Peninsula Enterprise, January 12, 1895


reprinted from Wicomico News.

We understand that "two wild and woolly negroes" who cut such a terrible swath around Salisbury during December, have at last left this section and taken up quarters in Virginia. Last week they were located in the brick yard of the Slemons-Lankford brick company and after they made their escape, their den was entered, and a side of bacon, cooking utensils and a bag of flour were found hidden away.


Transportation -- Water - Freight

Four hundred and fifty barrels of sweet potatoes were shipped to Baltimore on Steamer Eastern Shore, from Boggs Wharf, last Wednesday.


Moral -- Vandalism

Belle Haven.

The barn and stables belonging to Mr. George W. Abdell were entirely destroyed by fire on Monday night. Two fine horses and a calf, also about twenty barrels of corn, fodder, lime, phosphate, farming utensils and many other things were burned. Loss about $750, insurance $350. The alarm of fire was sounded as people were leaving church about 9 o'clock and although a large crowd soon gathered they were unable to save anything except a mule belonging to Mr. William L. Humphreys, which was badly burned. This is the third attempt to fire the property within the past ten months. On Tuesday morning suspicion pointed strongly to Sudie Nock, a deaf and dumb girl, who was promptly arrested, tried before Squires Blackstone and Taylor and sent to jail to await action of the grand jury.


Professionals -- Seafood dealersSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideInfrastructure -- Utilities - IceTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - BicyclingTransportation -- Water - FreightMoral -- Property crimeInfrastructure -- Public : Churches


J. J. English, Philadelphia, spent several days with us this week soliciting oyster shipments.

Messrs. Mumford and Gordy took advantage of the freeze last week and filled their ice houses with ice, 4 inches thick.

The bicycle craze has struck us. Several wheels were bought by our young men and boys as Xmas presents for themselves.

Schooners Thomas Thomas and Boneta loaded with week with oysters for Fair Haven, Conn.; Schooners Recruit and Robertson and Sloop John Wesley with like cargo for New York and Schooners Medora Frances and Palestine with like cargo for Norfolk, Va.

Capt. John D. Whealton, Sr., while in New York City, last week, was robbed of $84 and watch and chain worth $25. It was taken from the cupboard of his boat while he was up town, by one of his crew, a resident of New York city. The thief escaped.

Thirteen of the "Sanctified band" left here some weeks ago for Baltimore and finding they were not wanted there, went to Elizabeth City, N. C., which place they have since been ordered by the mayor to leave or be locked up. Those left here, we understand, are anxious to resume their meetings and more trouble and expense to the county may be expected, if they do. One of the gang, a Mrs. Gray, has deserted her husband and four little children. She left the children alone while asleep one night last week while her husband, who was a surfman at Green Run Life Saving station, was from home, and who has since been compelled to resign his position, to take care of them.


Tourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - Hunting : Waterfowl and shorebirdTourists and sportsmen -- Field sports - GuidesTransportation -- Road - Shell surfacingInfrastructure -- Commercial - Residential construction


Ducking is the sport hereabouts now. Peter Payne of "Confederate fame," charges $2 per day to take parties out on bay and sound.

Sergeant Riley has been shelling the streets this week.

Ice in the creek has melted.

The residence of Mr. Beauchamp on Johnson avenue, is nearly ready to be occupied.


Transportation -- Water - SailboatsInfrastructure -- Utilities - IceFields -- Other machinery


Walker Bros., have bought half interest in the schooner Four Sisters of Capt. J. R. Sparrow.

During the late cold snap large quantities of ice were saved by the citizens of our town -- enough perhaps to meet all their demands for this year.

S. W. Ames & Co., are still abreast of the times on agricultural implements and seeds and are now offering the well known Deering mowers and reapers, &c., very low, with prices on plows and castings to suit the times.

Peninsula Enterprise
Accomac Court House
January 12, 1895