Peninsula Enterprise, August 10, 1895
Transportation -- Water - Freight
Hundreds of barrels of sweets are being shipped to market daily in the lower part of the county. The Steamer Eastern Shore carried away on last Tuesday, 2,300 barrels.
Sea -- Shellfish - Crabbing : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Crabbing : Law enforcement
George Dorman and George Walker, of Crisfield, together with their boat, were captured by Capt. Costin for crabbing in Pocomoke Sound, on Thursday, and sent to our jail.
Infrastructure -- Public : Churches
The revival meeting now in progress at Johnson's Hall, Parksley, conducted by Revs. Sanford and Reamy will be continued next week. Services are being held daily at 3:30 and 8 p.m. There were four conversions Wednesday night.
Fields -- Crops - Cover cropsInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential constructionMoral -- Property crime
Scarlet clover, (the poor man's friend,) will be extensively raised here in the future. Over 100 bushel seed sown in this immediate neighborhood. The writer knows from experience that it is a splendid land improver.
Mr. Sewell Chesser is enlarging his house by an additional room. Mr. Sewell Holland, Capt. Dan Corbin and Joseph W. Taylor will soon build new houses.
Several nights ago Mrs. Mears, of Temperanceville, had stolen from her chicken house 12 fine chickens. The thief deacon Isaac Justice, colored, was suspected, arrested, found guilty and had to pay a fine of $8.50. Other depredations have been made, but the thieves covered up their tracks so well that as yet they have not been detected.
Fields -- Livestock - HorsesInfrastructure -- Commercial - Commercial constructionInfrastructure -- Commercial - Drugstores
Belle Haven.
Messrs. Savage Bros., sold a valuable horse to Dr. John Kellam, Locustville, on Monday last, at a fancy price.
Kellam Bros., have commenced work on a drug store which when finished promises to be one of the nicest on the Shore.
Laborers -- FisheriesLaborers -- WagesInfrastructure -- Public : Camp meetingsInfrastructure -- Public : Churches
Crabs are plentiful with us at present. Mr. S. R. Sterling, of the Chesconnessex Crab Co., bought 500 dozen on last Monday. He paid 34 cents a dozen last week.
Schooner Susie Muir, Capt. W. F. Barnes, carried several of our people to Smith's Island, Md., to attend the campmeeting now in progress at that place.
The revival at Leatherbury M. E. Church commenced on Sunday, August 4th. In the afternoon the pulpit was ably filled by Rev. B. F. Price, in the evening our popular pastor, Rev. H. S. Dulany filled the pulpit and preached one of his powerful sermons, after which several went to the altar and three were converted. The meeting will continue for two weeks.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - ResortsTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Second homesTransportation -- Railroad - SteamboatsTransportation -- Water - FreightTransportation -- Water - Wharves
Wallop's Island Club at this time is full about to its utmost capacity.
Mr. G. W. Sharretts and family, of Baltimore, occupied their cottage for the summer, on Assateague, this week.
Steamer Chincoteague returned from Wilmington last Saturday, newly painted and otherwise fixed up -- with a sail put on her to increase her speed. Now the Pennsylvania road should give us two trips a day, and the receipts of the extra trip would treble the cost of the half ton of coal necessary to do it. The officers and crew prefer it to laying over all day in Franklin City, and our merchants are getting tired of having their goods held at Franklin City from 6 p.m. until 3 p.m. the following day.
The Atlantic Hotel was filled last week, so full that many persons had to occupy cots in the attic and on the parlor floor.
Schooners Medora Francis and Cora Baker arrived here from New York last week with loads of melons, and the former will take back load of fish, with the hope of finding a market place for them. So many are caught by our people they don't know what to do with them.
New wharves are being built here and giving employment to a great many of our people, by William N. Conant, J. W. Whealton, William Adams, Jr., William Bowden, A. L. Matthews and B. F. Collins.
Transportation -- Road - MaintenanceMigrationTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Baseball
The road machine, under the supervision of Mr. William Wessels, has been at work on the main street of our town and it is pretty rough now, but will be a fine road when it gets packed down.
Thomas B. Gillespie and Charles Hall arrived home a few days ago from North Carolina, where they had been prospecting with the view of locating and engaging in the truck business. Each rented a farm and expect to leave for Carolina in a few months.
The Mappsville base ball nine was defeated by the Gargatha nine last Saturday.
Fields -- Crops - Sweet potatoes : Quality controlTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Excursions
Capt. W. F. Waters, of this section, has adopted a new plan of marking potatoes. He has covers that are marked red for his special trade, and he won't give them out to any one but those whom he knows will put up good stuff.
The catch of fish here has been the smallest for years.
Some of the farmers around Pungoteague think that scarlet clover when cut and dried is dangerous food for horses. Mr. B. T. Mears lost a valuable colt the other day and on cutting the colt open he found a ball in his maw about the size of a croquet ball. It was hard and not soluble. It was perfectly round and looked as if made of felt. Mr. Mears thought it was from the fur off the clover. He has quit feeding it to his horses, being certain that it has killed several in his neighborhood in the same way.
The excursion trip of the "Eastern Shore" to Old Point Comfort seems to be a grand success, judging from the number of people who go and their enthusiasm after they return. She will make one more, probably the last of the season, on August 29th. The Wardtown Baptist Church, under the leadership of James G. Floyd, who is now a merchant at Wardtown, has chartered the steamer. The refreshments will be in charge of the committee, and the trip will be a most delightful one. This is the most popular excursion trip to be had near by. No rudeness or disorderly conduct is allowed on the boat.
Transportation -- Water - FreightInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential construction
Sweet potatoes are being shipped in large quantities from this point and fair prices are being realized for same.
The foundation for a handsome dwelling for Mr. S. C. McGrath has been laid at corner of Kerr and North streets.
Schooners of Powell & Waples will leave for Baltimore to day with cargo of sweets and every Tuesday and Saturday thereafter during the season.
Onancock base ball team will play the Salisbury nine on the Margaret Academy Grounds, Onancock, next Monday. The game will be called promptly at 4:30 p. m. Salisbury has engaged two professional players for the occasion from Baltimore, but with the advantage it will give them, their nine is not expected to win. It will be without doubt the game of the season.
Mill Destroyed by Fire.
Forests -- Sawmills
The Queen Hive Mill was destroyed by fire Thursday night, August 1st, about 12 o'clock. When the fire was discovered the entire building was enveloped in flames and so rapidly did the building burn, that nothing was saved excepting the lumber in yard, and this only by the heroic efforts of kind friends and neighbors who worked with a will and thereby prevented the fire from spreading to the lumber yard, barns, stables, &c. Mr. S. Wilkins Matthews and his partner Joseph W. Taylor, feel under lasting obligations to their neighbors for the services rendered at the fire, and especially do they feel grateful to the ladies who by their encouragement did all they could. How the fire originated no one knows. Loss about $2,500, insurance $1,00 in Virginia Fire & Marine. The mill will be rebuilt at once.
Board of Supervisors.
Transportation -- Road - Maintenance
At the meeting held August 5th, 1895, J. Thomas Burton was appointed and qualified as manager of road machine, &c., for Pungoteague Magisterial District, and William McKay Taylor was appointed and qualified as manager of same for Metompkin District.
The Board fixed the first Mondays in February and August of every year as the time road machines managers must report to the Board.
The Fair at the Fair Grounds.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Fairs
An immense crowd was in attendance at Baptist fair at Fair Grounds, last Tuesday, estimated at from 1,500 to 2,500, and the program for the most part as advertised. The successful knights in the tournament were Mr. B. C. Walker, who selected Miss Annie Causey, of Leemont, as "Queen of Love and Beauty" -- Mr. C. C. Walker, who selected Miss Carrie Morse as first maid of honor, and Mr. Sam Nock who selected Miss Nora Wise as second maid of honor. The coronation address by Hon. Thomas M. Scott, was a happy one, both in substance and manner of delivery. In the bicycle race, the winners were George E. Winder, Jr., William Bayley and James Melson, respectively. The base ball game, an interesting and exciting one, was won by Pungoteague over Wachapreague by score of 15 to 10. The speech of Rev. J. R. Sturgis was well up to public expectation -- full of thought and sustaining well his reputation as a vigorous thinker and graceful speaker. The exercises during the day were interspersed with excellent music by Cashville Cornet Band. Receipts were $200 or more, with drama rendered at night to hear from.