisbury nine won in the ball game at Onancock, on last Monday.

Capt. Henry L. Crockett has sold part of his "Poulson farm," on Onancock Creek, to Thomas B. Mears for $3,000.


Infrastructure -- Public : Schools


A school of high grade will be opened here this coming session with three departments, viz: Primary, academic and music.

To the Ladies of the Eastern Shore.

Infrastructure -- Public : MonumentsTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Veterans

Harmanson-West Camp, Confederate Veterans, will have an entertainment at Cape Charles, September 26th. The committee having the affair in charge have worked most diligently since their appointment and hope in a few days to have all detail completed. The object is to raise money to erect a monument to the Confederate dead, from the Eastern Shore; and we appeal to you to aid us -- an appeal we know will not be made in vain. It has been said, even by Northern writers, that the late war was prolonged because of the devotion and loyalty of the women of the South; and we know that their devotion to the memory of their dead is as true now, as was their loyalty and sacrifices for the Lost Cause. Many of the monuments that have been erected throughout the South, have been largely through their aid, and some almost entirely so. Monumental associations would be organized by them, then success would be assured, for where they lead all will follow. We only ask now to have a table filled with fancy articles -- anything that will sell. All articles can be sent direct to Capt. G. G. Savage, Cape Charles, who will take charge of them and have them arranged by ladies present. I would suggest that the selling price be marked on each article by the giver. The committee hope to make the day a success, and expect a large gathering, not only from the two counties, but from other points.

Very respectfully,

FRANK FLETCHER, Chairman of Committee.

Jenkins Bridge, Va., Aug, 14, '95.

Suicide of a Northampton Man.

Mental illness

Mr. Edward B. Doughty, of Machipongo, superintendent of the poor of Northampton, left his house at the usual hour on Monday morning to feed his stock, and not returning as early as was expected, a member of his family went in search of him, to find him dead in the cornstack with a bullet hole in his head. It was seen, as soon as he was discovered, that he had killed himself, and a verdict to that effect later in the day was returned by a coroner's jury. His own pistol with one chamber empty was found by his side and told the sad tale. Why he killed himself, of course is only a matter of conjecture. We are informed, he had a happy family and was not involved financially, and the only reason given for the act is that, being in bad health, while temporarily insane, he killed himself, His wife and three children survive him.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
August 17, 1895