Peninsula Enterprise, July 14, 1894
Moral -- Murder
Annie Green, colored, near Mappsville, was committed to jail last Saturday, charged with drowning her two month's old baby in a well.
Professionals -- BuildersInfrastructure -- Commercial - Banks
Mr. J. O. Taylor, Accomac C. H., has received the contract for tinning and galvanizing on the new bank building at Onancock.
Infrastructure -- Public : Fire companies
The buildings and most of the stock of the Cape Charles Ice and Lumber Company, Cape Charles, were destroyed by fire last Sunday. Loss about $15,000 -- insurance $6600. The wind was blowing in the direction of the town at the time and a building in the centre of it, about 400 yards distant, caught fire from the burning debris, which would have resulted in the destruction of the whole town but for the timely discovery of the same.
Transportation -- Railroad - Rates and faresTransportation -- Water - Freight
We have had plenty of rain and crops are looking well, though farmers are rather blue over the low price of potatoes.
Our farmers are liberally patronizing the line of sail vessels running from Atlantic wharf to New York and Philadelphia. A schooner loads with potatoes every day. The railroad's greed and discrimination against us has taught our people to look out for cheaper freights. The schooners charge 25 cents per barrel and that is all the railroad ought to charge. They carry potatoes to Baltimore for 20 cents and charge 35 cents to Philadelphia and 40 to New York because they have had but little opposition to those points, but let the farmers patronize the boats, all along the Peninsula, and show they resent the discrimination against them. By this course they will save money and ultimately get better rates from the railroad. Many thousand barrels will go from Atlantic wharf this year, where all have gone by rail heretofore. From 400 to 550 barrels a day will amount to quite a large total at the end of the season.
Fields -- Livestock - HorsesTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Boat racingTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Second homesTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - ResortsTransportation -- Railroad - SteamboatsTransportation -- Water - FreightInfrastructure -- Utilities - Ice
The annual pony penning will come off as announced in last issue of ENTERPRISE, at Chincoteague, on August 2nd, Assateague, August 3rd, and on the 2nd day there will be a free-for-all boat race, to which everybody is invited. First race will be open to skiffs, batteaux and canoes, 17 feet and under, and the winner will get $15 in cash. Second race will be open also to all kinds of boats 16 feet and under, and the winner in that race will get $10 in cash. On the 4th of August big prizes will be given to boats of their classes at Ocean City. A festival will also be held by M. P. Church on 2nd day. A horse race also is talked of on same day. It is proposed to make it one full of pleasure to everyone in attendance.
Mr. Sheart, of Baltimore, arrived last week, and is now in his cottage on Assateague.
A large number of the members of the Wallops Island Club and their friends are at the club at this time than ever before.
Steamer Chincoteague has been ordered to Wilmington for an "overhauling." She will be there only a few days.
A large bell has been put up by the merchants in the centre of our town, which is rung promptly at 9 p. m., when all of our stores close.
Schooners Palestine, Elliott, Conner and D. J. Whealton arrived this week partly loaded with coal, schooner Medora Francis with corn and schooner Eleanora with ice.
Infrastructure -- Public : ChurchesTransportation -- Water - Freight
Marsh Market.
The farmers have finished shipping round potatoes. The returns were not always satisfactory.
The Rev. J. T. Edmondson will preach the dedicatory sermon at Shiloh new Baptist Church on next Sunday, at 10 a. m. At 2 p. m. there will be a mass meeting composed of the Sabbath Schools of Mappsville, Bethel, Halls' Chapel and Shiloh.
Your correspondent is authorized to say, that there is no truth in the report, that the Hiram Murray while on her way from Hall's wharf to Baltimore, last week, sprung a leak and ruined 60 barrels of the 190 barrels of potatoes which she had on board. They did not get wet, but were injured by the warm weather.
Professionals -- Doctors
Saturday last was the funeral in Modestown Church of Dr. John R. Bowdoin, who died in Mappsville, Thursday night, after long and wasting illness. Rev. J. L. King prayed earnestly for the bereaved widow and children. The music was tender and solemn, the casket very beautiful, with cross and anchor of white flowers. Dr. John J. Wise and brethren of the church were pall bearers. The pastor, Rev. W. W. Wood, preached to a large and sympathetic congregation, briefly sketching his character, and the dear old man was laid in the church yard by loving hands. He was 74 years, 11 months and 6 days old and had practiced medicine among these people forty-nine years. Perhaps, he has visited and ministered in every home. How they will miss their noble friend, "the beloved physician." He was a courteous, dignified, old Virginia gentleman, and upright christian, a helper of all good work. Baptized seven years ago by Rev. J. W. Ward, into the fellowship of Modestown Baptist Church, he loved it well, and was respected and loved by all its members. His end was easy and peaceful, and he had a bright hope of Heaven.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - BaseballForests -- Barrel factories Transportation -- Road - Maintenance
Most everybody around here is talking "base ball" and as a natural consequence, are proud of the Parksley club, especially in view of the fact that they virtually play strictly home team, all of the club residing in Parsley, or have lived there a part of each year for several years past.
The attendance at Parksley last Wednesday to see the game of base ball almost equalled a camp-meeting crowd.
The picnic held on Half Moon Island, last Wednesday, was a great success. A large number of people attended and everybody seemed to enjoy themselves.
Our barrel factories are running on full time.
D. F. White began work on his roads last week and it is well spoken of by our people generally, who say this system has been needed for a long time.
Lumbermen -- Personal injuryInfrastructure -- Utilities - TelephoneTourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - BicyclingTransportation -- Road - Maintenance
A. F. Sedgwick while working in J. T. Auld's steam saw mill hit his hand against the saw and nearly cut off four of his fingers.
The Eastern Shore Telephone Company has its line in operation now and we can talk with parties at Keller or Harborton. This is a big convenience to the community.
The bicycle track is patronized a great deal in our town. The track is a good one.
Mr. J. F. Hope, supervisor of this precinct, is putting some improvements where they were badly needed.
Virginia's Own Daughter.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Theatre
Belle Boyd, the famous confederate heroine of Stonewall Jackson and Shenandoah Valley fame, whose unswerving devotion to the cause which she espoused has made her loved of the Southern people and the story of whose daring deeds and dashing exploits read like a thrilling romance or war story of fiction, will make a short tour of the Eastern Shore, appearing in a dramatic narrative of her own personal exploits, experiences and events of which she was an eye witness. Associated with Miss Belle Boyd will be found Nat R. High's comedians, an up to date organization of comedy players in songs, dances and funny comedy.
Not only is Belle Boyd a character of historical interest, but the press on the Eastern Shore of Maryland say that she gives the best entertainment seen there in years. Belle Boyd will be at Parksley on Monday evening, July 16th, and Onancock on Tuesday evening, July 17th. See small posters.
Base-ball -- Parksley Defeats Pocomoke.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Baseball
About eight hundred people saw Parksley defeat Pocomoke at Parksley, last Tuesday, in the finest game of base-ball that has ever, in all probability, been played on the Eastern Shore of Virginia. The result was in doubt until the ninth inning had been played, although Parksley had a slight lead all the way through the game.
The game was characterized by clever and effective battery work, brilliant fielding and light batting. Lewis and Schuchts (the latter, by the way, is from Baltimore,) both did exceptionally fine work in the box, but the Parksley team gave their pitcher almost faultless support both behind the bat and in the field.
Especially noticeable was the work of White at 3rd, Scott at 2nd, Colonna at short, and Parker and McCready in the outfield, while catcher White acquitted himself in a manner that would have done credit to the great Robinson himself. For Pocomoke, the Handy's Zearfoss, Deakin and Polk did the best work.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Boat racing
A regatta under the management of Metompkin Beach Co., will take place at Metompkin Inlet, Friday, July 20th.
First race -- Open to all boats 16 feet in length and under.
Second race -- Open to all boats 14 feet and under.
Cash prizes only will be given to winners. Everybody invited.
Steamer Idler will convey passengers to and from the races.
Camp-Meeting at New Church.
Infrastructure -- Public : Camp meetings
A camp-meeting will be held at New Church, this county, commencing August 4th and continuing 10 days. A meeting will be held on the grounds July 17th, 3 p. m., to sell to the highest bidders, privileges such as confectionary and ice cream stand, boarding tent, horse pound. All desiring to tent with us are requested to meet on the grounds on the 17th inst., and select sites. All are welcome to tent with us who may desire to do so.
B. WHEATLEY, Pastor.
Grand Moonlight Excursion.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Excursions
The steamer Tangier will make an excursion by moonlight to Point Lookout on Tuesday, July 17th, leaving Messongo at 11 a. m., Hunting Creek, 12.30 p. m., Crisfield, 3.30 p. m., arriving at Point Lookout about 6 p. m. Fare from all points -- for adults 50 cents, children under 10 years 25 cents. Ice cream, lemonade and confectioneries furnished at reasonable prices.
Letters from the People.
Tourists and sportsmen -- Other recreation - Bicycling
To Bicycle Riders of Accomac:
Fellow Wheelmen: -- The cycle riders in Accomac are now numbered by the hundred, and the time has arrived when we can be of great mutual benefit by organizing ourselves into a wheelman's league. The benefit to be derived from such an organization are numerous and need not be pointed out to any thinking rider. One grand work the leagues have accomplished in many sections of the country is the bringing about of splendid roads. What others have accomplished so may we and thus prove not only a benefit to ourselves, but a blessing to the public. Let us make the effort. I respectfully suggest we all meet at the Fair Grounds one day of the fair and effect and organization, or probably better, meet at Parksley at an earlier date and organize, so we can meet one day of the fair en masse and exhibit our strength and numbers. Will not some other riders make suggestions in the next issue of this paper, and aid in working up an interest in the matter. We call on our county papers to assist our effort. Will every wheelman in the county oblige me by kindly sending me at once his name and address on a postal card, and the name of his wheel. Friends, let us act. Yours,
C. E. Byrd, Temperanceville, Va.
Transportation -- Railroad - Rates and faresTransportation -- Water - Freight
Our farmers for the most part concur in the sentiment of the correspondent from Accomac, in this issue, that the shipment of produce from the Eastern Shore must be sent by schooners unless better rates can be secured by rail. The question to be solved by them is, will they back their sentiments by their acts. According to the Inter-State Commerce Commission 30 cents per barrel was a reasonable charge. Will the farmers by concert of action demand and obtain rates fair to them, just to the railroad company?