Peninsula Enterprise, March 2, 1895
Weather -- Freezes
The fears entertained for the safety of the Police Steamer Accomac during the late freeze, have been removed. She was safe in harbor at Tangier during the time, and the captain and his force did good work in saving a vessel and rescuing the crew, which would have been lost, but for the assistance which they gave them.
Farmers -- Farmers' organizations
The announcement is authorized, that a meeting of the berry growers of Northampton will be held at Eastville, Monday, March 11th, 1 p.m. The attendance of all interested in the matter is requested.
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Fraternal orders
Quite a number of the oystermen from this place, during February, were "freezed up" in Brighton's bay.
The chief occupation of most of the citizens of this place is in cutting oysters out of the ice and hauling them to the station.
The Atlantic Tent of the I. O. Rechabites is steadily growing in numbers. The corner stone of their hall will be re-laid on the 4th of July, in connection with the fair to be held at Sanford on that day.
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideSea -- Shellfish - Clamming : SeasideInfrastructure -- Public - Government : Life-saving serviceTransportation -- Water - WrecksTransportation -- Water - StrandingsSea -- WreckingInfrastructure -- Public - Government : Postal serviceSea -- Market huntingWeather -- FreezesTransportation -- Water - Freight
Since the late freeze our people have been up and doing and are daily making large shipments of oysters and clams, for which they are receiving good prices. The shipment of last Monday was the biggest of any during the season.
The schooner Water Lily, which went ashore on Fishing Point, as heretofore reported in the columns of the ENTERPRISE, on the 8th of February, became a total wreck, and what remained of her was sold at anchor on February 22nd. The schooner Sunbeam which also went ashore on Assateague on the 8th, was gotten off on following day, and was sold together with cargo by the captain to W. C. Bunting for $400. Too much praise cannot be given to Capt. Tracey and force for their work in rescuing the crews of the two boats, and for the kind attention shown them at the station. Several of the surfmen were frostbitten in the effort to rescue them.
The "freeze up" here lasted 16 days and during the time the mail was only received three times. Capt. Joseph Pruitt the first to make the venture over the ice was paid $10 for trip as mail carrier and was paid $5 by Capt. John W. Bunting and a lady for bringing them back on the boat used by him for carrying the mail. On his second trip the ice had gotten so thick that no one feared to cross and some eight or ten persons accompanied him. The third mail cost us $15. The people here did not suffer at all during the freeze, as we were well supplied with provisions and fuel, but a dozen or more ponies and cattle were chilled to death. Some of our gunners made as high as $18 per day.
Charles Collins has opened up a stock of new goods in his storehouse up the Island, just completed.
Schooners Susan Jane, Palestine and Thomas Thomas arrived here this week from Norfolk, the first loaded with building material and the last two with hay. Schooner Conner put in appearance also with cargo of coal from New York.
Weather -- Freezes
The steamer Pocomoke made her wharf here Wednesday morning after considerable difficulty with the ice, which showed up about six inches thick when broken. It was her first trip in the last three weeks.
Transportation -- Road - MaintenanceFarmers -- Farmers' organizationsFields -- Other machineryMoral -- Property crime
The roads that were worked in the new way last year in this section are in much better condition now, notwithstanding the bad weather, than the part that was not.
There is a movement on foot to organize a select Farmers' Club in this section.
S. W. Ames & Co., have secured the agency for a sweet potato transplanter with fertilizer and water attachments, and it will be on exhibition after March 10th. With 3 hands it does the work of 15 or 20 in a day. They also have Deering mowers and rakes.
Chicken thieves visited Rev. J. R. Griffith last week and carried away a few of his birds and attempted the theft of the chickens of Mr. E. M. Ames also, but he was close on them, they dropped them in the yard.
Capt. John Stevens Accidentally Drowned.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Field sportsfield sports - Hunting : Personal injury
On Tuesday last, Capt. John H. Stevens was accidentally drowned from his boat in Hudd's Narrows, near Hog Island. The details of the unfortunate accident are more or less conjectural as he was alone in his boat at the time. He, Capt. Levin T. Richardson and Joseph H. Stevens had anchored their boats at George's Stake Gut and had been gunning in the neighboring marshes -- he was seen by the others to board his boat and start down the channel. The wind was blowing very hard and the channel very rough, and it is supposed that in the effort to take his gun from a small gunning boat astern he accidentally fell overboard. His sloop was seen to drift ashore and the little boat was found capsized with his gun still in her. The body so far has not been recovered. He leaves a wife, the daughter of Capt. James Milliner, Accomac C. H., and four small children. He was well thought of in the community in which he lived and his untimely death is greatly regretted.
Public Schools.
Infrastructure -- Public - Government : School administration
The term of public schools in Atlantic District must be shortened, from six to five and three-quarters months, on account of the reduction in the school funds. We regret this, but it is inevitable. As school trustees, we can only pay out the money subject to our orders and then close the schools. We have long hoped to see the school term lengthened to 8 months, but see no probability of it in the early future. Metompkin and Lee districts have decided to close March 15th, and Atlantic must close March 22d, but teachers can make up lost days. If our people want our schools to run eight months, there is but one way to accomplish it. They must submit to increased taxation. Will they do it? If we judge the future by the past, we must answer in the negative, but a short school term is a great drawback to Virginia.
J. D. PARSONS, Clerk.
Farmers' Association.
Farmers -- Farmers' organizations
The Farmers' Association will meet at Mappsville, on Saturday afternoon, March 16th, at 2 o'clock. All members are requested to be present as there will be public speaking at that time.
William Ewell, President.