Peninsula Enterprise, July 6, 1895


Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcement

Alonzo Howard, of Crisfield, Md., captured by Capt. James Costin, of steamer Accomac for catching crabs and oyster in Virginia on last Wednesday was brought by him to Accomac C. H., on that day, and after a hearing before justice George F. Parker, he was sent to jail to wait the action of the grand jury.


Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Excursions

Thursday, July 25th, has been the day named for the grand annual excursion form all local stations to Ocean City, given by the courtesy of the "New York, Philadelphia and Norfolk Railroad Co.," and "The Baltimore, Chesapeake and Atlantic Railway Co.," for the benefit of the "Eastern Shore Division No. 374, Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers." The rates from Cape Charles to Tasley for the round trip are $1.70 -- from Parksley to New Church $1.45.


Infrastructure -- Commercial - Newspapers

The editor of the Eastern Shore Press says in its issue of Thursday, that with that number the paper will cease to be published under its present management and its circulation will be indefinitely postponed. A broader and more profitable field of labor has been opened to him.


Professionals -- Teachers

Miss Annie E. Ashmead, of Craddockville, left last week for Bedford City to attend the Summer School of Methods at that place.


Moral -- Other

The six colored men convicted and sentenced to penitentiary at June term of court, were taken to that institution by Deputy Sheriff Melson on yesterday.


Moral -- Property crime


On last Saturday night some thief or thieves paid their respects to the premises of Mr. Major E. Selby, of this place, by breaking into his meat house and hennery. They carried off some 75 or 100 pounds of meat and two old hens. The parties left nothing by which they can be identified, but were plainly tracked by their footprints some distance into Maryland.


Infrastructure -- Commercial - Millineries

Marsh Market.

Mrs. Gresham, milliner, from Lancaster county, Va., has recently located near this place and will do anything in her line in first-class style on reasonable terms.


Transportation -- Railroad - Personnel


Mr. Martin L. Parks, operator of Thurlow, Pa., after a visit of ten days to his parents, returned to his work last week.

Maryland Dealer in Virginia Licenses.

Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcement

Capt. James Costin, of the Virginia oyster navy, while in pursuit of violators of the oyster laws of Virginia on last Wednesday, overhauled two Marylanders, George H. Sterling and J. Byrd, of Crisfield, Md., with Virginia licenses, who in accounting for their possession of same, gave information leading to the conclusion, that a Marylander had the novel occupation of dealer in Virginia licenses. One of the parties, George H. Sterling, whose license is before us, stated to Capt. Costin, that it had been secured for him by one Capt. John Cox, of Crisfield, and that he had paid to said Cox for it the sum of seven dollars. The license was issued under the signature of J. D. [illegible] inspector district No. 10 of Gloucester Co., Va., bearing date June 21st, 1895, for the ensuing year. Sterling and Byrd both acknowledged that they were citizens of Crisfield Md., and Cox is known to the people of this county as a citizen of Maryland, with small possessions in Virginia, by virtue of which when it is in his interest to do so he, doubtless, would not hesitate to claim citizenship in this State. About forty of their licenses, Capt. Corbin says, according to information obtained by him which he regards as authentic, have been issued to citizens of Maryland.

The Sanctificationists.

Infrastructure -- Public : Churches

A letter from Old Trap, Camden county, N. C., states that the "Sanctificationists," who have gone there from Chincoteague Island, Accomac county, are demoralizing in the extreme. The writer says: "I think if these people stay here much longer half the inhabitants will go crazy. Already two men have lost their reason, the mind of one becoming unbalanced because the church of which he is a member is torn with dissension. The membership of this church was about 100 before the band came here, but now there are scarcely more than a dozen who do not side with the new comers. If they continue their work here much longer, I am satisfied that I will not live long enough to see the evil of their influence destroyed."

Harmanson-West Camp.

Infrastructure -- Public : MonumentsTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Veterans


In the last issue of your paper, reference is made to the failure of the ex Confederates composing Harmanson-West Camp, to have the meeting on the 4th of July, for the purpose of raising funds for a monument to our dead; which would seem to reflect upon the few -- less than a dozen -- who have taken an active interest in the matter. I wish to say in the beginning that your motive is appreciated; together with your aid at all times. When I first suggested a monument, I felt sure of the enthusiastic co-operation at all ex-soldiers, and the assistance of our people, and I still believe that with proper work our object may yet be accomplished. Our first and second meetings were well attended, and all seemed interested; but gradually our numbers became less, until less than a dozen were left, who attended all meetings promptly, and I must say, worked faithfully, but with poor encouragement from the people, when asked for contributions. Some of our most enthusiastic members at first have never shown the least interests since, and some ex-soldiers, too thoroughly reconstructed, I presume, have never been present, but we will not despair, hoping in the near future for more prosperous times, when our people will be better prepared to give us substantial aid. Why should our two counties be behind many others in the State, even those left desolate after the war? It is not a matter of sentiment, but a duty alike to our dead and ourselves, and would be an object-lesson of love for the cause they represented and the principles involved -- that they were not rebels, but patriots who obeyed the call of their State and South-land, in defence of their homes, and rights guaranteed by the Constitution. Should we ever erect a monument or not to our dead, their memory will ever be cherished, and the cause they died for dear to you hearts, and --

"On fame's eternal camping ground, There silent tents are spread, And glory guards with solemn round, The bivouac of the dead."

Our camp has enrolled the names of all known ex-soldiers and sailors from the Eastern Shore, who served in the army or navy, giving company and regiment, if killed or died in the service, and will have this transcribed and deposited in some suitable and safe place, such as the Confederate museum in Richmond.

Our Camp will have a meeting at Parksley, on the third Wednesday in July, at 12:30 p.m., and we hope there will be a full attendance. We may consider the propriety of joining the United Confederate Veterans, and at least have the pleasure of adding our mite to the proposed monument to our devoted leader, ex-President Davis.


Commander H.-W. C. C. V.


Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcement

The conclusion is inevitable from facts submitted elsewhere, that a Marylander enjoys the unique distinction of a dealer in Virginia licenses, and an oyster inspector of Virginia seems to have been the instrument through whom he has operated in plying his trade. The Virginia official may be able to explain how John Cox has secured through him licenses for forty non-resident tongmen or more, and he ought to be permitted to do so, but, in giving his explanation, he ought to be required also to state, whether George Sterling and the other forty tongmen applied for registration and license to take oyster with ordinary oyster tongs and made oath before him, as the law requires, of being a resident of the State, etc. Sterling says that he did not, but that Cox secured the license for himself and all of the other Marylanders, and if his statement be true, then the inspector of Gloucester county has either ignorantly or fraudulently exceeded his authority. If the application and oath necessary to secure a license can be made through another person and Cox made them for Sterling and others, then Cox has either perjured himself, or the inspector has not administered the oath as the law requires. Viewing the question as we may, whatever the means by which Cox has been invested with the power of peddling Virginia licenses, an investigation seems necessary and Capt. Costin deserves the thanks of the Commonwealth for his vigilance as an officer in exposing the fraud, and thereby preventing, it is to be hoped, the wholesale depredation upon our oyster beds which seems to have been intended.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
July 6, 1895