Peninsula Enterprise, June 15, 1895


Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - FairsAfrican-Americans -- Society

The third annual Grand Fair of Improvement on deep Creek, near Morris Chapel, will commence August 20th and continue four days.


fields -- Crops - White potatoes : Yield

The Irish potato crop, the farmers report, will be a short one this year.


Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Planting

The people of Tangier Island positively refuse, we are advised, "to allow anyone to occupy the barren area around the shores of their Island, for the propagation of oysters." Messrs. Corbin and Russell who wish to "take it up" proposed to have it surveyed and staked off last Wednesday, but were prevented by them. They will take the matter before the Board of the Chesapeake and its tributaries.


Forests -- Forest products - BarrelsTransportation -- Railroad - Freight

The New York, Philadelphia and Norfolk R. R. Co., we are advised, will furnish all shippers with No. 1 round-hoop flour barrels or new truck barrels, if preferred, at any station along the road for 19 cents each.


Infrastructure -- Commercial - Commercial construction

A town hall, storehouse and harness shop will be built at Accomac C. H., by the purchasers of the real estate, sold at auction on Saturday.


Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estate

The real estate of William C. Hall, deceased, situated at Accomac C. H., was sold at public auction last Saturday, by Blackstone, Nock and Fosque, special commissioners, for the sum of $4,657, to the following parties: To James T. Hurst, farm &c. for $2,310; to Ben T. Melson, storehouse and lot adjoining for $1,140 and $263 respectively; to A. J. Lilliston, lot known as Tin Shop lot and unimproved lot for $315 and $139, respectively; to Mrs. V. C. Hall, saloon, $300; to George W. Garrett, Henry Ayres lot, for $180; to William J. Ayres, unimproved lot, for $10.


Fields -- Crops - Strawberries


Strawberries did not prove a financial success in this section this year.


Infrastructure -- Public : Churches

Belle Haven.

The protracted services at Broadwater chapel, conducted by Evangelist Lee, assisted by Mr. Humphreys, closed on Sunday night last with about forty conversions.


Fields -- Livestock - SheepSea -- Fish factoriesTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Fraternal ordersInfrastructure -- Utilities - IceTransportation -- Water - Freight


Our people spent a delightful day at the sheep penning. The weather was all that could be desired. People came from the mainland from Locustville to Snow Hill. The crowd was greater than ever before and a great deal of money was spent. Everybody spoke in flattering terms of the occasion. Numbers of people had delightful sails in our beautiful skiffs and batteaux.

J. W. Bunting & Son opened their fish factory last week and are doing a thriving business.

Mrs. Sallie M. Lewis received $3,000 from the order of the Golden Chain promptly in 60 days after the death of her son E. K. Lewis.

Schooner Elenora arrived here this week with cargo of ice for Whealton & Co.; Schooner J. J. Cannon with cargo of bricks for W. N. Conant.

Our merchants after signing a contract to close their stores at 8 p.m., only complied one night. Our gallant clerks and their best girls were sadly disappointed. They had planned delightful evenings on the water by the moonlight.


Infrastructure -- Commercial - Real estate


Mr. George P. Parks has bought the Powell land, lately owned by D. H. Johnson, at the price of $1,000.


Transportation -- Water - FreightSea -- Finfish - Catch : Other fishSea -- Finfish - Methods : Hand lineAfrican-Americans -- Work - FisheriesSea -- Finfish - Catch : DrumMoral -- Other violent crimeProfessionals -- Doctors

Marsh Market.

The Sloop Hiram Murray, Capt. Joel T. Stant, has gone to Havre de Grace after a load of coal. On her return she will begin, on Friday, June 21st, to load with round potatoes at J. A. Hall's wharf and will leave on Saturday, June 22d, at 12 m for Baltimore and will continue to load and leave on the aforesaid days during the season.

On last Monday two colored men with angles caught 1 and a half bushels of black perch in Holden's Creek.

Five black drums were caught, with hook and line, by the fishermen of Sykes Island one day last week.

On Whit-Monday Dr. Frank Fletcher performed a surgical operation of Mr. Rutherford Wells and took a ball from his forehead. He was shot by a negro man sometime ago near Pocomoke City. He is doing well.


Infrastructure -- Public : Towns


So many drummers coming here, we conclude our merchants are doing good business.


Forests -- Barrel factories Infrastructure -- Public - Government : Postal serviceTransportation -- Road - MaintenanceTransportation -- Railroad - FreightSea -- Shellfish - Crabbing : Other


We are glad to report that our night mail service is quite a convenience to the public.

Our barrel factory has a large quantity of barrels waiting the demand of the round potato growers.

Our roads very much improved by the new road machine. They were never known to be better than at this writing.

Soft crabs are being shipped from this point in great quantities, and returns are satisfactory.


Transportation -- Road - Maintenance


The citizens of this village were agreeably surprised last week. We have heard so much about the sidewalks in other places being torn up by the road machine, that when we saw it come into town we naturally expected like treatment from it, but it did nothing of the kind. Our overseer, Mr. E. T. Lang, more considerate than some, is leaving us a nice walk on each side, and says he is going to do the same, when practicable, over all his roads. He evidently takes the just view, that walkers have some rights to the roads as well as those who ride. Mr. Lang is winning the gratitude of all footmen and bicyclists. If any croaker wants to be convinced that the road machine is a good thing, when intelligently managed, let him come here and look.

Virginia's Oyster Industry.

reprinted from Richmond Dispatch, June 9.Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcement

Captain James H. Costin, commandant of the steam yacht Accomack, was in the city yesterday, and called on the various members of the Board of the Chesapeake and its Tributaries. Captain Costin has done some excellent work since he has occupied his position, and to his faithfulness and promptness in service is largely due the success of the oyster industry during the past year. Ever since the Accomack has been secured for the protection of the oysters in Virginia waters the trouble with the Maryland marauders has stopped.

The Accomack is at present laid up to be inspected by the Government officials, and in the meantime Capt. Costin came to Richmond to report as to the condition of affairs in Chesapeake bay.


fields -- Crops - White potatoes : Quality control

The commission merchants of New York, advise the growers of Irish potatoes on the Eastern Shore "to go slow" in shipping them to market this season. In their opinion there is no need of haste, because in a short time the crop south of us except around Norfolk will have been disposed of and therefore not in competition with ours, and for the further reason, that never before as now, was quality so much insisted on and demanded by the buyers. The reasons given by them really mean one and the same thing, that potatoes sent to market by us now would be trash and that the buyers, while willing to pay for good potatoes, do not want and do not propose to pay much for the inferior article -- and the truth of the above, we are prepared to believe, because while in New York this week, we saw good potatoes which sold readily for $4 per barrel, when the inferior article went slow and was not wanted at $1.25 and $1.50 per barrel. Briefly summed up, the advice which the commission merchants offer to our shippers is, if your potatoes are ripe send them along, if not, keep them until they have matured. Fancy prices for the tuber, say the commission merchants, need not be expected, but fair prices they believe, will be realized for them, if a proper regard is paid to the quality and the time of sending them to market.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
June 15, 1895