Peninsula Enterprise, September 22, 1894
Moral -- Murder
Application for bail for Arthur and William Wright was withdrawn by his attorney last Monday without being heard by the court.
Infrasturcture -- Public - Government : County
The boundaries of the processioning precincts of Accomac county are the same as when the lands were last processioned five years ago.
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Surveying
The report of the survey made by Lieutenant Baylor of the natural oyster rocks, beds and shoals, of Tangier and Pocomoke sounds, was filed in our county court clerk's office as the law directs on the 21st day of June, 1894. Corrections of omissions, if any, in said survey, can be made within four months from the date aforesaid, by petition of not less than 25 residents of the county, in the manner provided by Act of Legislation entitled "An Act to protect the oyster industry of the Commonwealth" approved February 29, 1892, as amended by Act approved March 2, 1894.
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SurveyingTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Second homesTransportation -- Water - FreightInfrastructure -- Public : Churches
Lieut. Baylor, of U. S. Fish Commission, and the State and county commissioners are still here for the purpose of making survey of our natural oyster rocks, &c.
Mr. G. Sherritt and family closed their summer cottage last week and moved back to their winter home in Baltimore.
Schooner Thomas Thomas arrived here this week with cargo of coal, which was sold at $5 per ton.
The P. W. & B. R. R. officials made an inspecting tour this week, of their road and of boats, wharf, &c., here.
Lynch and three others of the "Sanctified Band" now in jail, are there because of their refusal to give bond in penalty of $150 each, which was required of them by Justice Reynolds, before whom they were arraigned last week. They are no worse than some others left behind, and our people are heartily sick of the whole crowd -- so much so that further trouble may be expected, unless checks are put upon them and their disgraceful doings. The people of the Island generally are very sore over the matter, and naturally are disgusted with the false reports, by which the good name of Chincoteague has been made to suffer. The "Sanctified crowd" in no way represent us, and it is hard to be classed with them as we have been, when the most of us not only are in no respect any part or parcel of them, but have a contempt for them and their methods.
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcementTransportation -- Road - MaintenanceTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Boat racing
Police oyster steamer Accomac put into Harborton this week for repairs.
Mr. James F. Hope, supervisor of the roads of this district, has proven himself a very efficient officer. The roads in this district have been materially improved in the short time he has had the office.
Victor, the bateau belonging to Mr. John L. Warren, was an easy winner in the race at Cedar View recently, over its competitor, the bateau Undine, belonging to Drummond & Doughty, and secured the prize, $10, offered to the fastest bateaux 18 feet and under.
Transportation -- Water - FreightTransportation -- Railroad - Rates and faresSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : SeasideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Surveying
Five cargoes of sweet potatoes have been shipped from this wharf. The average returns have been compared so favorably with those shipped by rail that our farmers feel very much encouraged, and there is little doubt, the enterprise will now be made a permanent one.
Lieut. Baylor and party, surveying the oyster grounds of seaside, have established headquarters here, and the pleasant, gentlemanly deportment of the surveyors have already won them many friends.
Memorial Meeting.
reprinted from Cape Charles Headlight.Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Veterans
There will be a grand entertainment given at Parksley on the 29th. Refreshments will be spread in profusion and a grand time is expected. The object of the entertainment is to raise funds to aid in erecting a memorial to the memory of Eastern Shore heroes who yielded up their lives in the late war for what they believed to be right, and it is hoped that the good people of the two counties will on this occasion respond to the worthy cause and assist in this effort to perpetuate their names to the end of time. Col. R. T. W. Duke, of Charlottesville, Va., who is an eloquent speaker, will be present and deliver an address in its behalf, and other able men are expected to be there and participate in the exercises of the day. Let everybody who can, from both counties, go and lend all the aid in their power to this noble cause. Excursion rates will be given on the trains that day, and it is hoped all will go. It will be an enjoyable trip, to say the least of it.
Tax on Corporations.
Infrastructure -- Public - Government : Taxation
At the meeting of the Board of Supervisors on 12th inst., the amount of county levy, county school tax, road tax and district school tax to be collected for year 1894, from N. Y., P. & N. R. R., Del., Md. & Va. R. R., and Eastern Shore Steamboat Co., was levied -- the taxes being 10 cents on every $100 of assessed value of property as ascertained by the Board of Public Works of Virginia, except the road tax, which is 20 cents on $100.
Prohibition Convention.
Moral -- Alcohol
The Prohibitionists of the First District will meet at Onancock, Va., on October 3rd, 2:30 p.m., to make a nomination for Congress. W. W. Gibbs, State Chairman and Rev. Samuel W. Small, of Norfolk will be present and make addresses both afternoon and night. All are invited.
W. S. MILLS, President, Prohibition Club, Onancock, Va.
Four of the "Sanctified Band" in Jail.
Moral -- Other
Joseph B. Lynch, the leader, and William J. Chandler, John E. Collins and Sarah B. Collins, of the "Sanctified Band" of Chincoteague Island, were received at the county jail last Sunday. They stand committed by Justice of the Peace Richard P. Reynolds, who resides on the Island, to answer indictment for the following offences:
"For a misdemeanor by them committed, in this that they did, on the 26th day of September, 1893, and on divers other days and times, before and afterwards, in the county of Accomac, unlawfully, and injuriously conspire, one with the other, to commit, and did commit acts of indecency. That they did cause Mary E. Burton to leave her husband, Woolsey Burton. That the said persons did conspire together and promulgate the doctrine commonly called "free love," teaching married women to disregard their marriage vows. That said persons did conspire to appoint a male and female member as fellow-watchers, to sit up at night and watch. That by the acts of said persons, Joseph B. Lynch, William J. Chandler, John E. Collins and Sarah E. Collins, the people of Chincoteague Island to some extent have been scandalized. That the said Joseph B. Lynch, William J. Chandler, John E. Collins and Sarah E. Collins, with others, did counsel the separation of wives and husbands. That the said persons, with others, in said county, have formed themselves into an organized band, in order to do their indecent work more successfully, and otherwise misbehaving themselves, to the great damage and common nuisance of all the good people of this Commonwealth, residing on Chincoteague Island, in the county of Accomac."
Sea -- Shellfish - Oystering : BaysideSea -- Shellfish - Oystering : Law enforcementInfrastructure -- Public - Government : Maryland-Virginia boundary
The schooners William E. Price and C. W. Stevenson, lately in custody of the sheriff of Accomac county and sunk in Pungoteague Creek for safe keeping, were surrendered by said sheriff on the 19th inst., to Capt. Benjamin F. Marsh, the person designated by the Governor of Maryland to receive them. This generosity of Virginia through her Executive possibly may be appreciated by Maryland, At all events, Col. Hodson, "let us have peace."
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Veterans
An article from the Headlight published elsewhere in our columns in regard to an "entertainment," to be held at Parksley, on the 29th inst., "to raise funds to aid in erecting a memorial to the memory of Eastern Shore heroes" will be a genuine surprise to most of our readers. They knew that the "entertainment" to which it refers was contemplated, but that it had assumed a definite shape or that the time had been definitely determined upon the most of them, like us, doubtless were in ignorance. The time, as we understood the resolution, passed by the Harmanson-West Camp Confederate veterans at a late meeting relative to the "entertainment" at Parksley, was to be thoroughly advertised through the papers, by posters and otherwise and that efforts were made through committees and otherwise to interest the whole people of the Eastern Shore in the matter. That no official notice has been given is not only a surprise to us, but we fear that the result of the lack of preparation will cause the meeting to fall far short of the object for which it was intended. The above is written by us with no intention surely of disparaging the meeting, but because we wanted it to be worthy of our heroes who fell in the "Lost Cause" and so prolific in results, that we would no longer delay, for a lack of funds, in raising a shaft to their memory worthy of their heroism and the righteous cause for which they surrendered their lives to their country. But if the meeting cannot be what we hoped it to be, that will be no excuse for anyone who is advised in the matter, to fail to do all in their power to repair the wrong which we have done to our dead heroes by neglecting them any longer. Every Eastern Shoreman who can, should be present at Parksley on the day designated and help to make it by all the means in their power a grand success. What the program of exercises will be we cannot say, as we are not advised, but it is enough for all to know, who loved the "Lost Cause," that the object of the meeting is to perpetuate the memory of those who fought for it, and that Col. R. T. W. Duke, of Charlottesville, will be present and deliver an oration worthy of the occasion.