Peninsula Enterprise, August 3, 1895
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Horse racing
The following is authorized by the president of the Eastern Shore Agricultural Fair Association: "That horses making records at Cape Charles will not be barred at our Fair" -- "also that colts under 3 years old are eligible to 3 and 4 year old classes, and colts under 4 years old are eligible to 4 year old class."
Sea -- Finfish - Other
Fish are plentiful at present and our fishermen are complaining of low prices.
Infrastructure -- Public : Camp meetingsInfrastructure -- Public : ChurchesTransportation -- Water - FreightTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Boat racingTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Second homes
The campmeeting at Red Hills will be well attended by our people.
Rev. S. U. Grimsley baptized eleven converts of his recent meeting last Sunday.
Schooners Emma Robinson and J. G. Conner arrived this week, from New York, with cargoes of coal -- Schooner Susan Jane, from New York, with cargo of bricks -- Schooner Sunbeam, from Norfolk, with cargo of soft coal -- and Sloops Jennie and Katie, with watermelons, which sold readily at 25 and 30 cents each.
The World boat race and pony penning will take place here, August 14th. The race is not confined to boats on the Island, as reported, but open to the whole world, for schooners, sloops, bateaux, skiffs or any other kind or style of boat 35 feet and under. There will be but one race and the prizes will be: to the winner, handsome gold watch worth $30; to the second boat, handsome gold watch worth $25. Everybody is invited to be on hand on the occasion -- and a big time is expected.
Mr. G. W. Sharretts and family, of Baltimore, occupied their cottage for the summer, on Assateague, this week.
Sea -- Fish factoriesTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Baseball
The American Fish Guano Co.'s steamers Veasey and Hawkins are now fishing off the coast of Maine. The boats remaining here are making good catches in the Bay.
The Pungoteague base ball club defeated the Wachapreague team in an interesting game, at the latter's grounds, last Friday. Score 8 to 5.
Infrastructure -- Public : Schools
Marsh Market.
The people of Drummond's Neck will make application to the trustees for the establishment of a public school near Shiloh Church at coming session.
At this writing the protracted meeting at Halls' Chapel is still going on. Several persons have been converted and many are under conviction. Able sermons have been preached by Rev. John T. Edmondson, evangelist, and the Rev. Charles Clement. Attendance has been large.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Excursions
Wednesday, July 25th, our party of about 50, in five boats, had a delightful time on the beach. All pleased. See them splashing in the ocean! Rheumatism gone and youth returned. See how Richard Metcalf swims. We hear him now calling for "more pudding." O the good things we had for dinner -- enough for one hundred people & God bless the sisters. Grandma Eve couldn't make cakes like ours. Thanks to Capt. Jack Bundick and his helpers. Returning we sang while the rain soaked us.
Infrastructure -- Utilities - Water Infrastructure -- Commercial - Residential construction
The idea that contaminated drinking water is the cause of much of the fever and bilious dysentery prevailing in this section during the summer months is gaining ground and promises to bring forth good fruit in this community. Margaret Academy has set the pace by having a pump settled 55 feet below the surface of the ground, obtaining an excellent flow of pure, cold water. Mr. A. D. Doremus, of Belle Haven, did the work in less than half a day, although a substratum of rock had to be drilled through. It is said that the town authorities are thinking of having a number of pumps settled in different parts of the town to be utilized in case of fire.
Onancock 2nd nine defeated Keller nine Wednesday. Score 23 to 22.
Dwellings are being built here by Thomas C. Kellam and George Belote, to be occupied by A. M. Nottingham and Mr. Colona, the agent at Tasley, respectively, another year.
Fields -- Crops - Cover cropsTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Boat racing
Sweet potatoes are being sent to market from this section and are paying living prices.
S. W. Ames & Co. have bought a large quantity of scarlet clover seed and are making large sales of same daily.
In a game of base ball between Pungoteague and Wachapreague nines last week, the score was 8 to 5, in favor of the former.
The race at Cedar View between boats of J. L. Warren and W. L. Drummond last Tuesday was somewhat a "tie." Warren beat in first race, Drummond in second race.