Peninsula Enterprise, January 26, 1895


Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - ResortsInfrastructure -- Commercial - Hotels

Metompkin Hotel, situated on Metompkin Beach, by the mutual consent of the owners, will be sold at public auction, at Accomac C. H., on the first day of next February court. For full particulars see advertisement in next issue.



Two hundred and twenty eight marriage licenses were issued by the clerk of our court last year, 140 to the white people and 88 to the colored.


Moral -- Firearms

An old colored man, Jessie Woodson, living near Onley Station, shot himself in the thigh while fooling with a pistol last Saturday inflicting a painful wound.


Infrastructure -- Commercial - Drugstores

A new drug store was opened at Onancock this week by Mr. William H. Parker and in appearance is as handsome as any we have ever seen in the cities. It is stocked with a full line of drugs, chemicals, toilet articles &c.


Transportation -- Water - Freight

The schooner Alice and Anna arrived this week with a cargo of potato bed and fencing material for Messrs. Powell and Waples, Onancock. This firm offers these goods with seed peas, potatoes, onion sets, and all farming implements. See their advertisement in next issue.


Mental illness

The Superintendent of the Central State Asylum, Petersburg, in a letter to Sheriff Wise, states, that Sallie Williams, who was sent to the Asylum from this county in October, 1887, died there last Sunday, and "had been decently buried."


Infrastructure -- Public : Churches

An extra session of the circuit court is being held at Accomac C. H., this week, Judge Hancock presiding. The only case disposed of at the time of going to press was the "Sanctified case." It was continued until another term.


Forests -- Sawmills


The shrill whistle of the Queen Hive Mill is again heard in the land -- and the public is informed that the company is now prepared to furnish on short notice, potato bed frames, siding and any other kind of lumber wanted.


Professionals -- BuildersInfrastructure -- Utilities - IceInfrastructure -- Commercial - Commercial construction


Our neighbor, Purnell Chesser, is enlarging his house, so that his two sets of twins will have more room to move around.

George R. Nock and his four assistants have been engaged for the past month or more building for the Cape Charles Ice and Lumber Co., Cape Charles, a large ice house. Bob is a first class mechanic and his services are always in demand.


Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : PricesSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : PackingWatermen -- Personal injuryTransportation -- Water - StrandingsTransportation -- Water - Freight


Oysters selling here at $1 per bushel this week.

The shucking establishments of C. E. Babbitt and B. F. Collins are beginning to run on full time -- oftentimes at night -- it being necessary to enable them to fill their orders.

In the last eight days, up to Monday night, 4600 barrels of oysters were shipped from this place.

William Burch, Charles Hudson and Charles Baker, of Girdletree, Md., in attempting to cross the bay to Green Run beach last Sunday a week ago were drowned by the capsizing of their boat, Special efforts have been made by the Life Saving crews and many others to find their bodies, but without success to date.

Schooner Sophie Godfrey bound from New York to Suffolk, with 200 tons of salt, while in harbor on the night of 19th inst., near Assateague Life Saving Station, got ashore. Everything is being done by the gallant Captain Tracey and his crew, that is in their power to relieve her, but so far no assistance has come from any other quarter. She is an old boat of 300 tons register.

Schooners Palestine and R. F. Hastings loaded this week with oysters for New Haven, Conn., and Schooner Medora Francis with like cargo for Norfolk.


Tourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - Hunting : FoxSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential construction


The hunters were looking for Reynard in this section, last week, and started him but he proved too smart for their pack.

Our dredgers have returned home. They report few oysters and a bad market.

Harborton is to have a small size building boom soon. Two new dwellings will be built.


Moral -- Property crimeTransportation -- Road - LiveriesInfrastructure -- Public - Government : Postal service


A very bold robbery was perpetuated at the end of North street, near the limits of this town, Saturday night about 7 p. m. A strange negro came here from Tangier Island Saturday morning on steamer. He was a dredger and was thought to have some money about him. As he left town Saturday night he was attacked by Peter Custis, John Toppin, Douglas Kellam, Dennis Tyler and others. His cries of murder were heard in the town. The assailants were frightened off, but they had secured his money, clothes, blankets and shoes. Peter Custis is thought to be the ringleader of this worthless gang of negroes. It is thought he planned to decoy the strange negro out of town and have him robbed. Several of these robbers were picked up Sunday by Sergeant Riley and Constable Custis and lodged in jail. Peter Custis will be attended to when he appears in these parts by the same officers.

Mr. George C. Watson had a fine lot of horses to arrive at the Onancock Exchange Stables this week.

Mr. E. E. Miles has been appointed postmaster here in lieu of Mr. W. H. Parker who has served this community so acceptably during his term of office. He has moved the office to his large store, corner of Main and North streets, where he will deal out the large mail which now comes to this town, as of old.


reprinted from Philadelphia Inquirer, January 16.Professionals -- Seafood dealers

D. J. Whealton Complimented and Salary Raised.

The first annual meeting of the Boothby Hotel Company was held last night at the offices, 1235 Chestnut street. City Solicitor Charles F. Warwick, executor of William Boothby's estate, and Director A. M. Beitler, Mr. Boothby's attorney, were present. Theodore Rumel, of Drexel & Co., was elected president; D. J. Whealton, treasurer and general manager, and Charles L. Cahall, John M. Gallagher and Mr. Whealton, directors.

Mr. Whealton has been in full managerial control of the Boothby establishments for the past five years, the late William Boothby having devoted his attention exclusively to the wholesale oyster trade. Mr. Whealton is the owner of the greatest oyster bed in Virginia, his output from Chincoteague Island reaching an enormous total. He represents $50,000 of the share capital of the Boothby Company, and by unanimous consent on the motion of Mr. Warwick, who complimented the management, his salary was placed at $6,000 per annum.

The property, 1235 Chestnut street, which was purchased in September by Messrs. Boothby & Whealton for $119,500, has been conveyed to the Boothby Hotel Company. Mr. Whealton expressed his gratification at the successful showing made by the company and stated that as executor of the Boothby estate he had no intention of selling any of the stock.

Tangier Sound.

reprinted from Fredericksburg Free Lance, January 22.Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Surveying

The resolution passed by the Virginia Legislature last session asking a detail of officers from the Geodetic and Coast Survey, to define certain lines marking high and low water in Tangier Sound, was forwarded to the superintendent of the Geodetic and Coast Survey by the Governor of Virginia several months ago. On Friday last the Secretary of the Treasury ordered General Duffield, the superintendent of the Coast Survey, to detail a sufficient force to perform the work requested by the Virginia Legislature.

Eastern Shore Game Protective Association.

Natural resources -- Conservation - Game

The members of the executive committee of Eastern Shore Game Protective Association are requested to meet at Accomac C. H., next Monday.


Farmers -- Innovation

The Wilmington (N. C.) Star submits the figures, given below, as proof of the fact, that overproduction was the cause of the low prices that have existed for several years in certain lines of agricultural products. The article furnishes food for reflection for many of our farmers who have been and will continue to grow sweet potatoes to the exclusion of every other crop. Overproduction of sweet potatoes means more surely low prices in that crop than it does in corn and cotton, because more perishable. As our staple crop, they will continue to be grown of course, but we submit, as we have often done before, that it is not wise for our farmers to look to them only as a source of revenue:

"With an incomprehensible perversity or stupidity, we don't know which, the Populist organs in this and other States have been contending that over-production was not the cause of the low prices of farm products. The reports on the values of the respective crops for several years show that the corn crop of 1889, which was 2,112,892,000 bushels, was worth $597,918,000, and the crop of last year, which was 1,212,770,000 bushels worth $554,719,000. The crop of 1889, which was 900,000,000 bushels larger than the crop of last year, was worth only $32,000,000 more. There is an object lesson in that. But we have another in cotton. The value of the cotton exports from the United States for the four months ending December 13st was $106,319,943, against $114,159,702 for the corresponding period of 1893. In the four months ending December 31st last, the amount shipped was 1,835,888,220, against 1,424,402,685 for the corresponding period of the previous year, so that while we exported 411,486,535 more pounds of cotton, we received for it $8,000,000 less. Can't everyone who has sense enough to go out of the wet seem in the figures here presented, the relation between prices and production? Unless some extraordinary condition prevails, the small crop always brings the higher price, and the large crop proportionably the lower price. This is true not only of the staple crops, but of all crops.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
January 26, 1895